How to permanently get rid of cockroaches in the hostel
- Cockroaches in the house
- Boric acid and egg yolks
Getting rid of cockroaches is not easy in any situation, but it is especially difficult to kill cockroaches in a hostel. This is caused not only by the usual causes of pests, but also by the fact that there are too many neighbors and it is not possible to agree with everyone about the observance of certain living conditions. The common kitchen, which has no owners, and no one really cares for it, is simply a breeding ground for insects in the hostel.
But even with such initial data, most people want to live in comfortable conditions and clean rooms without Prusak. Therefore, getting rid of cockroaches in the hostel, it is necessary to involve as many neighbors as possible in the fight.
Fighting tips
The main forces should be directed to the creation of unfit insects. For effective destruction should take advantage of the biological features of the form:
- The need for water. Cockroaches in a hostel, as in any other places, need constant access to water. It is very important to deprive them of this access: to repair the current pipes and taps, to wipe dry the sink, cabinets, showers. Care must be taken to ensure that water does not remain in the public domain.
- Developed sense of smell. Cockroaches are able to smell food at a great distance, therefore, in order to get rid of cockroaches in a hostel, it is necessary to carefully pack food after a meal, to remove all leftovers, to wipe the table.
- The love of dirt. Cockroaches prefer to live in cluttered areas where cleaning is not done or is extremely rare. When discussing a plan of struggle with neighbors, it is necessary to agree to regularly wash dishes, throw garbage daily, clean the floor in rooms and common areas with disinfectants.
- Fear of cold. Insects do not tolerate negative temperaturestherefore, in the winter time, those who want to get rid of cockroaches in the dormitory should open the air vents before freeing out, freezing prusaks in their rooms.
To physically destroy the black wenchjust swatting it with slippers is not enough. True death overtakes only those who have been nailed to get a "wet place".
Folk remedies
Cockroaches in the hostel can be defeated with simple folk remedies, the most popular of which - boric acid. You need to buy at the pharmacy a few packs of this powder. You can use the tool in its pure form, but you can make "treats". Observing the rules, you can get rid of cockroaches in a room for only a month.
The powder is scattered in the favorite habitats of the Prussians:
- behind the furniture;
- along the kitchen baseboards, in the hallway;
- around sinks, toilet bowls;
- under the table;
- near the trash can.
The product works when insects enter the stomach. Beetles stain body, paws and antennae in powder. Trying to cleanse, they swallow boric acid particles.In order for a many-legged “animal” to die, a certain amount of substance must accumulate in its body - this is the main reason for the delayed action when using boric acid. If the tool is a long time, the cockroach is constantly getting dirty in it, it is constantly cleaned, increasing the dose of the drug in the body. Often, soiled insects in contact with their relatives apply powder to them. The result of the application can be seen in 2-3 weeks after spilling.
Very often for the destruction of cockroaches used treats based on boron. To do this, boil an egg and potatoes. Ready yolk and potato mash in puree, add acid. If necessary, it can be diluted with water. From the resulting mass roll balls and lay them around the perimeter of the room. In this form, the tool is more attractive to the cockroach, so the lethal dose accumulates faster.
Industrial facilities
You can get rid of cockroaches in a hostel with conventional insecticides:
- gels (Global, Raptor, Klopkan, Dohlox, Brownie);
- traps (Raptor, Combat, Brownie, Taiga, Clean House);
- aerosols and sprays (Dichlofox, Combat, Raptor, Karbofos, Geth, Cucaracha, Clean house);
- fumigators and aquafumigators (Raptor);
- Dustov;
- smoke bombs;
- powders.
The most popular among students are flavored gels that attract Prusack. Cockroaches absorb such food more readily than human food. Insects die within a day after applying the drug. The most active Prusak are killed first. They not only eat the poison themselves, but also bring it to their relatives. The results are noticeable by the end of the first week. Gels are left on surfaces for up to a month. After that, you should change the means so that cockroaches are not accustomed to the active substances.
If none of the ways to get rid of cockroaches in the hostel, you must call the appropriate service. Considering that we are talking about a hostel, it is better not to apply to the paid disinsection services, but to the SES. The services of this office will be inexpensive, only you need to fill out certain papers.
Only speaking in a united front, the residents of the hostel can get rid of cockroaches.