How to etch cockroaches in an apartment at home

Cockroach - baleen insect, with which almost every person is familiar. In nature, there are more than 5,000 species of these parasites.It is enough for one of them to get into the apartment, as after a while you will have to share your living space with a whole horde of cockroach. Hardly anyone would be delighted with such a neighborhood. After all, small pests not only cause a feeling of disgust, they dangerous to humans, being carriers of diseases such as helminthiasis, hepatitis or tuberculosis. Therefore, the question of how to destroy cockroaches becomes relevant for those who are forced to observe the movement of these insects in their apartment.

Insect features

The cockroach is a very mobile red-brown or black insect, having an oval-shaped body, flat to 3 cm in length. Such a structure allows it to penetrate the most inaccessible places and narrow slits, as well as move on a vertical surface, which makes it difficult to destroy them. Life expectancy of insects more than a year.

Interesting! Without food, a cockroach can live for about 40 days, for about 70 days without water. Hungry insects can attack and eat each other. Their bites are also dangerous for people.

Signs of room contamination

Cockroaches in the house
Cockroaches in the house

If a cockroaches appeared in the apartment, it is necessary to begin their destruction.Such signs indicate their presence.

  1. The presence on the shelves of kitchen furniture, wallpaper or dishes small black balls resembling poppy seeds. It is nothing like the waste products.
  2. Masonry with eggs. Such capsules can be found on the kitchen shelves or in the corners of the apartment.
  3. With a large accumulation of cockroaches in the room there is an unpleasant smell.
  4. Insects are actively looking for sources of food and water not only at night. A cockroach running across the floor or furniture can also be found during the day.

Causes of

Most of the small cockroaches can be found on the kitchen or in the bathroom - these are places where there are ideal conditions for their life. Where:

  • There is a lot of food: crumbs on the table or floor, disposable food waste, dirty dishes;
  • Improper storage of food products (unpacked or in a leakproof container);
  • There is a source for drinking: puddles of water near the sink or bath;
  • Unscrupulous neighbors. Unsanitary conditions in the next apartment can cause cockroaches in your home.

It is possible to bring insects into the house with furniture, provisions or things. But get rid of these parasites once and for all - a long and difficult path.

Cockroach Control Techniques

Today there is a mass of universal chemical and folk remediescapable of destroying cockroaches in an apartment forever.


Very popular with consumers for the destruction of insects today are insecticidal gelswho are able to etch cockroaches in a few days. The product is sold in large syringes or tubes, which simplifies the method of use: strips (up to 2 cm) are applied in a dotted way around the entire perimeter of the room.

Cockroach Gels
Cockroach Gels

The most effective for destruction are the following brands:


“Cockroaches did not appear for the first time. Previously, we tried to do with folk methods, but they helped for a while. This time they decided to fight with gel Raptor. Cockroaches disappeared, although not immediately. ”

Elena, Moscow


You can crush cockroaches in an apartment with an aerosol. This method allows you to destroy the parasites very quickly. It is especially convenient for handling hard-to-reach places. In order to avoid an allergic reaction, the procedure should be carried out in the most closed clothes, rubber gloves and a mask. The presence of children and pets in this process is unacceptable.After the time specified in the instructions, the apartment should be thoroughly ventilated and the dead insects removed.

The following aerosols have proven themselves to eliminate pests today:

Powders and crayons

Exterminate cockroaches in the apartment can be using insecticidal type small Masha and powders or Dustov. They are applied in places of intended habitat. The advantages of this method of pest control are:

  • Possibility of processing in hard to reach places;
  • Ease of use;
  • Safety for humans and pets.

The disadvantages include:

  • Fast addictive insects;
  • The need for re-processing;
  • The low efficiency of the destruction of cockroaches (they should be used in the initial stages of infection of the premises, with a large accumulation of insects do not give a good result).
Crayons from cockroaches
Crayons from cockroaches

The most popular are:

  • crayons Masha;
  • Clean house;
  • Tornado or powders Medilis Ziper;
  • Pure world.


“Cockroaches appeared in my grandmother’s house. She fought with them in the old-fashioned way with small Masha.But since there were too many of them, as a result, we had to use aerosols and traps. Masha in our case did not help. "

Igor, Krasnodar


Traps refer to one of the effective methods of dealing with the baleen in the apartment. They are safe for people and animals, convenient to use and have no specific smell. Traps are poison boxes with small holes (entrances for cockroaches). Once in such a house, the pest eats the poison and becomes dangerous for their relatives. This method of extermination of parasites is quite effective with a low contamination of the room.

Especially effective bait, attracting cockroaches with its smell. Such traps can be made independently at home. It is enough to glue a piece of cardboard from all sides with adhesive tape or double-sided tape, and in the center put some honey or other sweetness. In search of delicacy, the insect is found with adhesive tape, which it cannot pass.

Destroying cockroaches forever with their own hands is possible in another way. For this you need to pour a little beer or a spoonful of honey to the bottom of the glass jar.The walls and neck of the container should be lubricated with vegetable oil. Getting into the jar, insects will not be able to get out of it. An independent method of extermination of pests does not guarantee complete disposal of parasites, it can only reduce their numbers.

There are also electrical traps. They kill pests by discharging current.

Ultrasonic Cockroach Repellers
Ultrasonic Cockroach Repellers

The best manufacturers of such products, according to consumer comments, are companies:


Microcapsule means of killing cockroaches are also characterized by high efficiency. An example of this is Digox - a drug that allows you to get rid of insects in the shortest possible time and forever. It must be properly dissolved in water according to the instructions, and spray the room with the resulting solution. Insects immediately respond to a highly toxic agent, seeking to leave the treated area.

The disadvantages of Cifox are the high cost, the inability to stay in the apartment for 2 days from the time of treatment, and the need to repeat the procedure, since the tool does not destroy cockroach eggs.


“We got rid of cockroaches with the help of Cifox. The drug was used on the recommendation of friends, whose parasites constantly appear from neighbors. They did not regret despite the high price - insects do not bother us anymore. ”

Elena, Perm

Boric acid

It is possible to show cockroaches in an apartment using the popular method boric acid. White powder is completely safe for the health of people and animals, which is one of the advantages of this tool. The principle of use for the destruction of parasites is quite simple: you need to prepare the bait by mixing boric acid with egg yolk, mashed potatoes or semolina. From the resulting mass, balls are formed and laid out in the habitats of cockroaches. Insecticidal properties of such baits are stored for 2 weeks. To remove the cockroaches completely they must be regularly replaced with fresh ones.

Boric acid
Boric acid

And you can just scatter the powder on the roach paths (along the baseboards, around the sink, toilet and bath). The insect will try to peel it off its paws. Acid, hitting the stomach of the Prusak, paralyzes it.

You can buy boric powder at any pharmacy.In addition, it will cost quite a bit.


Borax is no less famous folk remedy for cockroaches. White powder does not pose a danger to human health and pets, for parasites it is a deadly poison. The principle of destruction is similar to the previous one.


Provides for the destruction of cockroaches and the process of freezing - another popular method that is relevant for the cold season. Many domestic insects can not stand low temperatures. Cockroaches are no exception. Enough to cool the apartment, taking care in advance about the safety of the plumbing and heating system.


You can etch cockroaches with liquid ammonia. Its smell is not like pests. Therefore, it is enough to add this substance to the water for cleaning, and treat all surfaces in the house with a solution. Vinegar or vinegar essence has a similar effect.


“In the fight against cockroaches, folk remedies, in particular, vinegar, did not help us: the effect of them was short-lived and the problem quickly returned. We had to destroy pests with modern chemical means. ”

Olga, Novgorod

Essential oils

Cockroach Remedies
Cockroach Remedies

To prevent the appearance of insects in the apartment will help essential oils. It is enough to add a few drops of lemon balm, eucalyptus, peppermint or cedar oil to the cleaning water. Their smell does not tolerate pests and tend to quickly leave the room. This method is more suitable for prevention than for the destruction of pests.

Pest Control Service

If the above methods did not bring a positive result, you can use the services extermination of cockroaches professional disinsectors. They will help kill all the cockroaches in the apartment at a time, if the call is organized for the whole house. Only in this case, success is guaranteed.


“We live on the first floor and are constantly engaged in the destruction of cockroaches in the apartment. We were helped only by a specialized service. The remaining funds, folk and modern, had only a temporary effect. Therefore, we recommend everyone to contact the professionals! ”

Matvey, Yekaterinburg


In order for cockroaches to leave your apartment forever, you need to think about preventive measures. It is important to create conditions in the apartment under which cockroaches do not survive.

  1. Maintain cleanliness in the apartment: no dirty dishes, crumbs on the floor and tables, proper storage of food (in an airtight container or bag), a clean bin with a tight lid.
  2. Timely eliminate leaks. A toilet bowl, pipe joints, sinks should not become a source of drinking for cockroaches. You should also wipe the surface in the bathroom after the water treatment.
  3. Eliminate crackswhich are a passage for insects from a nearby apartment. It is necessary to carefully examine the ceiling, walls, corners in the room, and if cracks are detected, they should be qualitatively covered. Vents should be covered with a mosquito net.

Adhering to these recommendations, the question of how to destroy cockroaches in an apartment, you will not have.

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