How to kill cockroaches in the apartment

Cockroaches - insects are so ancient that they crawled in the eggs of the first dinosaurs, trying to gnaw through the shell. For so many millennia, these arthropods have changed, but have remained just as omnivorous, viable and adaptable to changing conditions of life. They live in houses, apartments, factories, in stores and even in reactors of nuclear power plants.And after centuries, now and then shy voices are heard from victims of parasite colonies: “How to kill cockroaches?” Oh, if everything was so simple ...

Cockroach Hazard

These insects are not just small - very small. And it is strange that such a large organism as a human being is afraid and is trying with all its might to destroy a small helpless creature. But is it helpless and safe? Prusak danger not exaggerated. To begin with, cockroaches are regulars of garbage dumps, sewers, trash cans and other sources of viruses and bacteria. Therefore, it is not surprising that he is a carrier of worms, pinworms, and there are no dangerous viruses.

Cockroaches not only eat in our homes, but also crap. Insect feces and odor can cause a strong allergic reaction or what is called "fatigue syndrome". Crawling around the house without difficulty, Prusaks climb into electrical appliances, household appliances, disabling devices or contributing to the occurrence of short circuits that can cause a fire.

Cockroaches in the house
Cockroaches in the house

Destroy cockroaches in the apartment, especially if a couple of random "guests" managed to spawn a whole colony of parasites,not an easy task. We will have to use the entire arsenal of tools produced by modern enterprises.


Cockroaches are good actors - they pretend to be so believable, sensing the smell chemicalsthat Stanislavsky himself would have applauded them standing up. Therefore, after finding the corpses of insects after treatment with pesticides, you should send a package with them to the frost or simply flush the “bodies” into the toilet. If you throw them in a bucket, they can “come to life” and continue their activities in your home.

Means of killing

Today there are many ways to kill a cockroach. All methods are conventionally divided into chemical and physical. Before the start of the struggle, you should familiarize yourself with each “ally” and decide which of them should be put under your banners. Before starting treatment, you must tightly close the windows and doors in the apartment. After waiting a certain time after - open them for ventilation. Work with some drugs requires cleaning after disinsection.

To increase the effectiveness of the struggle, it is necessary to deprive cockroaches of the ability to quickly get rid of poisons that have entered the body - it is necessary to block access to water sources.Cockroaches can travel with their owners, hiding in their belongings when moving. They easily migrate from apartment to apartment along ducts, so war should not be fought within the same apartment — it is worthwhile to involve as many neighbors as possible in the struggle.

Folk recipes

Folk remedies for cockroaches
Folk remedies for cockroaches

If there are not too many cockroaches in the apartment, you can try to get rid of them with folk methods, the main advantage of which is safety for humans and animals. With the observance of technology, all these means effectively destroy small colonies of cockroaches.

  • Boric acid. Mixed with mashed potatoes, boiled yolk, powdered sugar or even bread. Laid out in places where Prusak is crowded.
  • Kerosene or turpentine. These means process all surfaces in the kitchen, in the toilet and bathroom, put on furniture legs. Cockroaches do not die, but run from the strong smell, leaving the apartment.
  • Ammonia. Dilute with water and wash them with the floor, tables, walls, doors. You can spray on upholstered furniture. Acts like the previous method.
  • You can use the rejection of cockroach smells of some plants.To do this, in the cabinets or behind them lay wormwood, Bay leaf, tansy, wild rosemary.


You can kill the cockroaches that feel far from visiting your apartment, with the help of specialized drugs. Most of them affect the nervous connections of insects, destroying them. Getting in various ways into the body of a cockroach, means cause paralysis, followed by death.

Preparations are divided into groups according to the form of release:

Sprays and sprays. The competitive advantage is the uniform distribution, which makes it possible to fully process large areas of surfaces throughout the apartment. High efficiency. Minus the funds of this group in high toxicity. Before processing from the apartment it is necessary to remove children and animals. After processing, urgently leave the premises. Requires careful airing. Popular cockroach sprays:

Cockroach Sprays
Cockroach Sprays


Conducting the treatment of the apartment with a spray and aerosols is permissible only in a respirator in order to minimize the likelihood of toxins entering the respiratory system.

GelsConsist of the main component and fatty basis, responsible for the consistency of the tool. Dotted or dotted in places where cockroaches move. Gels have a sufficiently long time, because the base does not allow them to dry quickly. Preparation of a preparation is not required - on sale ready option. Interaction with toxic components is minimized. Easy to use. It should be borne in mind that some materials may leave characteristic fat marks. Not very economical expense. Manufacturers offer the following gels:

Cockroach Gels
Cockroach Gels

Concentrates and emulsions. Not the most convenient form of the drug, because it requires preparation of the solution. The concentration of the active substance is high, which makes it possible to call the agent of this group “the killer of cockroaches”. The most popular brand among this group of funds is Geth.

Crayons and pencils. The most famous - Mashenka. The peak of the popularity of these funds has already passed, because on some points they lose to modern means:

  1. Incompleteness and uneven application.
  2. The possibility of ingress of toxic substances in the human lungs.
  3. Noticeable traces of processing.

With all the shortcomings, many people prefer this way of fighting the multi-legged horde.

Powders and Dusts. Today, they can not be purchased at every store, because they have many shortcomings: the probability of inhalation, uneven distribution, high consumption of the drug. Most Popular:

Dusty from cockroaches-1
Dusty from cockroaches

Snares and scarers

These means of murder can be divided into the following groups:

  • Glue traps: Forsyth, Taiga. Very simple device: a house of cardboard, treated with glue from the inside. The bait is placed in the middle. Cockroaches rush to the fragrant piece, stick and die.
  • Poison traps: Dohloks, Raid, Combat. In addition to bait, they contain poison with insecticidal components. The active substance is placed inside the body, which makes the trap safe for animals.
    Cockroach traps
    Cockroach traps
  • Electric traps. Cockroaches, climbing inside the smell of bait, receive a deadly discharge of current. Traps safe for humans and animals.
  • Ultrasonic Repeller: Typhoon, Banzai, etc. Insects do not die, but leave housing.Experts say that weak waves are not able to affect insects. For scaring requires a more powerful device. Such a trap can affect not only insects, but also animals and even humans.
  • Electromagnetic Repellers: Riddex Repeller, Ecosniper. The device creates a magnetic field, the waves of which cause anxiety in insects, forcing them to leave the housing.


If there are many cockroaches in the house or there is no desire to personally destroy them, you should contact specially trained people who are always ready to help. This option has both advantages and disadvantages.


  • No need to kill the cockroaches themselves. The specialist will come and do everything himself.
  • Efficiency. Disinsectors use only modern, powerful tools.
  • Warranty. Many companies re-process for free, if the first did not bring the desired results.


  • Cost Services for the disinsection of premises will cost 3-7 thousand rubles. The final price depends on the city of residence, area of ​​the room and the number of insects.
  • The need to leave the house at the time of processing and some time after it.


You can kill cockroaches in the apartment, but it is very important to prevent their reappearance. To do this, you must follow the rules of hygiene: clean food in inaccessible places, wash dishes after a meal, clean crumbs and spilled liquids, do not eat in the rooms. It is necessary to throw out garbage every day, wipe the bathtub and the sink dry, and close the toilet.

To prevent insects from entering neighbors, it is necessary to seal all the gaps, close the ventilation holes with a grid. The main thing is not to despair at the sight of insects, but to immediately start the struggle, achieving the necessary results.

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