Cockroaches climb from neighbors, what to do and where to complain

It is difficult to find an apartment whose inhabitants would not be familiar with cockroaches. These household pests are common to almost the entire planet. Their occurrence in the house leads to poor sanitation and the spread of infectious diseases. There are several ways of penetration of pests in the apartment. Untidious neighbors - this is one of the most common variants of the appearance of insects. Therefore, the question is, if the neighbors have where to complain to cockroaches, many residents are faced with such a problem.

Habitats and signs of insects

From the appearance of cockroaches in the house is not insured, even the cleanest mistress. How insects look like, many residents of apartment buildings know. But finding their habitats is not always easy. Symptoms of their presence are as follows:

  • excrement - black dots that resemble ground pepper;
  • specific smell - observed when the room is very contaminated;
  • insect eggs and empty capsules, as well as chitinous cover residues after molting.
    Cockroaches in the house
    Cockroaches in the house

Where cockroaches are hiding, such a question arises for everyone who met them in his house. Kitchen and bathroom - the most ideal place for living insects. It is where there are sources of water, food and heat. Cockroaches are hiding in the secluded and hidden from the human eye places: on the back of kitchen furniture, in the cracks and cracks in the ventilation holes and household appliances.

What to do if cockroaches climb from neighbors

Such situations, when you once again acquire one or another means for fighting insects, and cockroaches running again and again from their neighbors, are not uncommon. Being in full confidence that the source of insects is the next apartment, it is urgent to take action.First, relying on the adequacy of the residents, it is necessary to bring to their consciousness the importance of the problem.

If cockroaches are fleeing from their neighbors, it is advisable to agree with them about calling a special service, which will conduct a special treatment at the same time in all apartments. If the neighbors oppose such a decision, you can force them to do it in court. It is necessary to report on unsanitary conditions in a dysfunctional apartment to the management company, housing office, and also to complain to the local police officer and to the SES.


To keep cockroaches away from neighbors for a while, while your complaint is being considered, it is necessary to restrict their access to water and food sources, namely:

  • throw garbage regularly;
  • clean up crumbs and leftovers;
  • fix leaks of plumbing fixtures and water pipes;
  • dry the bath and sink after use;
  • cover the vents with a mosquito net;
  • repair all cracks and crevices.

It is also necessary to use insecticidal preparationsthat will help get rid of the "uninvited guests" in your apartment. For example, draw small Masha or apply a layer effective gel near the front door and around the vents.

No one argues that the attacks of cockroaches are an unpleasant phenomenon, but with the right and proper approach, you can get rid of this problem in your apartment forever.


Cockroaches got! Just save from them there. Just sort of corroded, as a month appear again. I think that cockroaches climb from neighbors. However, people claim that they have no Prusaks. I do not know what to do - hands just drop.

Elena, Kamyshin

I know that the cockroaches at the neighbors just swarming. However, all requests to poison at the same time with us they refuse, they say that they have nothing like that. Now I will try to contact to specialized service, to force neighbors to bring their apartment in the proper form.

Nina Vasilievna, Pervomaisk

Thanks to the article, now I know what to do if cockroaches flee from neighbors. Than just did not try to poison the parasites, nothing helps. After a while they begin to crawl again. Our neighbors are alcoholics, the Prusaks apparently don't interfere with them. I will go to complain to the housing office, because in an amicable way people do not understand.

Sergey, Orsk

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