Extermination of cockroaches in the apartment

Destruction of cockroaches on their own - the idea is very troublesome and far from always the victory remains on the side of man. Prusak - very tenacious individuals, can live without food for a long time and quickly develop resistance to chemical preparations. If you are tired of fighting insect invasions on your own, then why not rely on professionals. To paraphrase the old popular wisdom, the pastry should bake a pieman, shoemaker boots, and poison the cockroaches to poison the cockroaches. How specialized services carry out the baiting of insects, what nuances you need to focus your attention on when choosing a company - let's understand.

Cockroaches in the house
Cockroaches in the house

The benefits of killing cockroaches in an apartment by specialized services

Professional treatment of apartments is more effective in comparison with independent breeding of insects for several reasons:

  • Specialized services use for the destruction of cockroaches more powerful insecticidal agents, characterized by high efficiency and safe for people and animals.It is impossible to buy such drugs in household chemicals stores, they are available exclusively to organizations that have the appropriate licenses and certificates.
  • The treatment of apartments is carried out according to new modern technologies through generators. cold and hot fog, due to which insecticides penetrate into those places into which the product is not able to penetrate from the aerosol can.
  • Disinsectors are more aware of the habitats, routes, routes of penetration of cockroaches. Therefore, the treatment of an apartment by professionals is many times more effective if it is conducted by a person who has read only the instructions for use on the package.
  • In cases where the disinsection is carried out by the state SES, neighboring apartments in the house may be subject to compulsory treatment. This is especially true in relation to careless residents who refuse to kill cockroaches in their living space.

On a note!

Often, people are confused in terms related to the removal of domestic pests. Disinsection - measures aimed at the extermination of insects, deratization - the destruction of rodents, and disinfection - a set of measures to reduce the number of microorganisms and toxins on the external environment.

One of the reasons why people do not rush to apply to specialized firms is the cost of the service. Extermination of cockroaches in Moscow in a 2-room apartment will cost approximately 1500-3000 rubles, depending on the chosen method of treatment. In the regions, this figure may be somewhat lower, but not strikingly different.

Treatment from cockroaches special services
Treatment from cockroaches special services

Despite the apparent high cost, it is necessary to pay attention to the fact that firms that value their reputation carry out the destruction of cockroaches in an apartment with a guarantee. Even if for a number of specific circumstances, some individuals managed to survive, repeated processing is free of charge.

The main difficulty of the property owner who wants to bring cockroaches is the choice of a specialized service that guarantees results without additional margins. Quite often there are situations when the company charges a separate fee for re-processing, if the insects have not disappeared within a specified period. How to distinguish decent disinsectors from dishonest and unprofessional, will be described below.

Professional methods of fighting cockroaches

Focal cleaning of apartments from cockroaches is done in several ways:

  1. The destruction of cockroaches with hot mist is one of the most effective modern methods of breeding insects. The mixture of insecticides is heated in a hot mist generator almost to the gaseous state and sprayed. Thanks to this technology, it is possible to achieve maximum penetration of chemicals into all the most hard-to-reach places and the appearance of an insecticide film on absolutely all surfaces. Most of the population dies instantly. Those cockroaches that have managed to survive have no chance of escape, since they will be exposed to long-acting insecticides. The cost of processing a 1-room apartment in Moscow is approximately 3,500 rubles.

    Hot and cold mist processing
    Hot and cold mist processing
  2. Cold Cockroach It has much in common with the harassment of insects by a hot mist generator. Insecticidal agents are sprayed by means of a gun, which allows the drug to be split into the smallest particles of 50-80 microns. From contact with the insecticidal cloud, death overtakes all individuals caught in its area of ​​action.The rest die later from the effects of a crystallized substance that covers all surfaces in the treated room. The destruction of cockroaches in Moscow in a one-room apartment will cost 1,800 rubles.
  3. Manual processing of pump sprayers - an outdated method of extermination of cockroaches, which is used very rarely. The price of this service is almost the same as cold fog treatment, and there are considerably more minuses. Such irrigation does not ensure penetration of the drug into all microcracks, leaving behind itself puddles. The cost of services in Moscow companies on average is 800 rubles.

    Spray treatment
    Spray treatment
  4. Barrier Protection - a procedure to prevent the emergence of new populations of insects and the entry of cockroaches from outside, for example, from neighboring apartments. The owner of a one-room apartment will cost 1000 rubles. Quite often, barrier protection is carried out in conjunction with other procedures or is offered to customers free of charge during promotions.

What is a package of services for the destruction of cockroaches

Deciding to order a service for the destruction of cockroaches in his apartment, you just need to choose a decent company and call by phone. After this, the algorithm of actions is as follows:

  • The manager asks questions about the area of ​​the apartment, the degree of infection, the presence of other insects. If you have an independent experience of harassment or unsuccessful attempts to contact another company, you should warn the specialists so that they can determine to what means cockroaches have developed resistance.
  • In certain cases, the master comes to assess the situation, determines the places of insects shelter, their routes of movement.
  • Selection of insecticides and methods of baiting insects.
  • Preservation of confidentiality is discussed in advance. In this case, the masters come in their usual clothes and change into protective suits in the apartment where the treatment will take place.
  • Conclusion of a contract in which the conditions of the guarantee are stated.
  • Directly disinsection itself, which is held on a pre-specified day.
  • Cleaning after disinsection. This item is most often performed by the owner, tenant. Some firms provide additional services of this kind.

The main criteria for choosing a service for the destruction of insects

Processing rooms from cockroaches
Processing rooms from cockroaches

Breeding cockroaches with the help of specialized services - the service is not free. In order not to throw money down the drain, weed out questionable firms at the first stage in a telephone mode. Feel free to ask questions to the manager and check with him the following details:

  • Technologies and equipment used to kill cockroaches. Modern methods of struggle involve the use of "serious" units - generators of hot or cold mist, hand-held sprayers. Small companies with a limited budget often use garden sprayers. If the firm is not ready to spend its assets on the purchase of equipment, then you also have no reason to contact them.
  • Ask the question what kind of insecticide is used by the service from cockroaches. The epithets "good, effective, powerful" do not reflect the name. The manager should name the drugs that are used for processing.
  • The duration of the disinsection. The processing time of 15 minutes should alert. High-quality disinsection apartment lasts at least half an hour.
  • Discussing warranty terms. Ideally, when insects appear after processing within the time specified in the warranty card,repeated processing should be free. In certain cases, travel expenses associated with the arrival of a specialist are paid. If the guarantee is half the cost of the work, then it is worth doubting the choice of such a company.
  • The manager, who himself does not ask questions about the area of ​​the apartment, the habitat of other insects in it, the presence of cockroaches from the neighbors, the last date of repair, but only promises to send a master - an occasion to reflect on the competence of the specialists working in this company.


Customer praise on the websites of specialized services is not always an indicator and guarantee of professional skills and decency of company employees. Often these reviews are written by employees of the company. It is better to search for more reliable reviews about the work of firms in specialized forums where people who are not interested in promoting a particular company communicate.

Preparation of the apartment for disinsection

Preparation of the house for disinsection
Preparation of the house for disinsection

Service for the destruction of cockroaches directly engaged in harassment. All preparatory work before processing the apartment is performed by the customer:

  • Wet and dry cleaning.
  • Removal of accumulated dust near the baseboards, for items of furniture.
  • Elimination of leaks, sewer and water pipes.
  • Installation of mosquito nets on ventilation openings.
  • Hermetic packaging of products and personal care products.
  • Disinfection of common areas.
  • Move furniture away from walls to provide access to baseboards.
  • During the treatment in the apartment should not be people, pets. If it is not possible to make a room aquarium, then it is covered and turned off the oxygen supply to it.

At the end of the work, the disinsectors carry out detailed instructions on how to clean up after the harassment. The corpses of insects are swept, tabletops and interior items are wiped with daily contact. Damp cleaning, washing of walls is carried out after several days.

Review of specialized firms for the destruction of cockroaches in Moscow

Harassment cockroaches in Moscow with a guarantee carried out by dozens of companies. Among the largest players in this industry are a number of organizations.

Moscow City SES exists since 2000, the disinsection of a one-room apartment begins with 1,700 rubles.The extermination of cockroaches is carried out through manual processing, hot and cold mist. Company policy - low prices, confidentiality, warranty. Often held anti-crisis actions.

Moscow Cockroach Destruction Service LLC Mos Eco-Service It offers hot and cold mist treatment and positions itself as the first company in Moscow that started using hot mist generators. Processing one-room apartment 1800 rubles, MOP - 1500 rubles. When using drugs of premium class prices for services are much higher.

Service SES "ECO-CAPITAL" was founded in 2009. The treatment of apartments is carried out with hot and cold fog. Specialists work throughout the Moscow Region. The system of discounts works. Subscription to the group in the VC gives a 10% discount, in the season of viral infections when ordering a set of services, disinfection from the flu is free.

Specialized Services
Specialized Services

Specialized firms for the destruction of cockroaches in Russia

Federal Sanitary ServiceSanitary inspector»Has branches in almost every regional center. Free departure of a specialist to assess the situation, supervision of the condition of the apartment after disinsection, departure of specialists within a few hours after treatment.

First Fumigation Company provides its services throughout the European part of the country. An integrated approach allows you to quickly destroy all cockroaches. Gel, glue traps, sprayers, hot and cold fog are used. Possible preventive disinsection.

Geradez - one of the largest SES in Russia. Branches are located in all major cities of Russia. In addition to disinsection services are provided for the movement of furniture, preliminary preparation of the premises and cleaning of apartments after the persecution of cockroaches. The system of discounts. The guarantee implies one free processing, if after the expiration of the allotted time, all cockroaches have not disappeared.

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