African cockroaches (American)

American cockroach (Periplaneta Americana), despite its name, is ubiquitous. He didn’t have mastered Antarctica. He began his triumphal march on Earth from Africa. Together with the values ​​exported from the “black” continent in the 17th century, the African cockroach emigrated to the “Land of Freedom”. From the United States already an exotic insect settled around the world.

Despite a rather significant difference in climate between his homeland and new conditions, former African cockroaches adapted very quickly and began to actively reproduce. Today, they easily take root in the holds of ships, ventilation systems, garbage chutes and any other places.

Insect is - not a harmless tenant, he dangerous to humans: A large colony of American cockroaches, an allergic who settled in the house, will almost certainly cause aggravation. In the apartments of healthy people, American cockroaches bring only their eternal companions - bacteria and pathogenic microflora.

Description of the species

An adult insect has an elongated body, painted in red-brown or yellow-brown shades. The length of this body can reach 4.5 cm. Adult females are larger than males of the same age, which rarely grow to 3.6 cm. It is easy to recognize a female - its chitinous elytra is noticeably shorter than the abdomen, while the male's elytra reliably covers the body. Due to this, males appear to be more massive.

American cockroach
American cockroach

The middle back of these insects is decorated with a light yellow stripe - the main species difference. The head is somewhat extended, the antennae and legs are long.On the limbs there are suckers and claws, the legs are covered with spikes. Insect is able to jump and fly short distances.

In a long (up to 10 cm) eteka, up to 16 eggs are placed. Protein coating of eggs gives offspring a reliable protection when curing: even at low temperatures and long-term exposure to chemicals, future cockroaches will remain intact.

Nymphs look like adults, only devoid of genital appendages and wings.


Breeding American cockroaches occur in the summer. The formed ooteka remains on the female for about 24 hours, after which it is left in secluded corners. During the season, one female can lay up to 15 cocoons, in which there are 16-28 eggs. In favorable conditions, the larvae mature faster, whereas the individual, matured at a temperature below 28 degrees, will reach an adult state only in a year.

The females of the American cockroach are able to lay eggs all their lives after a single mating in life.

To live a cockroach of this species, like the more familiar to us Prusakprefers to optimal conditions - in warm rooms with high humidity, having exits to places of storage or dumping of food / waste.Insects are nocturnal.

American Cockroach Larvae
American Cockroach Larvae

You can meet a giant cockroach in basements, underground utilities, greenhouses, residential buildings, greenhouses, food industry enterprises. In nature, insects prefer to settle in rotting wood or organic residues. Initially, cockroaches lived in rotting palm trees, so this species is also called the “palm cockroach”. The oblate shape allows penetrating into the premises through the slots in the windows and doorways, through technical openings. Cockroaches eat food and non-food waste, excreta.

American cockroaches are among the insect long-livers. Males live for about 18 months, while females can live up to 3 years. Large colonies have a significant impact on the epidemiological situation, since they transmit harmful bacteria (including E. coli and staphylococcus) and human parasites (worms). Sanitary services carry out various activities aimed at identifying and eliminating foci of infection with cockroaches. Especially often viewed wells sewers.

Natural meaning

On the African continent, the cockroach performed and performs the function of orderly - it destroys the rotting remains of plants, dead insects, and even the remains of dead animals.

Having moved to human habitation, American cockroaches became parasites, as their omnivorous nature threatens food supplies and plants in greenhouses and greenhouses. The ease with which these insects make their way to food makes them dangerous to human health.


It is curious that some of these unpleasant creatures are kept as pets. They are fed fruit, chopped grass, bran, fish feed. Fans of amphibians or lizards keep and breed cockroaches to feed their pets.

Can an American cockroach bite

American cockroach
American cockroach

This question is quite difficult to answer. Some claim that the large size of the insect and the presence of a strong oral apparatus makes it capable of attacking people and nibbling the upper layers of the skin. But today it is almost impossible to imagine what a colony of insects should be, in order for them to gather courage to attack such a large object. Bites may be single, if the cockroach did not find anything more edible in the house.

The danger of American cockroaches in their presence in human habitation. This is especially true for allergy sufferers and asthmatics who have a significantly increased risk of exacerbation of the disease. Children who are prone to asthma and dermatitis are most sensitive to this smell. In human housing, cockroaches very often touch baby toys, food, other objects, leaving allergens and harmful bacteria on them.

Given these properties of insects, fight with cockroaches should be a top priority.

Fighting American Guests

American cockroach in the photo inspires horror to most of the inhabitants. What to say about those who met this "happiness" in their own kitchen. 99.9% of the population will immediately wish to destroy all those who managed to get into the house. Independently cope with the giants only if the colony is not large.

  • The easiest way is to use the insect's inability to survive at low temperatures. It is necessary to "freeze" housing, and the cockroaches in it will die.To do this, you need to open the windows in the winter all night and leave the accommodation with the whole family. This method is good for its efficiency and free of charge, but is only suitable in winter. It must be understood that too low temperatures can kill not only palm insects, but also the heating system.
    Cold against cockroaches
    Cold against cockroaches
  • Often for the destruction of a small number of insects used effective traps. They can make by yourself or buy at any store. Such traps are perfectly safe for humans and animals, but are powerless against a large number of insects.
  • Chemicals are most effective against multi-legged neighbors who have settled in a small number in an apartment. For this species, it is better to apply contact pesticides, which are scattered in places where cockroaches are likely to stay.
  • If there are many insects, the use of potent substances is necessary. The room should be treated with preparations of pyrethroids and neonicotinoids. Secondary treatment is done with insecticides with organophosphorus compounds. This method is guaranteed to permanently destroy cockroaches, but this disinsection It is very expensive and is a danger to humans and their four-legged pets.

Ideally, to get rid of American cockroaches quickly and for a long time, you need to move for a while, and call representatives in the apartment special servicewhich will make processing. If you decide to destroy cockroaches yourself, it is recommended to use such drugs:

They are sold as powderssprays Dustov, gels, aerosols and smoke bombs.

Often used folk recipes, eg, boric acid.

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