White albino cockroaches in the apartment

Many high-rise tenants have met brown or black cockroaches. The appearance of these insects causes not only a feeling of disgust and disgust, but also danger. After all, this domestic pest is a carrier of many infectious diseases. But if the presence of ordinary Prusak causes a feeling of annoyance, then white cockroaches in an apartment can cause an attack of horror and panic in the owners.

Special features

Many have seen and know what a regular cockroach looks like. The insect has a narrow oval-shaped body up to 1.5 cm. Three pairs of paws with suckers and hooks allow the pest to move even on a vertical surface. Prusak also has long whiskers and wings (they are shorter in females). The white cockroach has similar characteristics. Color is its only difference.

White cockroaches are not classified by appearance into a separate species. This is explained by the fact that the insect habitual for us is at a certain stage of its development. Its external difference is nothing but a part of the life process that all individuals go through. Sometimes white-colored cockroaches are called albinos. Below is an albino cockroach in the photo.

Albino cockroach
Albino cockroach

Why do cockroaches turn white?

The question of why cockroaches are white, interests many people. This insect belongs to the group of arthropods. Therefore, as it grows, prusak is forced to throw off the chitinous shell covering the body, which is not capable of growing with it. As a result, a white cockroach is obtained. This process is called moulting, and takes only a few hours.It is molting and is the answer to the question of why white cockroaches.

When a cockroach sheds, a new, but softer and more flexible, forms under its old cover. Dropping its chitinous shell, the pest becomes very vulnerable and defenseless. This is how it remains until the new cover hardens. therefore cockroaches prefer to fade in dark and secluded places of the apartment, that is, where they will not be in danger. Over time, the new shell darkens, and Prusak becomes again like its counterparts. This procedure is the growing larva of the cockroach undergoes at least 6 times.

Where white cockroach can live

As mentioned above, when the molting period comes, home pests try for safety hide in the most inaccessible places. At the end of this process, Prusak remains in this shelter for several more hours. You can find white cockroaches in the apartment under the bathtub or sink in the kitchen. Arthropods can also hide in the basement.

Albino Cockroach-1
Albino cockroach

The main thing is that there is a source of food nearby, since during the molting period the parasites are very voracious.The formation of a new chitinous shell requires the supply of nutrients. Therefore, it is possible that at night pests can be found near a bin or other place that has access to products.

What are dangerous white cockroaches?

Many people know that insects of brown or black color that are usual for us are tolerated by various diseases. Transparent cockroaches are no exception. The soft shell covering the body of the pest contains many small villi. On them, the parasite carries a huge number of pathogens, bacteria and even helminth eggs. Moving through the ventilation shafts and garbage cans, insects pick up the causative agents of colitis, pathogenic cokes and enteritis.

On a note!

The chitinous cover dumped by a cockroach is unsafe for the person. Drying, it collapses and turns into small light particles that are able to fly through the air. It is this dust, getting into the human body, can cause an allergic reaction. With a large accumulation of insects, chitinous microparticles can cause an asthmatic attack when inhaled in humans.

In addition to the health risks, the Prussians are capable of causing serious damage to the external appearance of the room, leaving their excrement in the form of black dots.

How to get rid of white cockroaches

Many people wonder what to do if a white cockroach is found in an apartment. Before starting pest control need to take some action.

  1. We keep clean - leftovers and crumbs of food, trash left for the night in the bucket create ideal conditions for habitat of pests.
    Favorable conditions for cockroaches
    Cockroach-friendly conditions
  2. Defective plumbing is the cause of high humidity in the apartment. After all, even one drop of water is enough for a mustache pest to live for several days. Therefore, it is important that all plumbing and pipes are in good condition.
  3. Suitable conditions for moving insects create cracks and cracks. It is necessary to eliminate the path of penetration of insects into the apartment.

Methods of struggle

If white cockroaches are found at home, you can get rid of them using the same methods that are relevant in the fight against ordinary Prussians. The result will be effective if an integrated approach is provided.

  1. Various insecticides can be used to kill insects. crayon Masha, Malathion, Clean house or Forsyth.
  2. Electric traps will help reduce the number of Prusaks, whose principle of action is based on the enticing of an insect and the impact of an electric discharge on it. Popular also ultrasonic repeller.
    Cockroach Control
    Cockroach Control
  3. For making bait you can use not only boric acid, but also to make a "treat" for cockroaches from flour and alabaster. The components are mixed in a ratio of 1: 1 and dispersed in places of large concentrations of pests.
  4. If the pest area is highly contaminated, use the services of a special Pest Control.

On a note!

Use chemicals and traps for several days it is necessary even when the Prusaks in the apartment are no longer observed. This will help get rid of the eggs that have emerged from the clutch of eggs.


When they moved to a new apartment, it was a sea of ​​Prusaks. Apparently the former owners were not clean enough. To get rid of them used various means.A white cockroach caught sight of the house when it was swept away with a broom of dead insects after another spray treatment. To be honest, I was very surprised that there are such parasites.

Angelica, Moscow

Used to kill red pests homemade sticky traps with a sweet bait. In the morning I found a white, almost transparent insect in one of them. At first I even thought that it wasn’t a cockroach at all. After a long search for information, it became clear that all Prussians go through this life cycle.

Gennady, Omsk

Got rid of the Prusacks with Dohlox - very effective remedy. Recomend for everybody. By the way, among the dead cockroaches saw white. I thought it was a separate species, and the neighbor suggested that it was just a parasite during the molt.

Anna, Yekaterinburg

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