Why do people fear cockroaches

Cockroaches - The most ancient inhabitants of the Earth, they appeared more than 300 million years ago. During this time, a huge number of much more powerful animals disappeared, but the abominable insect surpassed all in endurance. Fear of cockroaches - one of the most common and ancient fears. This problem is called blattophobia. This fear is irrational, because they do not carry a direct threat to man, it is easy enough to kill an insect, so what is the reason for this horror?

This species has long settled in the human home.They cause problems related to food contamination by their waste and the bacteria that they carry on their paws. They damage plants in homes and greenhouses, bite book covers, leather items, food.

How does blattophobia develop

Most often, the fear of cockroaches develops as a result of experienced stress. Most often this experience is quite traumatic, turning into a real phobia. Most often this happens in childhood, when a baby sees a negative reaction from parents or other people. Naturally, in his reaction he imitates the only familiar variant.


But it also happens that occurs in a child independently. This may be due to watching movies in which the appearance of giant insects are not uncommon. It can be cockroaches - killers, alien insects and other creatures that are naturally afraid.


Even Peter I had a phobia of cockroaches. It was especially strange because at that time cockroaches were considered the natural cohabitant of man and were a sign of well-being. People who stayed Peter, had to carefully clean the hut.


A person suffering from a phobia, refers to the cockroach is not just as evil, from which it follows get rid urgently - the appearance of an insect causes a real panic. A person begins to behave completely inadequately, his heartbeat, dizziness, and his panic attacks increase. There is a trembling of hands, a strong weakness. In severe cases, possible hysteria, loss of consciousness, asthma attacks. It is impossible to predict the reaction of such a person; it cannot be controlled and strongly interferes with the patient himself.

If a person has a phobia fear of cockroaches, he realizes that his fear is irrational, but he can do nothing about it. Even when he sees an insect in a picture or on television, he can be very worried, experiencing signs of a panic attack. Often it seems sick that they will die from the power of emotions. Psychologists say that in especially severe forms of the disease a person can even be paralyzed from horror.

Fear of cockroaches
Fear of cockroaches


Blattofobiya - one of those mental disorders that are poorly treatable, but harmful to the person. That is why it is important to treat the pathology immediately after detection, not postponing it.


To get rid of phobias, you need to contact a specialist.A psychiatrist (and such conditions should be treated by these doctors) will choose the most appropriate treatment method in a particular case. Regardless of why people are afraid of cockroaches, hypnotherapy is effective. This method makes it possible to program the subconscious. When there is a “removal” of programs responsible for the fear of insects, the phobia disappears. The complexity of the procedure is that few patients agree to intervene in their subconscious, not wanting to lose control of themselves. In other cases, the results of manipulations appear very quickly and remain for a long time.

The second popular method is cognitive therapy. This method is based on the regularity of practical exercises that lead to changes in behavior. At least use the exposure therapy or desensitization method. In this case, the patient is indirectly affected by the object of his phobia, i.e. cockroach. Gradually, getting used to this, the person is not so afraid. At the end of the course, controlled direct contact is allowed, even if the person is still a little afraid.

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