What are cockroaches afraid of in the apartment?

It is difficult to say what cockroaches are afraid of. They survived dinosaurs, are able to survive after a nuclear war, can go hungry for a long period and even live with their heads torn off for several days.It is very difficult to scare such tenacious insects, but they still have vulnerabilities, the identification of which will facilitate the fight against the ubiquitous cockroaches.

Secret cockroach fears

Have cockroacheslike all living things, there are fears of their own that can be used to good advantage.

Cockroaches are afraid of light
Cockroaches are afraid of light

Fear of light

Many have noticed that when the light is turned on at night, the insects start to run in panic in different directions, as a result of which there is a myth that cockroaches are afraid of light. However, the reason is not the fact of switching on the light. Prusak activity occurs at night, the inclusion of light sources is accompanied by human steps, which means insects perceive light as a signal that a person is approaching, from which they run and are in a hurry to hide in their shelters. If you conduct an experiment and leave the light on for several days, you can make sure that cockroaches quickly adapt to it and it does not have a scaring effect on them.

Fear of cold and high temperatures

The fact that cockroaches are afraid of the cold was noticed by our ancestors and they were actively freezing their homes. Room temperature should be below 10 ° of frost, only in this case insects die. In modern apartments and houses, this tool is rarely used, as there are few who want to damage the heating system in order to get rid of parasites. They do not like cockroaches and high temperatures. Treatment with a steam generator will relieve not only adults, but also offspring. As an option, pour boiling water into the cracks of baseboards, provided that the water does not begin to trickle from the ceilings of the neighbors living on the floor below.

Cockroaches are afraid of heat and cold
Cockroaches are afraid of heat and cold

Fear of odors

Prusaks have a well-developed sense of smell, mustaches are responsible for this function. With their help, they are guided in the outside world. You can catch cockroaches, tear off their whiskers and thereby create unbearable conditions for their existence. But there is another way how to use the developed sense of smell of insects to their advantage. To do this, take advantage of popular experience based on the smell of cockroaches.

Fear of ultrasound waves

Insects do not like ultrasonic waves, which the developers took advantage of. home scarerswhich are represented by ultrasonic and electromagnetic devices. After turning on the device in the outlet, ultrasonic waves begin to scare away insects, and they are forced to migrate in search of more comfortable conditions.

Fear of drought

What else cockroaches are afraid of in an apartment is to be left without water. Dry-looking insects are very moisture-loving. Without fluid, they can live no longer than a week. You can take advantage of this weakness in two ways:

  • Shut off access to all sources of moisture (sink, sink, water and sewer pipes, pots with indoor plants, etc.) and wait patiently for the Prussians to migrate in search of water or die from dehydration.
  • Treat all adjacent spaces to the watering places. insecticide.

Most of the cockroaches have developed certain routes, in which they walk in search of life-giving moisture and do not change them. Processing will help to significantly reduce the number of colonies. The most effective drugs include gelssprays powders, dusty, smoke bombs:

It has been proven that cockroaches leave behind a chemical mark that serves as a good guide for other individuals. When scientists can create an identical drug, the problem with the breeding of cockroaches will be solved forever.

Pets in the fight against cockroaches

Animals against cockroaches
Animals against cockroaches

Pet owners could notice what cockroaches are afraid of - the presence of cats or dogs. It is noticed that parasites are most afraid rats, as they are strong competitors in the fight for food. Decorative rat, freely walking around the kitchen, can save the situation and save the apartment from Prusakov.

There is an even more non-standard way of getting rid of insects based on what cockroaches are afraid of. You need to have a lizard, with a large infestation - preferably two or three. Wonderful tailed reptiles will run around the rooms and in a few days they will clean the apartment from uninvited guests. This method is absolutely safe, you do not have to inhale the smells of insecticidal agents, and in fact you don’t have to do anything at all - the lizard will do all the work.After completing the "pest control" the lizard can be leased to neighbors or placed in a terrarium.

Cockroach Enemy - Boric Acid

Speaking about what the cockroach is afraid of, one can not forget about boric acidwhich you can buy at any pharmacy. The substance not only destroys insects, but also condemns them to painful death. When boric acid gets into the digestive system of a cockroach, the burning of internal organs begins. Boric acid is used in two ways:

  1. Powder spilling in cabinets, along baseboards near moisture sources. When the substance enters the insect's paws, it tries to clear them, with the result that a certain part enters the body.
  2. What cockroaches love the most can be successfully used against them. They are to any food and water. Therefore, the bait of food and boric acid will not leave them indifferent. Egg yolk, flour, mashed potatoes - the fact that cockroaches are so fond of eating, mixed with boric acid and balls are formed from the resulting mixture.

Folk experience

Popular methods of dealing with cockroaches
Popular methods of dealing with cockroaches

Folk remedies very often used to scare away cockroaches.The main ingredients are herbs and aromatic oils. What grass are afraid of the Prussians? Virtually anyone with an unpleasant or strongly pronounced odor. Wormwood, tansy, anise, elderberry, mint leaves, branches of bay leaves, the smell of coniferous trees cannot stand the grass.

The smell of ammonia is able to scare away not only cockroaches, but also bloodsucking insects, and with them all who live in an apartment. Ammonia is added to the floor washing water. To implement the method you will need a gas mask or respirator. Vinegar has the same effect. All strong peculiar smells frighten cockroaches. These include paints, paints, solvents.

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