
What eat cockroaches in the apartment

Red cockroach
Food cockroaches

The cockroach family is one of the most enduring among insects. Few arthropods can boast the ability to live without a head, to withstand strong doses of radiation, to starve for a long time. The question of what cockroaches eat in an apartment is given by the hostesses, who in every way try to get rid of them and those who wind up decorative cockroaches.

The diet of domestic cockroaches

In the apartments live mainly 2 types of cockroaches: redhead and black. The latter are much less common, since they were pressed by the Prusaks.Red cockroaches care for their offspring better, more tenacious and resistant to insecticides. Despite the external differences, the food of domestic insects is identical.

Red cockroach
Red cockroach

Pests are almost omnivorous, due to the special structure of the oral apparatus. The diet of the domestic barbel consists of the most diverse food:

  • any food products, be it fruits, vegetables, flour, confectionery, cereals, sugar, meat dishes;
  • houseplants;
  • Leather Products;
  • paper, soap;
  • household glue;
  • natural fabrics;
  • book covers;
  • dandruff, detached epidermis.

Despite such an impressive list of what the cockroach eats, the insect prefers food residues with a high content of fats and carbohydrates. There is a version that arthropods love beer very much. This weakness for the hop drink is used to make baits. With a weak infection of the apartment, pests eat at night. In the daytime, they are hidden in secluded places: under the baseboards, in the crevices, in the joints of the furniture, behind the refrigerator, with pieces of furniture.


Cockroaches, impressively walking through the kitchen during the daytime is a clear sign of a large population.Competition for shelter and food forces Prusaks to “plow” open spaces around the clock.

The amount of food eaten by insects is negligible and they cannot absorb all the provisions. On average, food cockroaches is limited to 20-50 mg. The glue from the postage stamp is enough for one individual for a week, and an insect can eat about 2 weeks with a rotten leaf of an indoor plant. Females are more voracious compared to the male and absorb food twice as much.

Exotic insect menu

Food cockroaches
Food cockroaches

Cockroaches, which are grown in insectarians, are kept at home for various reasons. It is a pleasure for someone to contemplate arthropods, while others are guided by practical goals and breed six-legged barbel to feed cold-blooded representatives of the animal world. The fact that cockroaches eat in “captivity” depends on their reproduction and life span.

Menu marble cockroaches consists mainly of plant foods:

  • bananas, apples;
  • cucumbers, tomatoes, beets, carrots;
  • cereals from various cereals;
  • chop off bread

Occasionally six-nailed fed feed for animals, cottage cheese. Nutrition of each type of cockroach may vary. For example, hissing Madagascar do not recommend giving dog food, and marble advised.

Enemies of cockroaches

Among the inhabitants of the animal world, there are quite a few who feeds on domestic cockroaches. Some of them can be considered as an alternative original method of extermination of pests. Living animals are eaten by chickens, and to eat the dead can ants.

Females of black cockroaches do not care about their oteke and shed it almost immediately after the formation of eggs. Prusaks use such negligence and eat eggs of competitors. Spiders, scorpions, hedgehogs, cats are also not averse to taste cockroach meat. Lizards, frogs and at all arrange a hunt for a family of cockroaches.

In some countries, certain types of arthropods are eaten and exotic delicacies are prepared from them, which only a true gourmet of non-traditional cuisine can appreciate.

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