Where are cockroaches hiding in the apartment

Cockroaches - insect pests, characterized by a special vitality and adaptability. Appeared once in the apartment parasites can increase their numbers several times in a fairly short time. Therefore, finding a pest in the house, you must timely start a fight with him. But first you need to know where the cockroaches are hiding.

Habitats of cockroaches

The question of where the cockroaches live, arises in every hostess who has discovered an “uninvited guest” in her apartment. The presence of water and food sources are the main conditions for the life of cockroaches. But if a pest is able to live without food for more than 30 days, then without water it can only last a week. Therefore, the kitchen and bathroom - the most suitable habitat for pests.

Insects try to settle in dark and hard-to-reach places, where they are not easy to find and reach:

  • In various crevices and behind plinths;
  • Under peel wallpaper or tile;
  • Inside the kitchen tables and cabinets;
  • In the microwave. Here they climb in search of food, getting into the device through a block with electronics;

  • In the dishwasher cockroaches attracts water;
  • In the refrigerator, insects prefer to hide in the area of ​​the heat exchanger - the warmest place of the home appliance. They get into the cooled chamber together with products by chance;
  • In the gas stove;
  • In system computer blocks and laptops;
  • Cockroaches settle under a sink or in a toilet bowl because of the proximity to water;
  • At the entrance, cockroaches can dwell in the garbage disposal, elevator shaft or electrical panels.

Insects are active at night, leaving their shelters in search of food and water. If pests began to occur in your apartment during daylight hours, this means that too many of them have divorced. Therefore, it is urgent to begin the fight.

Ways of penetration

There are many ways of penetration of pests in the house. Cockroaches are able to move:

  • At the entrance;
  • By sewer;
  • Along the cracks;
  • By ventilation system;
  • Insects can be brought in a bag from work or with things from a trip, from neighbors.
Cockroaches in the house
Cockroaches in the house

What to eat

Unpretentiousness in food is one of the main features of cockroaches. Often, even the hostess, containing their apartment in perfect condition, are perplexed about the emergence of "uninvited guests." However, the fact that insects can eat any organic matter, they know not all. It can be not only crumbs, food debris or not discarded garbage, but also indoor plants, soap, leather goods or paper. Therefore, even in the cleanest apartment cockroaches will not go hungry. To make your home unattractive for insects, you need to take care of the lack of open access to water.


According to experts, the amount of glue contained on a postage stamp is quite enough to soak the cockroach for a whole month. But the acute shortage of water parasites can fill with the help of a man, nibbling a moist epithelium from the lips of sleeping people.

Signs of appearance

Detect the presence of pests by the following features:

  • By eye contact;
  • The presence of empty chitinous integuments left after molting;
  • Dry shells of cockroach eggs (eota);
  • Excrement in the form of black dots, resembling ground pepper.

The presence of at least one of these symptoms indicates that cockroaches live in your apartment.

Ooteka cockroaches
Ooteka cockroaches

Cockroach species

Most common in our apartments redhead and black cockroaches. Insect red shade also called Prusak. They have a more elongated body up to 2 cm in length and underdeveloped wings, which are used only for planning. Insects can move very quickly.

Black cockroaches are inhabitants of basements and landfills. These larger pests (up to 2.5 cm) are missing wings, and the body has a rounded shape.

Both insects and others were able to adapt and live next to a person, feeding on the remnants of water and food casually thrown by him. Therefore, to prevent parasites from appearing in the apartment, it is necessary not only to clean the crumbs behind you, but also to dry the sink.

How to breed domestic cockroaches

Breed cockroaches sexually. After mating, the female lays eggs in a special capsule - a swelling box that she wears on her belly. As the eggs develop, the dwelling will increase in size, and the female will drop it in the desired place. In one laying can be up to 40 eggs.

At the end of the gestation period, which takes about 2 months, little white cockroaches, nymphs, are born. At first they try to hide in their shelter. As they grow, young offspring undergo several molts, turning into adult individuals. After each molt, the insects increase in size, and their chitinous cover acquires a brown tint and becomes more durable.

Eggs and larvae of cockroaches
Eggs and larvae of cockroaches

After 3 months, the young individuals are ready to breed. At least 100 nymphs can appear from one female.


A surprising feature of breeding cockroaches is that from one mating the female is able to lay several clutches of eggs, since the gametes of the male remain in her body for a long time. Therefore, even a pair of fertilized females who accidentally ran into an apartment can create a whole colony of pests in a few months.

Knowing where cockroaches live in an apartment, as well as the breeding patterns of insects, one can choose the most suitable method of pest control using folk remedies, eg, with boric acid, effective modern meanswhich are sold as gels, powders, aerosols, traps, smoke bombssprays Dustov. Many of them show excellent results:


I work as a master in the service center. Cockroaches and their metabolic products are very often observed in the laptops and system men. There insects apparently attracts a warm atmosphere.

Bogdan, Saratov

They made repairs in the apartment, and when the refrigerator was moved away, they were horrified.From its rear side, many red-faced Prusaks were found, jumping and running in all directions. I had to use aerosols.

Elena, Omsk

Cockroaches live in a gas stove. As soon as I turn it on, I take sneakers in my hands and start the battle. This method does not completely eliminate pests, but it helps to reduce their numbers.

Anastasia, Perm

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