What do cockroaches appear in the house, omens

Many people have an appearance in the house cockroaches causes feelings of disgust and disgust. Despite the fact that the insect is quite small, it is capable of delivering many problems and troubles to the owners of the dwelling: and this is not only discomfort and unsanitary conditions. After all, some pests can threaten the health of the household, spreading various kinds of infections. And only those who believe in signs about cockroaches in the house, associate the appearance of insects with important events in life.

Today it is difficult to find a hostess who would be proud of such inhabitants in her apartment as cockroaches, bed bugs, midges or fleas. The presence of all these insects is connected in our mind with dirt, debris and uncleanliness. Every sane person tries to get rid of pests as quickly as possible by treating them with various sprays, gels, crayons or powders. In the old days, the omen to see a cockroach at home meant prosperity and well-being. Therefore, our ancestors even tried to feed baleen benefactors.

What does signify cockroaches in the house


In past centuries, a person lived not so well-fed, as often there was simply not enough food. therefore black beetle in the apartment was a kind of pet. A wish get rid of him equated with a terrible sin. To destroy with their own hands wealth was considered the greatest folly. In addition, insects prevented quarrels, brought peace and peace of mind to the family. According to other beliefs, black cockroaches guarded the house from enemies and evil forces.

So that fortune did not leave a man, black cockroaches were even fed with crumbs that remained after lunch. In the people it was believed that while these insects live in the house - there will be no trouble, their sudden disappearance foreshadowed misfortune.

There was another sign that if cockroaches appeared in the apartment, and mostly black, the family will find a patron or friend. He will be a significant person in society, provide all support and assistance.


But red prusakov not even our ancestors loved. It is not known for what reasons, but they were considered to be precursors of tears, quarrels and big troubles. According to other beliefs, pests were attracted by the negative energy that is present in the house. Worth reviewing their behavior and uninvited guests disappeared by themselves.

The appearance in the house is transparent or white cockroaches meant that winter would be harsh. So people prepared in advance for severe frosts. And if Prusak falls on the patient from the ceiling, the healing process will be delayed.

What makes cockroaches: modern signs

Cockroaches in the house
Cockroaches in the house

Why do cockroaches appear in the apartment is a sign, it is unlikely today someone will think about it. Modern signs associated with baleen pests are treated a little differently. To the question, what do cockroaches appear in the house, the answer is unequivocal - to big problems. After all destroy cockroaches not always easy.

When cockroaches appear at home, it means that it is urgent to establish order. Indeed, in most cases, unsanitary conditions - one of the causes of Prusac in the house. Crumbs and food residues, garbage not thrown out on time, fat deposits on the surface of furniture and the floor, as well as access to water sources create ideal living conditions for insects.

Unscrupulous neighbors - another answer to the question why the Prussians appear in the house. They can also be brought with things from rest or in a bag from work.

Therefore, the phrase "cockroaches omens" for the modern person is an incompatible concept. This can only imply the need to do a general cleaning, and start as soon as possible. pest control.

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