How to breed domestic cockroaches
- Cockroaches
- Ooteka cockroaches
- Eggs and larvae of cockroaches
- Cockroaches in the house
Disgusting hordes of travel around the apartments and houses, striking terror in the homeowners. Small, nimble, incredibly fast, almost imperceptible, but still unbearably frightening - they are, cockroaches. You can fight them for years, losing on all fronts. To understand how you can get rid of uninvited tenants, you should know how domestic cockroaches breed, what are the features of their life, how they can look in different cycles of their life.
The life of cockroaches lasts from 120 days to 4 years depending on the species. More than half of the entire term they are in the stage of imago (adult). A cockroach nymph can live from one and a half months to several years. During this period, it molts 5-9 times, each time increasing slightly. The duration of stay at this stage of life depends on external factors, since insects are able to delay their development in anticipation of favorable conditions. The insect slowly develops in the apartment, where:
- Low temperature;
- Lack of food;
- Toxic substances are regularly used.
If the air temperature for Prusaks is uncomfortable, even the larvae are able to delay their development, waiting for warming inside the capsules with eggs.
To distinguish the female from the male cockroach is quite simple. Gender in cockroaches can be determined based on three external differences, each of which can be seen even with the naked eye.
- The male is smaller than the female;
- On the last segment of the male you can see the pencils - characteristic outgrowths;
- Males have more developed wings. When urgently needed, they are able to travel short distances by air.
Breeding cockroaches
To defeat the disgusting creatures in their own home, it is worth understanding how reproduction of domestic cockroaches occurs. After the onset of puberty, the female cockroach emits odors that attract the males, and make characteristic movements of the elytra, demonstrating the ability to mate. The male arriving to mate fertilizes the female through the genital plate. There are types of cockroaches, having a rather long period of grooming the female.
After fertilization, the male goes about his business, leaving the "pregnant" cockroach. After some time, a capsule becomes visible on her belly, which contains cockroach eggs.
The cockroach female can lay off the edema 10-90 times (depending on the species), but this does not mean that it needs the same number of matings. The peculiarity of these insects, which allows them to reproduce so quickly and effectively, including the fact that after meeting a male only once in a lifetime, the female can lay eggs regularly using the male gametes preserved in her body.
Ooteka cockroach
The fertilized female of the Prusak bears a sweep on it until the larvae fully mature.When a pregnant female cockroach realizes that the time has come to “give birth”, she leaves the capsule in a darkened quiet place and leaves it.
If you see cockroach eggs in the photo, it may seem like it is very unreliable and fragile structures. However, this is not at all the case: the library does not allow water to pass through, it does not allow chemicals to damage eggs, sometimes even it is not so easy for a person to crush it. Depending on the variety, it can be of different colors and sizes:
- Oteote black cockroach dark brown, about 1.2 cm in length, up to 0.6 cm in width;
- Prusaks lay a light-brown capsule (as eggs of cockroaches of this species look like - almost everyone knows), which reaches a centimeter in length. Cross-braces are clearly visible;
- A large Madagascar cockroach lays an edema up to 2.5 cm long and about 0.5 wide, slightly colored.
Despite the dense walls, the eggs in them receive enough oxygen, which allows them to grow and mature successfully.
How many cockroaches hatch from one egg depends on the species. It should be clarified that it is incorrect to speak about the number of individuals from one egg.The fact is that what a philistine has become accustomed to counting as an egg is in fact only a “repository” of eggs. Only one nymph is hatched from one egg (in exceptional cases it is possible to find two identical insects in a twin egg), however there can be 20-30 such eggs in a capsule of a Prusak. In rare cases, their number reaches 50.
Curious! Adult home cockroach dies if temperature drops below -5 degrees or rises above 45. Whereas the ootek allows the eggs to survive during a short-term cold snap to -10 and the temperature rises to 55 degrees.
Care of the collar
Females of different species care for the eggs differently. So, the female black cockroach to breed, lays a capsule with eggs just a few days after its formation. After that, about 60 days of eggs are not protected by anyone. At this time, they can be detected by predators, completely destroying the clutch. This attitude to the offspring explains the gradual disappearance of this species - the Prussians eat the eggs of the black cousins, forcing them out of people's homes.
Ooteka red cockroach remains on the body of the female almost until the larvae hatch - this allows you to carry eggs from those places where they may be in danger.
Eggs of Madagascar cockroaches develop in the female cavity, aerated several times a day. They also begin to hatch inside an adult insect, immediately leaving the brood chamber. This method of reproduction leads to the fact that many observers consider this species of cockroaches to be viviparous. But this is not so - all insects of this species lay eggs, only the way they can be harvested can differ.
It is known how fast cockroaches breed. But it is not entirely clear why this is happening. And the thing is that one female habitual to us red elm is able to breed, putting aside up to 10 holes in life. Knowing how many cockroaches are born at a time, one can understand that one female can “give” up to 300 larvae that grow very quickly. Nymphs reach sexual maturity in just a few months and also begin to lay eggs.
Where to find masonry
For the destruction of cockroaches in the apartment by special services or by myself it is not only their developmental cycle that matters or how many eggs the female lays during her life, but also where they prefer to leave their oteca. Knowing the preferences of Prusack, you can more effectively deal with them.
Most often, their eggs red cockroaches leave there, where they live:
- Between the walls of the furniture;
- Between the sink and cupboard under it;
- Under the kitchen;
- In ventilation;
- For plinths;
- On the shelves of the pantry
- Under the bath.
When cleaning there are empty ooteki - you can simply throw. But if a complete collection of eggs is found, they must be carefully destroyed - this makes it possible with one blow to deal with hundreds and thousands of future parasites.
Getting involved in a war with these insects, it is necessary to understand that the crap can not be defeated without help strong insecticides or even call specialists for pest control. This will need to be done several times, otherwise the number of offspring and the speed with which it appears will grow exponentially.