What animals eat cockroaches
- Emerald wasp
- Who eats cockroaches
Cockroaches - unpleasant, even nasty creatures living in heat and damp. They feed on various kinds of waste, sewage and feces. Their colonies number thousands of copies, they literally flooded the entire planet. With this way of life it is strange that there are those who eat cockroaches.
In nature
Although this insect is not the predominant food of some birds or animals, still many people prefer to eat this type of food. Many birds and rodents with pleasure eat the arthropods of this species. AntsHaving found a dead cockroach on the way, they will gladly send him to the anthill, in whole or in part, to eat at his leisure. In the living form, this creature, especially its large species, serves as a delicacy for ordinary hedgehogs.
But still the main natural “consumer” of the cockroach carcass is the emerald wasp. This insect uses the pest in a very interesting way. She bites an insect, injecting poison into it, depriving the victim of their own will. After this, the wasp takes the cockroach by the antennae and retracts into its own burrow. There she lays eggs in his belly and is removed for personal business.
These cases, first of all, consist in laying the entrance to the hole with stones, making it impossible for a living incubator to escape. The larvae, hatching from eggs, eat the cockroach that has not yet died right from the inside. After that, without leaving the carcass, they pupate. After two weeks, they tear up the dried shell of their dinner: this is how adults appear, ready for breeding, individuals.
When an adult individual gets hungry, of all the abundance of food, it prefers to eat all the same cockroach. These insect wasps are eaten alive, only immobilized by poison.
In terrariums
To find out what animals feed on cockroaches, just look at the amateur terrariums and professionals. Among lovers there is this insect most species of birds contained in cages, iguanas, lizards, snakes, small monkeys, turtles, fish and others. Cockroaches are useful and nutritious. They can be purchased at pet stores: they are sold there for animal feed.
Many holders of terrariums and aquariums consider the constant purchase of live food as a waste of money, so they grow this food themselves. Suitable as a large "breed" (the american, Madagascar), and ordinary domestic blacks. Although more tender "meat" is still in giant species.
Among those who eat cockroaches from animals is an ordinary cat. These predators catch insects for the sake of "art" and not for food, but some experts say that it is very useful for cats in the postoperative period to eat their chitin, protein and dietary "meat".
Oddly enough, but the man is present in the list of animals that can eat several large cockroaches. In most Asian countries, this and similar insects are considered a useful diet food.In the daily diet of the Asian cockroaches is long gone, but quite acceptable food they were, is and will be.