Do cockroaches fly and do they have wings
- Cockroach wings
- Flying cockroach
- Banana cockroach
Perhaps not a single insect man is so aware, how about cockroach. About his survival and adaptation is known to all who had to find at home uninvited barbel. When it comes to the skills of an insect, its flying abilities are always questioned. The question of whether cockroaches can fly is the subject of discussion and controversy.
Domestic insects
The apartments mostly live redheads called Prussians and black cockroaches. It is very easy to get an exact answer to the question of whether cockroaches have wings. It is enough to go out for a night hunt and swat an insect sneaker. Happy owners of apartments without a cockroach neighborhood can take a look at the photo. The cockroach has wings, but there are no flight skills.
Prusaks have more developed wings than black ones. In rare cases, red individuals use them for short-term planning, for example, when they fall from a refrigerator or from a wall. According to some reports, red cockroaches fly during the marriage games. But this is not entirely true. Females to attract males spread their wings and make violent sweeps, because of what creates the illusion that cockroaches can fly.
By the size of the wings you can distinguish the female from the male. In females, they are shorter.
Cockroaches flyers
Species diversity of cockroaches is estimated in tens of thousands. And not all cockroaches with wings. The most vivid example is Madagascar cockroachWhich is famous for its size and ability to make hissing sounds. But still most of the species are equipped with wings and some of them even skillfully use them.
Flying cockroaches:
- Megaloblatta longipennis - one of the largest members of the family. A native of Latin America has an outstanding appearance. The body reaches a length of 9 cm, and 4 cm wide. At the sight of the wings of an insect, all doubts as to whether cockroaches can fly fly away. Their scope varies in the range of 18-20 cm. This species is defined as the largest among all flying cockroach-like. Females are distinguished by extraordinary fecundity, each female is capable of giving life to a whole colony and lays up to 50 eostas.
- Flying cockroach turtle became famous not only for its flight qualities, but also for its body shape. In appearance, its cover is similar to the shell of a turtle. Insects live in Asia. Nature oddly took care of this species. In females, the wings are completely absent. This deficiency is more than compensated by male individuals with developed wings and capable of making long flights.
The female turtles do not need fertilization for procreation and are distinguished by high fecundity.
Another species that clearly demonstrates whether cockroaches fly is called American. These insects arrived on the continent by sea from Africa and firmly settled in states with a warm climate. They live in refuse chutes, collector systems, in warehouse and industrial premises. This scale when choosing habitats due to the large number of colonies.
Insect does not require gastronomic delights and feeds on food waste, paper, leather, synthetic materials. The body of an adult individual reaches 5 cm and has a reddish color. Developed wings help to carry out short flights. The female lays 80-90 eotik, in each of which 10-15 eggs. Fertilization occurs without the participation of the male.
The female individual takes care of the newborn offspring, which is absolutely not characteristic of most species of the cockroach family.
Exotic insects with flight abilities
When considering whether cockroaches can fly, it is worth mentioning exotic specimens that are characterized by bright colors and the ability to use wings.
Banana cockroach lives in Ecuador, has a bright green color that helps to mask in the woods. The size of adults reaches 20-25 mm.The peak of activity occurs in the daytime. Females and males fly.
Australian barbel grows up to 3-4 cm and is distinguished by the red color of the chitinous cover. It lives mainly in the Gulf of Mexico and in Australia.