What to do if you saw a cockroach in the kitchen

Cockroaches - insects, because of which living in their own apartment becomes uncomfortable. Many residents of high-rise buildings know this problem firsthand. Indeed, besides the fact that pests worsen the sanitary condition of the dwelling, they also contribute to the spread of various diseases.Therefore, even the small cockroaches in the kitchen are predecessors serious struggle.

Cockroaches in the house
Cockroaches in the house

Causes of

There are many reasons why cockroaches appear in an apartment. That is why the fight against them is a very complex and time consuming process.

  1. One of the most common causes of the appearance of cockroaches - insanitary conditions. After all, you can often find cockroaches in the kitchen or in the bathroom, as this is the most suitable habitat for pests. Crumbs and leftover food, fatty layer on the floor, garbage not thrown out in time, and also plumbing leaks create ideal conditions for the life and distribution of cockroaches.
  2. Trays with pet food, which usually stand in the kitchen, also become a feeder for cockroaches. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully remove not only the place where the animal eats, but also its bowls with food debris.
  3. One of the main conditions for the life of cockroaches is water: so if insects can live for more than a month without food, then only a week without water. Therefore, to prevent the spread of insects can, if you restrict access to a water source, namely, to eliminate all the leaks in the plumbing system.
  4. Cracks in the walls - this is another reason because of which you can find a cockroach at home.Having identified such places, they must be carefully repaired.
  5. "Share" disgusting economy capable unclean neighbor or the one who decided to poison the pests. After all, sometimes it is enough to penetrate into the kitchen of one fertilized female, so that over time a whole colony of small cockroaches will settle there.
  6. Often insects are brought to their own kitchen with purchases, especially for used furniture or household appliances.
  7. The pest can be brought home from a business trip or in a bag from work.
  8. Ordered packages can also become a kind of vehicle for insects. It is the development of communication lines between different countries was the result of the spread of cockroaches around the world.

How cockroaches breed

Ooteka and nymphs
Ooteka and nymphs

Breed cockroaches sexually. After fertilization, the female lays eggs in a special section (oteke), which is located on the abdominal part of the body. Over time, this capsule increases in volume, as eggs laid in it begin to develop.

At a certain moment, the female throws off the swelling in a dark, inaccessible place, where nothing will threaten the life of the future offspring. After 2 months from the moment of fertilization, nymphs will see the light - small cockroaches.In the process of growth, they will undergo several molts and in 3 months will turn into adults, capable of breeding individuals.

What to do if you saw a cockroach in the kitchen

Finding even one cockroach in the kitchen, you should sound the alarm.

  1. Restoring order in the kitchen. The best option is a small repair, during which it will be possible to repair all the cracks, cracks and smudges. In the absence of such an opportunity, general cleaning is one of the important methods of control of baleen pests.
  2. Using effective chemicals and folk recipes fighting cockroaches.
  3. Carrying out preventive measures will help prevent the appearance and spread of insects in the kitchen.


Cockroaches can live in any apartment. However, if it is not created ideal temperature conditions for their habitat: the lack of water and food, the insects simply will not survive there or go in search of another home.


Today the market is filled with various insecticidal preparations that give a good result in the fight against cockroaches.


Cockroach Gels
Cockroach Gels

The best poison from cockroaches recognized gels.In addition to the insecticide, they contain various flavors and food additives that ensure long-lasting effectiveness of the product. The gel affects both small cockroaches and adults through the integuments of the body and the digestive system.

The following brands are most popular: Global, Assault, Dohlox, Raptor.


The children saw a cockroach in the kitchen, and on the advice of a friend I bought Globol Gel, a terrific drug. Cockroaches disappeared from the kitchen after one application!

Elena, Tver


Aerosols are no less effective means of cockroaches. It is enough to spray in the kitchen the places with the largest accumulation of insects, and in a few hours the result will be obvious. The disadvantage of means is a specific smell that requires mandatory ventilation of the room. Yes, and the person processing the premises, you need a protective suit (respirator, gloves, the most closed clothing).

Aerosols are in great demand among consumers. Geth, Raid, Clean house, Combat.

Popular are and smoke bombswhose action is generally similar to sprays and aerosols.

Cockroach Sprays
Cockroach Sprays

Powders and crayons

Another type of contact means of struggle are powdered insecticides. Most often this dusty Contact of the pest with the drug causes not only its infection, but also its relatives, the result of which is their inevitable death.

The principle of the chalk is similar. Its main advantage is the possibility of applying to vertical surfaces. Widely known to consumers crayon Mashawell-proven Thiuram, Fas, Regent 800.

On a note!

To achieve maximum effect when using chalk it is necessary for them to apply new lines every week.


Traps - less safe and fairly easy to use method of dealing with cockroaches. The small plastic box has several holes that serve as an entrance for insects. Inside this device is a poisonous bait, which attracts the attention of the pest. Having tasted it, the parasite manages to transmit the poison to its fellows, after which it dies.

According to consumer reviews, traps under the following brands are most effective: Reid, Raptor, Combat, Globol.

Pitfalls Raid and Raptor
Pitfalls Raid and Raptor


Rescued from cockroaches Kombat trap. Changed the bait twice.For 2 months, no cockroach in the kitchen was found

Boris, Saratov

Folk remedies

Many mistresses fight cockroaches with the help of folk remedies. After all, safety for humans and pets is the main advantage of this method of struggle. In addition, these tools are more affordable because they have a low cost.

Boric acid and borax

Boric acid - One of the most effective methods of dealing with the Prussians. Safe for animals and humans, white powder is deadly to insects. Boric acid is mixed with flour, egg and sugar. From the resulting mass form small balls, which are laid out in the kitchen in places particularly populated by insects. Has similar properties and borax.

The key to a good result when using borax or boric acid is to limit access to water sources. Otherwise, the tool will not help.


Pyrethrum - powder based on dry crushed chamomile inflorescences. A fairly effective tool in the fight against cockroaches.


In the kitchen, a cockroach will not appear if there is a geranium on the windowsill. The smell of this plant does not tolerate many insects, including the Prussians.

Folk remedies for cockroaches
Folk remedies for cockroaches


Turpentine, kerosene, denatured alcohol are emergency pest control products. Insects cannot stand their smell. It is enough to apply in several places any of these substances, and leave the room closed for a couple of days.


In order to banish "uninvited guests" it is necessary to treat the floors, as well as the inner surface of kitchen tables and shelves with a solution of water and 9% vinegar. With the same purpose, you can use ammonia.


I found a couple of small cockroaches in the kitchen, apparently recently got out. She treated the entire kitchen with water and vinegar. New objects have not yet observed.

Evgenia, Moscow

It's just some kind of attack: I bought a used laptop, and with it came the bonus cockroaches. When his son unwound, they were horrified - a sea of ​​small insects and empty eggs. Friends advised to bring to frost for 1-2 hours. Let's try.

Valentina Petrovna, Voronezh

I got rid of Prusak with Raptor gel. A wonderful, odorless drug. And the insects left immediately after the first application.

Olga, Moscow

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Bed bugs

