Marble cockroaches: what to feed and how to breed

In nature, there are more than 2500 species of cockroaches, and not all of them are useless household pests. So, some exotic species of insects people keep as pets, and one of the popular feed crops are marble cockroaches. They are used to feed snakes, lizards, toads, spiders, hedgehogs and other terrarium animals.

Special features

A marble or ash cockroach comes from tropical countries.Insects deserve such attention due to the extraordinary vitality and unpretentiousness to the conditions of detention, high fecundity and low cost. Naufet can reproduce even at relatively low temperatures and low-quality feed.

Marble cockroaches are not much different from their relatives. The body of an adult individual can be up to 3 cm in length. Females are slightly larger than males, and they have practically no other external differences. Insects have wings, but they can not fly. Below are the marble cockroaches in the photo.

Marble cockroaches
Marble cockroaches

Life expectancy of the science is about 10 months. The development cycle of an egg in an adult is about 3-4 months. Forage cockroaches, as well as their other congeners, are egg-breeding. After fertilization female lays eggs in a special capsule (swelling), which is on your body. In a month, about 30 small individuals are born.

How to breed

Many owners of terrariums breed nauffets, so that their pet always has fresh and nutritious food. Therefore, breeding marble cockroaches requires compliance with certain conditions.

  1. Bred naufetov in glass or plastic terrariums with air vents. They are closed with a metal or plastic mesh grid so that insects do not crawl out.
  2. As shelters for insects, you can use cardboard trays that sell chicken eggs. They are placed on each other, constructing a high-rise structure.
  3. The density of the habits of science educators should not exceed 10 adult individuals per 10 square centimeters of area.
  4. The temperature of 25-26 degrees is the most favorable for the life of arthropods. With its decrease, the reproduction rate decreases significantly.
  5. To marble cockroaches could not get out of the terrarium, its upper edge must be smeared with petroleum jelly.

To feed pets with insects is necessary in a certain sequence, taking into account the number of individuals of each sex. In order for the population to continue breeding, it is necessary to leave at least 1-2 males and 2-3 females available. They are deposited in a separate terrarium, creating favorable conditions for habitat and reproduction.

Marble cockroaches-1
Marble cockroaches

The following problems may arise when breeding marble cockroaches:

  • Inbred depression in insects can lead to colony degeneration. In order for the reproduction process to be complete and not violated, it is necessary to add an individual from another family every 1-2 years.
  • Due to the fact that the marble cockroach has the ability to multiply very quickly, the creation of favorable conditions for habitat and reproduction can lead to an excessive increase in the number of insects. Arthropods can be much more than necessary to feed your pet. Therefore, it is necessary to control the number of naufets, setting them off or reducing the temperature of the content.

What to feed

Due to the fact that science fiction is a feed crop, it is necessary to know what to feed the marble cockroaches. Food should be of high quality and diverse, because it is through the consumed foods that insects acquire beneficial properties. The usual diet of an ashen cockroach should include not only cereals and flour products, but also vegetables and fruits. Among them should be present apples, pears, carrots and beets.

On a note!

According to experienced breeders, a marble cockroach can die if it is fed with tomatoes, bananas or fatty protein foods.

In the diet should be protein components contained in dry food for cats, dogs and fish, as well as bloodworm and feed. Such food must be given regularly to prevent insect protein starvation.

Carbohydrate and protein feed placed in separate feeders. It is advisable to make them a few, so that hungry insects do not cripple each other. Drinkers must be constantly filled with water. To prevent the young growth from sinking, the surface of the water is filled with vermiculite.

Marble cockroach will quickly get accustomed and will multiply, if you follow the above recommendations.

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