Why cockroaches called Stasik

Cockroaches in different countries they are called differently: hares, felixes, mushrooms, Prusaks, tanchiki, trams. The desire to call a cockroach is more likely connected with a squeamish attitude and fear of a creeping insect. But why the cockroaches are called Stasikov is not clear, because the name is quite sweet and harmless. There are several versions, each of which has the right to exist.

Sea version

Many consider this option of getting the name “Stasik” by cockroaches to be the most likely.In the past, sailors often suffered from pubic lice. At that time, it was believed that these insects are hawkers are homosexuals. In prison it was customary to call gay people a full-fledged word consonant with the word "Stas." Sailors adopted this nickname, applying it to the pubic "residents." After some time, the use of mats in everyday life has become unacceptable, so the favorite word had to be replaced with a more decent one. It was recalled that it is precisely Stas that is consonant with him. Gradually, more affectionate "stasik" migrated to other types of insects, including cockroaches.

Black beetle
Black beetle


How many can remember, always called cockroaches "Stasik". When I grew up, went to college, I recognized people who had not even heard such a name. Funny, for the first time, I heard many of the words that they spoke. But I still call stasikas “stasiki,” I even taught my husband and children. Creatures with such a name scare much less than any cockroaches.

Irina, Orenburg

Baleen version

Some sources argue that the clue why cockroaches are called Stasik lies in their whiskers.The translation of this word from different languages ​​with incorrect pronunciation can be interpreted as "stas". Probably, a not very competent translator once incorrectly translated the word from which the name “Stasiki” was derived.

The most likely translation error, as a result of which the cockroach can be called differently, from the following languages:

  • From the English "mustache" the ending of the word sounds "strike";
  • From Italian "mustachi" - "strikes";
  • From the French "mostaccio" - "Stassio".

Anecdotal version

Probably, the Stasiki cockroaches began to be called after one anecdote, in which the cockroach introduced himself that way. His voice, according to the rules of the anecdote, is funny, memorable. Many believe that it was precisely after the joke of the people that this insect of this species began to be called “Stasik”.


If this version is true, then if the cockroach had introduced himself as Alfred or Rostislav, we would call today “Fredios” or “Rostiks”.

Version of doubles

Red cockroach
Red cockroach

The statistics, for one reason she knows, assures that all Stas are politely wearing a mustache. Although the stasiki cockroaches in the photo are not at all like a single Stas man.Version can not be rejected, because statistics - a serious "science". And since all Stas, like the Prussians, have a mustache, it means that they should be called the same, adjusted for size: large - Stas, small - Stasik.

The same statistics states that the Stas are energetic and mobile so that they can only be compared with brisk insects that can move faster than the wind and are constantly in motion. Then there was a screening of growth, so the cockroaches were called Stasik.

How to get rid of "stasikov"

From point of view the need to destroy“Stasiki” are no different from “Prusacks”, “Felixes” or even ordinary cockroaches.

To get rid of these insects, no matter what their name, you must use commercially available arsenal of means: gelstraps powders (dusty), sprays, crayons (for example, Mashenka), solutions, fumigators, scarers, smoke bombs. The choice of means depends on personal preferences, the number of pests, the ability to leave the house at the time of treatment. The most safe for humans and animals are gels, scarers and trapswhereas the most effective are aqua-fumigators, solutions and aerosols. The most popular are such drugs:

You can use folk remedies, eg, with boric acid.

If there are too many pests and there is no strength or desire to fight them yourself, you can call specialists - disinsectors that will help get rid of red cockroaches with the help of powerful, modern tools. After visiting such services at home, all surfaces that the skin will come into contact with must be washed with soda or soap solution (chairs, countertops, dishes, door handles).

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