At what temperature do cockroaches and their larvae die?

Cockroach - one of the most common household pests. Having adapted to dwell near the person, the insect demonstrates amazing vitality. However, the comfortable existence of the pest provide certain living conditions. Sources of water and food - one of the main causes of cockroaches in the apartment. Another equally important condition is the temperature regime.Even our great-grandmothers used the method of temperature exposure to fight the pest, squeezing at home. Therefore, it will not be superfluous to know at what temperature cockroaches and their larvae die.

These arthropods can be found not only in their own apartment, but also at work, in the canteen, hostel or hospital. They prefer to settle in heated premises, as they are heat-loving creatures. Not everyone knows at what temperature cockroaches live. The most comfortable for them is the air temperature of 20-28 ° C. That is why insects prefer to settle in basements or sewer systems.


At what temperature do insects die?

It is known that the activity of Prusaks depends on the environment. Consequently, the question, at what temperature cockroaches die, cannot be answered unambiguously. Insects are afraid of the cold no less than insecticidal drugs.

Life-threatening cockroaches temperature - from -1. With prolonged exposure, even a slight "minus" can be fatal.

However, excessive heat can significantly reduce the number of pests.A temperature of about 50 ° C can kill an insect if it persists for several hours. In our zone, hot weather is rare. Therefore, in this case, the option with the cold remains more acceptable.


Scientists have established at what temperature a cockroach freezes. If the air temperature is below - 5 degrees, then the death of insects occurs after 30 minutes. If it falls below - 10 ° C, then cockroaches and their eggs die in 2 minutes.

Therefore, heat is one of the main conditions for the survival of the population. That is why Prusak’s favorite habitats are kitchen and a bathroom, where there are also sources of water and food.

Cockroaches in the house
Cockroaches in the house

Under unfavorable habitat conditions, the arthropod development cycle slows down significantly. With a sharp cooling, the physiological processes are also suspended. The intracellular fluid of the parasite becomes more viscous and thick, which subsequently leads to its death.

Heat treatment methods

There are several types of persecution based on temperature extremes:

  • Guaranteed freeing parasites freezing method.It was popular back in the old days. It is enough to open the windows in the room, and leave them in this state for several hours. This will help not only to freeze cockroaches, but also fleas, bed bugs, and even a mole.
  • Prusak dies, if you use dry ice. This method is used by professional services. It is not suitable for independent use because of the high cost of preparations.
  • Steam heat treatment. In this case, use a steam generator that produces steam with a temperature of more than 60 degrees. It is enough to treat them with cracks, plinths, the back side of the furniture and the place of the greatest accumulation of insects, in connection with which not only cockroaches die, but also their larvae.
Cockroach Control
Cockroach Control

How to apply cold

To freeze cockroaches:

  1. Remove from the premises of children and pets.
  2. Open wide the window.
  3. In order to avoid a rush of radiators and central heating pipes, they must be carefully warmed.
  4. When the air temperature is too low, cockroaches die much faster, so the duration of the procedure should not exceed 30 minutes. In warmer regions, it is preferable to freeze the room for a longer time, so that insects, their eggs and larvae can precisely freeze and die.
  5. After processing the window should be closed, and carry out wet cleaning, after collecting dead cockroaches.

How to apply heat

In regions of warm climate, where hot weather is a familiar phenomenon, use the opposite temperature method of pest control. When the air warms up to 40 and above degrees, similarly to the previous method, open the windows and leave them in this state for the maximum possible time.

Knowing the temperature at which cockroaches die, one can easily apply the method of temperature exposure in the fight against insects, without resorting to chemical means.

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