The most giant cockroach in the world
- Madagascar hissing cockroach
- Eggs of Madagascar hissing cockroaches
Presence cockroaches In many people's homes, they are disgusted, and sometimes even horrified. But there are some enthusiasts who keep insects as pets. However, in this case we are not talking about the usual ginger prusake, and about the representative from Madagascar. This is the largest cockroach in the world, which has the original appearance and size. It is unpretentious in food and does not spread an unpleasant smell, hardly noticeable and rather calm.Elementary conditions of detention are the main advantage of breeding this insect.
Special features
The world's largest cockroach - Madagascar hissing. Biologists have more than 20 subspecies of such insects. The giant cockroach has no wings. In light or dark brown tones, the body of an insect can be up to 10 cm in length (for comparison, the smallest cockroach grows to 1 cm in the world). Nymphs of the largest cockroach are very similar to adults, their distinguishing feature is a softer shell.
In addition to the size of the giants have another feature - the ability to make hissing sounds. Large insects use them to scare off enemies or during the mating season, when males fight for a female.
The male and female of a large Madagascar cockroach differ in appearance by the following features:
- males are slightly smaller than females;
- abdominal segments. The male has only one dark color segment, the female has black last two last segments;
- in the female, the abdomen is wider;
- whiskers - in females they are more even and well-groomed, in males - crooked and often broken.
The average life expectancy of large cockroaches is 1-2 years. In captivity, they are able to live 2 times more. The habitat of huge exotic insects are trees, where in secluded places they make nests. Leaves and fruits are food for giants. Also, insects feed on decaying remains of berries and green plants.
What kind of life are insects
The activity of the world's largest cockroach manifests at night. During the day, he prefers to hide under the leaves. At times of danger, the giant parasite tries to cling to tree bark as tightly as possible, as a result of which it is almost impossible to grab it. And the loud hissing sound, pronounced by a large cockroach, scares the animal that attacks him.
The largest cockroaches in the world are the only viviparous insect species. The male attracts the attention of the female with the help of whiskers, which act as the main pheromone receptors. Therefore, during the battle, rivals are trying to break these very “horns”. After mating, the female carries her offspring in the belly.After 2 months, from 20 to 50 pieces of small white larvae appear, the size of which does not exceed 5 mm. During the first days of life, their cover hardens and acquires the usual color.
Females are very careful about their offspring, which is quite rare among insects. The first few days, the mother is near the newborns, protecting them. Scientists have noticed that in moments of danger, the female protecting its offspring, hisses much more often than their relatives. Through time, already established larvae crawl in different directions.
In the process of growth, young offspring undergo several molts, the last of which occurs 5-6 months after birth. More chitinous cover cockroach does not reset, as it is already an adult individual.
Many people breed these parasites not only as pets, but also for food to the inhabitants of terrariums. Such a demand for them is explained by the fact that the giants multiply quickly enough and do not require special conditions of detention.