Life Expectancy of the Domestic Cockroach
- Eggs and larvae of cockroaches
- Cockroaches in the house
- Cockroaches can live without a head
Cockroach - one of the most enduring creatures on earth. About the incredible endurance of the insect are the real legends that live pests for years, can go without food, water and even without a head for a long time. How many cockroaches live in reality, this article will tell.
Development features
The amazing feature of this household pest is incomplete chain of transformations - cockroaches have no pupal stage after the appearance of eggs from eggs.
- A fertilized female cockroach lays its eggs in the oteka - a special dense capsule located on the stomach, which darkens with time and begins to increase in size from eggs growing inside.
- After a certain period of time (2-4 weeks), the female throws off the puck in a damp, hard-to-reach place, where nymphs come into the world - white tiny cockroaches no larger than 3 mm in size. There are also such species of Prusaks, which do not shed the ootek, but carry it on themselves right up to the very appearance of the offspring.
- Before turning into an adult, each nymph passes from 6 to 10 molts. As her chitinous cover begins to darken and harden. In the hot season, this process takes about 2 months, in the cold - up to six months. The adult (adult red cockroach) lives more than 5 months, taking into account the same period of a nymph’s life - up to a year.
- In the absence of favorable conditions for existence, namely the restriction of access to water and food, the life expectancy of a cockroach can be reduced significantly.
How much does a cockroach live without food?
Due to the fact that cockroaches are cold-blooded creatures, they do not use their energy to maintain the temperature. Insects have a slower metabolism than warm-blooded creatures. It is enough for Prusak to eat once to not experience hunger and maintain physical activity for several weeks. That is why red-haired cockroaches live for 40 days without food, and their fellow black people live up to 70 days.
Temperature is another important condition for a long period of insect life. Its excessively low rates can significantly reduce the number of pests.
Knowing how many days cockroaches live without food, it becomes clear that the crumbs on the tables and the trash left in the bucket create ideal conditions for insects to live for a long time.
Can cockroaches live without water
Without water on earth no living being can live. It participates in the processes of vital activity, in the work of internal organs and the digestion of food, which is also important for cold-blooded organisms.
Therefore, the question of how many cockroaches live without water, many hostesses are puzzled.After all, no means of struggle will be effective if there is an easy access to water for Prusaks in the house.
Any poisoned insect can be "cured" with the help of a liquid if it reaches it in time.
Despite how many cockroaches live without food, the lack of water is detrimental to them. Prusak can live without it no more than 7 days. That is why pests prefer to dwell in the kitchen or in the bathroom - where there is moisturized food and a source of water nearby.
Headless Cockroaches
No matter how strange this statement may be, but this is true - a cockroach lives for 9 days. The American specialists were convinced of this by conducting a series of research and experiments for scientific purposes.
The ability of a cockroach to live without a head is explained by the structure of the insect: its digestive, circulatory and nervous systems are not looped off and are related to the brain relatively. When cutting off the head, the blood quickly coagulates and clogs the cervical vessels, which contributes to the further work of the circulatory system.
The respiratory system behaves in the same way, since the insect’s breathing has no connection with the head.The insect's organism is enriched with oxygen through spiracles and multiple small tracheas. Therefore, when decapitating an insect, asphyxiation did not occur. In addition, such a pest was able to move his paws for some time, get up and even move.
It is also surprising that the head separated from the body was also able to live for some time. The organ remained alive until it was fed with a special solution. In the course of the experiments on the example of a cockroach organism, memorization skills were proved based on the indissoluble unity of the head and body.
In conclusion, we can say that cockroaches are incredibly tenacious creatures that can live a long period not only without food and water, but even without a head. And their chitinous shell is so strong that, even after slamming an insect with a room slipper, it is not always possible to kill it. Since cockroaches live long and multiply even faster, it becomes clear how important it is to start in time. fight with baleen Prusak. For this purpose, apply modern means as gels, powders, smoke bombssprays Dustovcrayons.The industry produces a wide variety of drugs that have proven to be effective:
- destructive force;
- A great warrior;
- Forsyth;
- Regent;
- FAS;
- Global;
- Geth;
- Clean house;
- Chalk Masha;
- Lambda probe;
- Dohlox;
- Ram other.
In order for the result to be effective, you should follow the instructions on the packaging of each product. With a large accumulation of cockroaches, it is recommended to call home experts who will hold disinsection.