What to do if cockroaches appeared in the apartment
- Cockroaches in the house
- Cockroaches in the parcels
- Cockroaches in the house
Extremely unpleasant phenomenon - cockroaches in an apartment or house. Not only does their appearance cause disgust, but they are carriers of pathogenic bacteria. Crawling on foods intended for food, these small parasites make them useless. The outcome of the battle with these insects depends on the timeliness and adequacy of the measures and the understanding of the source of the nasty "tenants" entering the premises.
Penetration methods
If the owner has seen one pest, she can be sure that in the near future she will see hundreds and even thousands if not to take action. First of all, it is necessary to understand how cockroaches appear in an apartment. Knowing this, it is possible to avoid their subsequent appearances.
From neighbors
Frequent explanation of insects getting into the house: incompliance of neighbors' apartment with sanitary standards. Insects can sneak through the ventilation shafts, through the cracks in the walls, open doors or along the garbage disposal lines.
Most often, the first "scout" appears, figuring out the source of the drink, the amount of food, temperature and humidity in the new room for the colony. If all this is suitable for living cockroaches, within a few hours you can be the "happy" owner of several thousand swift-footed and omnipresent residents.
What causes insects to change their place of residence? Why do cockroaches appear in an apartment that did not interest them before?
There may be several answers:
- the colony multiplied so much that there was no room for everyone, and part of it had to migrate;
- the neighbors carried out pest control, so they crawling into the apartment and the conditions of undeveloped housing suit them more. In this situation, the entire colony will be relocated to an apartment in a short time.
Important! If you do not start in time fighting cockroaches in the apartment, in a rather short period of time, they will be able to start not only in the apartment, but also populate the entrance and the high-rise apartment building.
With shopping
Very often the cockroach in the apartment is brought by the tenant himself. So, he can get into the house along with purchases from the store, because the majority of grocery outlets are inhabited by these insects. If a male arrived “on a visit” - nothing terrible, after a while he will die. But if the fertilized female was in the bag, the man would soon find out what kind of "happiness" it was - cockroaches in the house.
On a note! Cockroaches of the house can appear not only from the bag with products, but can be brought with new furnishings or clothing. However, since these items are of no interest to cockroaches from the point of view of nutrition, this reason for their appearance is random and exceptional. Whereas they arrive from grocery stores with enviable regularity.
From the trip
Cockroaches in the house can be brought from a trip or a business trip. Such a probability is especially great in those cases when you have to stay not in the best hotels, where the level of sanitary conditions is not as high as necessary.
Tip! Even if you yourself did not go anywhere, but lent your bag to your friends, the likelihood of finding a new neighbor, or even several at once, is just as great.
By mail
No matter how incredible this way of appearance of cockroaches would seem, it also has a place to be. Considering that today purchases on the Internet and on foreign websites are very popular, nowadays you can acquire not only ordinary domestic Prussians, but also have an excellent sample of a foreign parasite completely free of charge.
Curious! It is to the development of means of communication that we owe it to the fact that cockroaches have started in the whole world.
Why got accustomed
It is important not only where do cockroaches come from in an apartment or house, but why they do not leave, but remain permanently to live here.
Most often they prefer to live in those houses where they do not like order too much.
- Most cockroaches are cute at home, in which there is an uninterrupted source of food.The insect is quite unpretentious, so it is happy to eat both fresh food and waste. He is completely satisfied with the contents of the trash can or spoiled vegetables. Cockroaches are able to creep into the narrowest slits, finding spilled flour or sugar. But even if the food disappears, 2-3 weeks cockroaches can do without it.
Recommendation: in order not to guess what cockroaches appear from, it is necessary to maintain order in the kitchen: take out the garbage every day, put food away to the places inaccessible by insects, wash the stove, floor and baseboards as often as possible.
- It is very important for cockroaches water source. If cockroaches can do without food for some time, then they will not stretch without water. Therefore, you should carefully close the taps, wipe the bath and sink, repair plumbing in time, water the flowers as needed, avoiding the formation of puddles.
- For insects, humidity and temperature are important. Human housing has comfortable conditions for cockroaches, and there are houses many cozy corners and crevicesin which they can hide from slippers and newspapers.
If cockroaches appeared in the apartment
Before embarking on a war with cockroaches, it is necessary to understand what makes cockroaches from, because it allows us not to forget about the importance of prevention. First of all, it is necessary to block possible ways of access to the residential premises and maintain order.
Important! If after careful and full pest control insects returned to the apartment, it can only say that the conditions for them are perfect here. In this case, it is worth reconsidering your approach to housekeeping - it is likely that you do not comply with sanitary standards.
For a successful struggle you need to know what to do if cockroaches appeared in an apartment:
- Make general cleaning. Ideally, this should be a mini-repair, but if this is difficult, then every corner must be cleaned. Elimination of deposits of garbage, products in the public domain, waste paper makes it possible to deal more effectively with a colony of parasites.
- Take out the garbage from the house more often, preferably before nightfall, and in the daytime make it difficult to access the waste by covering the bucket with the garbage with a tight lid.
- Use modern traps and special means. Among the modern means - chalk, powders, smoke bombs, dustysprays effective gels. If the cockroach population is not too large, you can resort to help. folk recipes.
- In order not to suffer the question of where cockroaches come from in the house, one cannot do without preventive measures. The most important condition: cleanliness in the kitchen, in the toilet and bathroom. It is recommended to regularly treat surfaces with insect repellents.
The following products proved to be effective: the idea of gels, powders, aerosols:
- Dohlox;
- Raptor;
- Combat;
- crayon Masha;
- Dichlorvos;
- Global;
- Geth;
- Clean house;
- Regent 800;
- Digox;
- Agran;
- Fipronil;
- Yuraks other.
Very important! Be got cockroaches can in any house. However, they will take root only where they feel comfortable - in cluttered housing, whose owners are not accustomed to taking up a doormat too often. Therefore, the fight against cockroaches should be accompanied by cleanliness in all areas of the apartment.
Having got rid of the pests, one should not think that this is forever: it is necessary to make sure that the neighbors also got rid of the parasites, otherwise soon everything can start anew.
Sometimes you need to find out if there are cockroaches in the apartment in order to take the necessary measures to eliminate them and when buying a home.To do this, after turning off the light in the apartment, you need to wait some time and suddenly turn it on in the kitchen. If there are no signs of life in the area of the sink or trash can, there is a chance that there are no cockroaches in the apartment.