How cockroaches look, their photos, types and description

Cockroaches they are associated with nimble, sneaky, enduring insects, which at any opportunity strive to divide the living space with a person.No wonder the Russian proverb says that there would be a hut, and there will be Prusaks. However, domestic barbel is not the only representatives of the cockroach detachment. Scientists know more than 4,600 species of cockroaches. Some of them are very attractive and innocuous insects with elegant outlines of wings, bright color, luxurious tendrils.

Description of domestic species

Domestic cockroaches in the CIS countries are represented mainly by 2 types: black and ginger. The latter is distinguished by brown shell, the size of which does not exceed 16 mm, the ability to short flights.


This type of cockroach is often called Prusak, believing that it was brought from Prussia. Residents of Germany think exactly the opposite, and believe that the historic homeland of the red-headed mustache is Russia.

Black beetle
Black beetle

A variety of black cockroaches in recent decades in apartments is becoming increasingly rare. Appearance new insecticidal products and competitive fighting cockroaches in the apartment reduced population size. Insects can live in residential buildings, greenhouses, sewers, mines. Often their colonies can be found in the wild near human habitation. The size of adults sometimes reaches 8 cm. The insect got its name because of its black color.The view is characterized by the ability to run fast and lack of flying skills.

For most people, even photos of domestic cockroaches cause disgust and disgust. But traditional medicine treats them very loyal, claiming their benefits, and proposes the use of black barb for the treatment of pyelonephritis, relief of asthma attacks, getting rid of worms. Official medicine is categorically against extraordinary therapy. Domestic cockroach is a carrier of helminth eggs, causative agents of dangerous diseasestherefore, the benefits of it are very doubtful.


In Russia, cockroaches were considered a sign of prosperity, so when moving to a new place of residence for several individuals, there was always a place in the baggage.

Red cockroach
Red cockroach

With the exception of external characteristics, the red and black cockroaches have a lot in common. They eat the remnants of human food, poorly tolerate moisture deficiency, live in colonies. It is possible to determine the nest of insects by the presence of a large number of empty eaves, black small excrement, a large number of larvae.

All kinds of domestic cockroaches very fertile. After mating, a special capsule with eggs is formed in the body of the female - a chamber, which the expectant mother will carry from 2 to 5 weeks. Prusus females show great concern for their offspring than black barbs and leave the oteca only at the moment of full maturation of the larvae. Black cockroaches get rid of the capsule almost immediately. Prusaks often eat such carelessness and eat eggs, thereby destroying competitors at the maturation stage. How domestic cockroaches look in the photo, as well as their offspring, see below.

From mature eggs, nymphs appear - small copies of their parents, only with the absence of wings. In red species, the period of transformation of a nymph into a mature individual lasts 60 days. During this period, the nymph undergoes several molts. After dropping the shell small larvae look like white transparent insects, for which they are often called white cockroaches. After a few days, the chitinous cover acquires its characteristic shade. Lifespan adult red individuals do not exceed 30 weeks.

Ooteka and nymphs
Ooteka and nymphs


Each female domestic cockroach under favorable conditions can increase the numbercolonies on 200 individuals.

Furniture Cockroach

This kind of small cockroaches was registered in the middle of the last century. The color and size of the calf is very changeable, which is why a lot of descriptions have appeared under various names. Externally, they look like a red "fellow". It is possible to distinguish them from prusaks by a more pronounced reddish color and the presence of two bands running from the base of the abdomen. Furniture cockroaches come in dark black shades. The length of an adult insect barely reaches 12 mm. Thanks to their well-developed legs, females and males move quickly and can make jumps.

The furniture look got its name because of its gastronomical tastes and habitats. These insects are not so demanding to the presence of water, so furniture cockroaches do not have nests near sanitary facilities and food blocks. They prefer food with starch content, willingly eat books, wallpaper glue, any paper. Optimal conditions for development - high humidity and temperature 28-30 ° C.

Heat-loving insects

Among the cockroaches that live in a warm climate, many interesting species.

Vietnamese cockroaches

Representatives of the Central Asian species are often called Vietnamese or Turkestan cockroaches. They live in southern regions in homes, garbage bins, landfills.They are found in the wild - their settlements are created between stones. The head is yellowish, reddish, the chitinous cover of the body is distinguished by a darker saturated brown shade. The main distinguishing feature of the Central Asian species is the ability to use wings and jump. They feed on waste and plants. Recently, often divorced in terrariums for food reptiles.

Egyptian Cockroaches

Vietnamese and Egyptian cockroaches
Vietnamese and Egyptian cockroaches

This species lives in the Caucasus, in the Crimea, in Central Asia. Males are distinguished by brown color and developed wings. Females are wingless, their body shape resembles a turtle shell. The size of adult individuals varies from 2.5 to 4.5 cm. The natural habitat is rodent burrows, as well as livestock farms and human habitation. They feed on feces, organic waste. Without food can live up to 100 days, the lack of moisture for them is destructive.

One female lays eggs 3 to 5 times in her life. One capsule contains from 12 to 18 eggs. Larvae of cockroaches molt several times, the period of maturation lasts 2 years. The total lifetime of an insect is 4 years.


Type of Egyptian cockroaches are a serious pest for livestock. These insects are eaten by animals and can cause paratyphoid fever. Scientists are seriously exploring the question of whether the Egyptian species of these insects are not associated with outbreaks of meat poisoning, which periodically arise in Central Asia.

Cockroaches record holders

These insects are able to surprise a lot with a closer acquaintance with them.

American cockroach

The fastest among the family recognized american cockroach. This view is able to run 75 cm in one second. The insect is very thermophilic and dies at temperatures below 0 ° C. The look differs in the large sizes - 5 cm in length. Color chitinous cover from light red to brown. The powerful mouthpiece of the gnawing type allows to bite through even the hardest materials. The variety prefers to settle in huge colonies, the number of which can be in the tens of thousands, so the population is more common in large buildings with optimal humidity and temperature.

American cockroach
American cockroach

A pregnant female cares little for her offspring, she wears no more than 2 days, and then buries her in the substrate. Insects pay more attention to mating games.The female, ready to mate, releases special pheromones. The male, attracted by the smell, begins to circle around his "lady", fluttering wings.


The look of American cockroaches has one interesting feature. Ovules in the body of the female can mature without fertilization.

Madagascar hissing cockroach

Appearance madagascar hissing cockroach able to touch not only the child, but also an adult. This species has the largest dimensions - the body length of an adult individual reaches 10 cm. The peculiarities of the respiratory system allow insects to make hissing sounds. "Madagascar" refers to viviparous species. The uterus takes care of the cubs after they appear. When other insects that are dangerous to newborn larvae appear, the female begins to make loud hissing sounds.

Type of Madagascar cockroaches inhabits forests, loves heat and humidity. This is one of the few species that a person specially breeds. Someone does it for aesthetic reasons, curiosity. Others grow "Madagascar" as food for lizards, snakes.

Madagascar hissing cockroach
Madagascar hissing cockroach

The most terrible and beautiful views of the cockroach

Exotic cockroaches are famous for their unusual colors. Such specimens are gladly bred in terrariums.

Australian cockroach rhino

Differs large weight - 40 g and the ability to dig tunnels. It feeds on plant food, in its absence it is not averse to feast on carrion.

Chess Cockroach

In the photo of cockroaches, the chess appearance immediately catches the eye. The color of its shell is identical to a chessboard. It lives in India, in the daytime it takes shelter under fallen leaves, at night it goes in search of food. Kind of Green Banana flying cockroaches was discovered relatively recently on banana plantations. The poisonous green color is admired by insect lovers.

Car driver

Types of cockroaches
Types of cockroaches

A cockroach with a gentle nickname "little car" - the dream of any collector of unusual insects. Its appearance resembles a miniature car with headlights on.

Dead Head

The dead head cockroach looks most frightening. The size of his body reaches 5.5 cm, and on the back is a pattern resembling a skull, which is why the insect got its terrible name.It feeds on small insects, in the absence of food, it readily goes on to eat its “brethren”.

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