Conspiracy - how to get rid of cockroaches in an apartment once and for all
- Cockroaches
- Brownie help
- Water Conspiracy
- Spell of St. Tryphon
Cockroaches - the most tenacious and quickly adapting insects to any conditions and chemical substances. It has long been against these domestic parasites fought in different ways - fumigated the house with herbs lit on the Trinity, sprayed the corners with holy water, read the plot from cockroaches and prayers. Today, interest in household magic is back, andif you want to try your hand at witchcraft, feel like a wizard, you can start by cleaning the house of Prusacks.
Rules when performing magical rites
Before you use conspiracies from cockroaches and other household pests, you must be familiar with the rules that must be followed by a master of magic or one who wants to use magic formulas:
- It must be remembered that any conspiracy, if uttered with unclean thoughts or malice in the heart, is a danger to the one who utters it;
- Women conspiring must cover their heads with a handkerchief;
- On church holidays, you can not read the plots and create any other wolf;
- You can read a conspiracy only if you are healthy, otherwise the energy spent on the fortune-maker will only worsen the health condition
- Women cannot read the conspiracy, prayer and perform magical rituals on critical days;
- The rite of exile from the house of insects should be carried out on the waning moon;
- The plot is read when no one bothers. Even animals need to be removed from the house in order not to be distracted.
- They read the plot without shouting phrases, but not in a whisper.The words are pronounced clearly, with inner confidence in the success of the magical rite.
Dirt and debris in the house attracts evil spirits and low spirits, so before you read the plots against cockroaches, you need to do general cleaning in the apartment - sweep away rubbish, wash floors and windows with water with Thursday salt or with the addition of decoction of wormwood.
Cleaning starts with the windows and move to the door. Water is poured over the threshold, in a place where people do not walk.
Once everything is ready for the rite, proceed to the conspiracies themselves.
We ask for help from the brownie
Those who still have doubts about the effectiveness of the conspiracies, will get rid of the cockroaches in the apartment once and for all the visualization of the desired. When casting a plot, imagine how cockroaches leave your home.
The brownie protects the house from evil spirits, it is within its power to clean the dwelling from the energetic “dirt”, to get rid of cockroaches and other pests. In order for the Brownie to help get rid of cockroaches forever, you need to bow to the belt in all corners of the room 9 times and clearly pronounce the plot:
I'll come up with a bow,
And bow my head.
I ask you for friendship
Serve me a service
Banish cockroaches!
Save the house from them!
I bring you a sweet gift
And I will try to try. "
At the end of the ceremony, place a piece of sugar in the far corner of the house.
Do not forget to cajole the Brownie to fulfill the requests and watch the house — a saucer of milk, a crust of bread, or honey in a painted clay dish — all of this is loved by the brownie. If you are afraid that the offering will attract cockroaches, then give a homemade gift - a shiny thing or coins.
Another conspiracy that will help execute Brownie.
On the night of January 28, place a painted clay plate with a crust of rye bread sprinkled with coarse salt and 2 spoons of buckwheat in the oven or oven. On this day, you can ask the house help in any household business.
After closing the oven, read the plot from cockroaches three times:
"Master dear, invisible eyes, take a treat, I offer my respects, respect me with friendship, do me a favor, drive out cockroaches and cleanse my house."
In the morning, get some treats and eat them so as not to lure the cockroaches, whom the houseboy really does not like.
Water Conspiracy
Water is a very energy-intensive liquid.The words of the conspiracy from cockroaches above it will help get rid of the unpleasant neighborhood forever. You need to take a glass of spring or melt water and cross the water three times. Wash with this water and sprinkle the walls of the house. Say a conspiracy on cockroaches on the water: “I will wash, God's (God's) servant (s) (name), with morning dew, started to speak with water, drown with a red dawn. Come Dawn Morning! And you, Evening Dawn! Light up my house, light the threshold. Cleanse the light of God's house from the misfortune of midges and beetles, cockroaches and bedbugs. To be my Cause, according to this Word! ”This is a sure insect repellent.
In addition to magic in the cleaning of the house from cockroaches prayers will help.
Spell of St. Tryphon
Prayer from the cockroaches of sv. Tryphon will not only get rid of annoying insects, but also save the garden beds and garden pests. The text of the prayer can be found on the Internet or in Tropar.
You need to pray sincerely. Strengthening the effect of prayer will help the church prayer Trifon of Apomey with the lighting of the water. It can be used to clean the house.
Prayer from cockroaches in the apartment will help, if you believe in the power of the word. There is also a rare spell by which St. Trifon banished all sorts of pests.
“I charge you with many-sighted animals, worms, caterpillars, crunches and pruses, mice, shchury and kritnitsy, and various genera of flies and muslinas, and moles, and moths, and gadflies, and wasps, and the poly centate, and diverse genera of animals crawling on the ground and flying birds, harm and vanity to the cornfields, grapes, gardens and helicopters pumping, by the Father-Original God, by his Son of the Primordial and Co-Subjacent, and by His Holy Sacrifice, by the Father and the Son of the one-creature and life-giving. I implore you in the personification of the only begotten Son of God, our Lord Jesus Christ, and according to his life on earth with men, his passion for salvation, his life-giving death, and his three-day resurrection, and ascension into heaven, with all his divine saving gazing. I implore you and the holy multichin, cherubim, winged seraphim, soaring around the throne and calling, holy, holy, holy !!! ”
Rituals, conspiracies, rituals from domestic pests have been preserved in the old lists and notebooks of the rural veduns. You can choose any, one that will appeal. Trust your intuition, she will tell you what rite or conspiracy you can do. The main thing is to do everything with faith.In the New Testament, it is not for nothing that it says: “In the beginning was the Word ...”.
Simoronsky ritual from cockroaches
Fun and mischievous can advise simoronsky ritual to expel cockroaches from the house. To get rid of cockroaches in an apartment once and for all, you can catch a cockroach and put a pocket mirror in front of it and say: “Look at yourself as a figure. Get out of my house vrazhina! Run away and take your family! So be it! ”Throw a cockroach away from home.
Simoronsky ritual allows its own words. Come up with those that come to mind.
What means to use against cockroaches - everyone chooses their own. Someone believes in the power of the conspiracy, and someone in insecticides. Which plot is more effective, you can check for yourself.
Than just did not try to lime cockroaches, even pest control caused! But over time, new hordes attacked my apartment. Read on the Internet conspire against cockroaches. Did as it was written. It may be a coincidence, but for a month now, as new interventionists are not visible in my house.
Lyudmila, Naberezhnye Chelny
Who would have said before - would not have believed it! Life from cockroaches is not at all. I'm allergic - insecticides apply fear. I decided to try a plot from cockroaches. For the first time, nothing happened - they ran as before. But I did not give up. I read a whole week every evening. Already my husband got used, silently left, so as not to interfere. Now I am waiting for the result.
Zoya Maksimovna, Rostov-on-Don
I have been reading about Simoron rituals for a long time. Even she tried one. Happened! Now I will get rid of the Prussian with the help of magic.
Liza, Odessa