How to deal with black aphids on tomatoes and cucumbers

How to deal with black aphids, there are many ways. Everyone chooses for himself. Experienced gardeners, gardeners share their experiences by offering their effective recipes. The pest infects tomatoes, cucumbers on open ground and in greenhouses. The fight against black aphids continues throughout the warm season, involves the use of folk remedies, biological products, insecticides.

Pest features

Black aphids include several types of garden aphids.All insects up to 5 mm long, body colors are blue, black, green, brown. Settled on the lower part of the plant numerous colonies, feed on juices. A photo of a black aphid is located below.

Damaged aphids tomatoes, cucumbers stop growing, weaken, get sick. Deformed, yellow leaves, brown spots appear. Insects live in colonies, so they are clearly visible. Black dots covered plant stem, leaves.

Aphids on green tomato
Aphids on green tomato

The life cycle of aphids is short. An adult lives for 2 weeks. During this time, the female has time to lay 150 eggs. The larvae start sabotage immediately after birth.


In the middle of summer appears winged aphid - Mature individuals, ready for mating. Having wings, black louse is able to migrate to other cultures, affects plants, shrubs, trees. Lays eggs closer to the roots. In this position, they will winter. In early spring, the insect will continue to develop.

To process cucumbers and tomatoes from black aphids should be in early spring, even during planting seedlings. What way to choose, the decision individual.

Biological methods of struggle

This group of methods for the destruction of black aphids helps to get rid of pests, to prevent contamination of the land.

  1. In late autumn, you need to go around the whole garden, inspect the twigs, bark, shoots. Deformed, damaged break off. Dry grass to collect, burn. Land in the garden, under the trees to dig.
  2. In the spring you need to plan the beds in a certain way. In this way you can avoid the spread of aphids, infection of cucumbers, tomatoes. In different parts of the land plant garlic, onions, parsley, calendula. These smells black aphids do not like. Live plants will be reliable protection.
  3. The natural enemy of aphids are bedbugs, ladybugs. Attract them to your site can be dill. Just plant an umbrella plant between cucumbers and tomatoes.
Biological methods
Biological methods

Biological methods of control include special preparations that are produced on the basis of the waste products of bacteria, fungi, and other microorganisms. Preparations are absolutely safe for humans, plants, help to get rid of black aphids in 10 days.

  • drug Fitoverm;
  • Py Spray Garden Insect Killer;
  • Acarin;
  • Arrow;
  • 30 Plus.

Before using drugs from black aphids are diluted in water, prepare a solution. Pour into a spray bottle, a bottle with a spray, a watering can with a wide tip. It begins to act immediately, but the effect is noticeable after 10 days.


Settles black aphids on trees, bushes. If there is a lot of it on cucumbers, tomatoes, it is worth exploring the whole land plot - a vegetable garden, a garden. Pay attention to the presence of anthills. After all, it is ants that spread aphids through all shrubs, trees, and plants.



Black and green aphid becomes a real disaster in the garden. Cucumbers suffer from pest invasion most often, followed by tomatoes. With a strong infection of the site to act quickly. You can only achieve urgent results with the help of chemicals.


The drugs act on the basis of a new generation of insecticides. Toxic substances are relatively safe for humans, do not accumulate in cucumbers, tomatoes, subject to the instructions. Insects cause paralysis, death.


It is necessary to work with insecticidal substances in rubber gloves, a protective suit, a respirator.The weather should be dry, windless. The best time is early morning, late evening. The solution is poured into a spray bottle, a bottle with a spray.

Black aphids on tomatoes die already during processing. Mass mortality of pests is observed after 2 days. The drug retains toxic properties for 20 or more days, depending on weather conditions.

Cons of chemistry

The lack of funds is a wide spectrum of action. Dying not only black aphids on cucumbers, tomatoes, but also beneficial insects. Bees that pollinate plants, ladybugs are natural enemies of aphids and other living things.

At violation of concentration, frequency of processing, toxic substances accumulate in the fruit. The last treatment with insecticide should be carried out no later than 20 days before the harvest begins.

Review of the most effective drugs

Funds from black aphids are available in abundance. You can buy the right product at any hardware store. When choosing a tool you should pay attention to the following products:

  • means Spark. Available in several variations. In addition to the active poisonous component, there are potassium supplements, anti-stress substances that help the plant to quickly cope with the "shock." Prevents reinfection.Re-treatment is required after 15 days if live pests are observed. It can be used on cucumbers in greenhouses, open ground.
  • drug Aktara. One of the most common means of garden pests. The concentration of insecticide is rather weak. The active component quickly decomposes under the influence of sunlight. But for the destruction of black aphids, even a minimal amount of poison is sufficient. The effect is noticeable immediately. Aphids on cucumbers, tomatoes will not be the next day. To fix the result requires repeated treatment after 2 weeks.
  • Karbofos. Toxic drug, it is advisable to use with a strong infection of the land of black aphids. The drug acts instantly, retains the properties of 20 days. Destroys adult individuals, larvae of all generations.
  • Tanrek. Drug systemic action, quite effective.

If you can do without toxic chemistry, it is better to do it. The variety of folk recipes makes it easy to choose the most appropriate means to get rid of pests.

Folk recipes

Folk recipes from aphids
Folk recipes from aphids

Black aphids on tomatoes are something amazing.Since the tops of this particular plant is used to combat these pests. One of the ways is to chop the tops, insist 5 days, boil for 2 hours, strain, add soap. Spray the plants with the prepared solution.

  • Dining room vinegar in an amount of 200 ml diluted in 10 liters of cool water, spray cucumbers, tomatoes. Repeat the procedure after 3 days. For prevention, this is done every week.
  • 200 g woody ashes diluted in 10 liters of cold water, add 200 g of soap. Processing is carried out repeatedly. A lasting effect is observed after 3 times at intervals of 5 days.
  • Dissolve 100 g tar soap in 1 liter of warm water. Add another 9 liters of fluid. Spray the plants, paying special attention to the bottom of the leaves. Birch tar does not just banish aphid, but also treats cucumbers and tomatoes. It helps to quickly recover from the attack of pests, prevents the development of diseases.
  • In 1 liter of warm water dilute 10 tbsp. spoons soda, 200 g of soap. Stir well, add 9 liters of cold water. Soda is an excellent antibacterial agent.
  • Grind garlicto get 1 cup of raw materials. Throw in 10 liters of water.Insist day, put on the stove, boil for half an hour. Add soap. Garlic infusion is used twice with a frequency of 3 days. You can use only half the funds, the rest is left to stand for another 3 days. Before use, add soap.

In the folk methods used in addition to the above, the following components:

Folk remedy from aphids expels insects from plants, prevents infection. In order for the defense to function, it is necessary to periodically back up the effect.

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Bed bugs

