How to deal with aphids in the garden and in the garden of folk remedies
- Aphid in the garden
- Destroying aphids by folk remedies
- Aphid plants
- Ways to get rid of aphids
- Pest Control
Aphis is one of the most dangerous enemies of garden crops, which is very difficult to evict from the countryside. In alliance with black ants these barely noticeable bugs quickly spread through the garden and garden, harming almost all plantations. Dwelling on leaves, stems and roots of plants, insects suck up their cell sap, from which young seedlings begin to deform, wilt and weaken. Sweet discharge of aphids contribute to the contamination of leaf plates, as well as disruption of the normal life of plants. In addition, through the saliva of a pest, plants become infected with viral bacteria, resulting in massive damage to garden and garden plantations. How to permanently get rid of aphids in the garden, this article will tell.
What aphids affect gardens and vegetable gardens
If in a timely manner no measures are taken and the aphids are not removed from the garden, the pest can increase its population about 50 times in a season, causing serious damage to the dacha. And given that in nature there are about 4 thousand species of these insects, then they can damage almost all plants:
- so, fruit trees and shrubs are eaten by green aphids;
- black aphid settles on linden and viburnum, it also lives on peas and cornflowers;
- gourds and cucumbers infect cotton aphid;
- a potato or aphid lives on potato;
- grape phylloxera can seriously damage vineyards, especially it prefers to settle in Victoria;
- citrus affects mealy aphid;
- carrot aphid is a danger to crops of carrots and to plants from the umbrella family;
- on roses, pears, apples and strawberries you can find roshan green aphid.
Why does aphid appear
Plant sap is the main source of food that insects need for their life and development. Its pests suck, punching the skin of plants with their proboscis. And the aphid prefers the youngest parts of the plants, settling on the treetops, the lower side of the leaves, on the seedlings.
Most often, the garden aphid appears on abandoned plots, as well as on soils that have an excess of nitrogen or phosphorus deficiency. If you do not poison the aphids, then it will certainly be on the bushes of the neighboring plot.
Another reason for the spread of the pest is ants. They are attracted by the sweet syrup that aphids release during their vital activity. For this purpose, the ants transfer their “milk cows” to new territories.Therefore, finding ants in their summer cottage, it is necessary to pay attention to the plants growing near the plant to be infected by their aphids.
On a note!
Winning aphids in the garden will not succeed if you do not destroy the anthills located on the site.
How to get rid of aphids
Fighting aphids in the garden is a rather lengthy and painstaking process. After all, insects live in huge colonies, in which there are both flightless individuals and flying aphids. In addition, an individual that flies, multiplies rapidly, migrating to summer cottages. Therefore, the question of how to deal with aphids in the garden and garden, many gardeners are concerned.
On a note!
There are various ways of dealing with a pest. If you use chemical means, given the large number of colonies to process plants from aphids will have more than once. Consequently, their repeated use can lead to the accumulation of insecticides in the ground and the plants themselves, which ultimately will affect human health. Therefore, many lovers of garden and gardening works prefer to do without chemistry, using traditional methods of dealing with aphids.
With a small number of harmful insects, you can destroy the aphids by improvised means,which is easy to find at home.
Soap solution
Soap solution is a fairly effective remedy for aphids in the country, which does not require large expenditures. For its preparation using a dishwashing liquid or liquid soap, which is mixed with water in a ratio of 2 tbsp. l 200 g. These components can be successfully replaced by the usual household or tar soap. They are rubbed on a coarse grater: for 1 l of water you need 1 tbsp. l soap shavings. It is enough to sprinkle such a solution on infected plants several times with a break of 2 days, and there will be no trace of pests.
Washing powder
Laundry detergent helps to get rid of aphids on plants. However, this tool can cause burns on the leaves. Therefore, given the different concentration of powders, it is recommended to start treatment with a 1% solution. And for the sample it should be applied only on one plant. In the absence of negative effects during the day with a solution of mono treat the remaining stands.
Good in the fight against aphid woody ash. 300 g of the product are stirred in a bucket of water, then boiled for half an hour and filtered. In the resulting solution add oil or liquid soap (40 g).Infusion of wood ash wipe infected plant leaves with aphids.
Salve - no less well-known home remedy against plant lice in the garden. The solution is prepared in proportion to 2 tbsp. l alcohol and 40 g of soap per 10 liters of liquid. The resulting product is sprayed affected plants. To achieve the maximum effect after two weeks, the treatment is repeated.
On a note!
Watering plants should be done after 2-3 days from the time of treatment.
If aphid settled on garden flowers, you should use infusion on marigolds. This is a good prophylactic against pests. 700 g of finely chopped stalks and leaves of marigold pour 10 liters of water and draw for a week. The resulting infusion is filtered and irrigated with rose bushes.
Excellent plant protection against aphids - rhubarb. In 10 l of water brew 1, 5 kg of rhubarb leaves, bringing the mixture to a boil, turn off the fire. After the day, the broth is filtered and sprayed with affected aphids plantings.
You can remove aphids from the garden with the help of an elderberry. To prepare the solution, 1 kg of finely chopped branches with leaves and berries must be drawn for two days in 10 liters of water.Then filter the infusion and apply for spraying and watering plants.
Tomato plant
According to many gardeners, the best remedy for aphids is tomato tops. To prepare a solution that repels insects, you need 1 kg of chopped tops of the insist in a bucket of water for 3 hours. Then strain and add 40 g of soap.
Does not like insect infusion on daisies (Caucasian or Dalmatian), as well as wormwood, tansy and yarrow. 100 g of grass pour 1 l of water and leave for 12 hours. Then add another 3 liters of water. Used for irrigation of infested cultures.
Apple vinegar
Apple vinegar - This is the answer to the question of how to deal with aphids that live on the bow. This advice will surprise many people, because onion peel decoctions are often used to spray affected crops. However, there is an onion aphid (neotoxopter), which affects various types of onions. Easily cope with a pest solution of apple cider vinegar: 2 liters of water are needed for 10 liters of water. l vinegar. It is enough to water the onions from the aphids with this solution, and the insects will leave the onion beds.
Well helps to scare away aphids onions, as well as onion peels.Prepare onion solution in various ways:
- 0.2 kg of onion is crushed and infused for 12 hours in a bucket of water. The resulting infusion is filtered and mixed with 40 g of soap;
- 0.2 kg of onion peel pour 10 liters of water and insist 12-15 hours. The filtered solution is used for its intended purpose;
- 0.2 kg of onion peel and the same amount of citrus peel should be poured 10 liters of water and bring to a boil. Broth insist for 3 days, after filtering and used for spraying damaged seedlings.
Good effect gives the destruction of aphids garlic infusion. 500 g of purified garlic pour 3 liters of water and infuse for 4-5 days. To enhance the effect, add vegetable oil or soap to the resulting mixture.
Sparkling water
A universal remedy for all types of aphids is soda. To get rid of pests, it is necessary to bottle neck with Coca cola or another gas with water to wind the sprayer and spray damaged plantings.
On a note!
Spraying of horticultural crops is usually carried out during the period of bud formation or after flowering.
Tobacco Infusion - Another effective tool, cooked with his own hands. 2 cups of dry tobacco is mixed with 5 liters of water and left in a warm place for two days. In the filtered infusion add the same amount of water, mix thoroughly and use for spraying.
Well relieves aphids of apple and pear ordinary dandelion. In a bucket of water insist 400 g of leaves or shredded roots for 2 hours. The liquid is filtered and used for spraying the trees. Two treatments are usually carried out: during the period of bud formation and after flowering. This infusion will become more effective if you add red pepper or garlic in it.
Essential oils
Good results are obtained by sprinkling with a mixture of essential oils and cream. For 2 liters of water you need from 10 to 15 drops of lavender essential oil or tea tree and 0.5 cups of cream.
Vegetable oil
Wash away the traces of the presence of insects from damaged leaves can be a mixture of water and vegetable oil (10 liters of water 1 cup of oil). 2-3 such treatments allow you to completely get rid of the pest.
Vegetable scarers
Cornelder and mint, fennel and mustard, basil and lavender scare off the aphids with their aroma.The presence of such herbs in the garden will protect seedlings.
Other means
As folk remedies for aphids can also be used:
Fighting aphids with folk remedies is much safer than using chemicals. But do not forget that such processing does not destroy, but only deters harmful insects. In addition, it must be carried out repeatedly.