How and what to process aphids on cabbage

How to deal with aphids on cabbage, an individual solution involves the use of chemicals, folk remedies. Aphid affects any kind of cabbage, colonies hiding on the bottom of the leaf.Restrains the massive spread of pests cool weather, torrential rains. In other cases, gardeners have to take emergency measures.

Wrecking aphids

Cabbage beds inhabit a separate type of pest - cabbage aphid. The body of a small insect is green with a yellowish bloom. In the middle of summer, winged individuals appear - mature females, males capable of migrating throughout the land plot, causing irreparable harm to crops, but laying eggs only on cabbage.

From May to July, only females are born, in the last summer month males appear. Fertilized young females lay eggs that will hibernate. In early spring, the larvae will appear from them, which will hasten to occupy the cabbage.

Aphid on cabbage
Aphid on cabbage

The life cycle of aphids is extremely short, but is compensated by the high fecundity. For the entire warm season gives way to 20 generations. Each time the female produces 40 eggs. The development of larvae in the egg lasts about 2 weeks. Immediately after birth, the young aphids start sabotage - suck the leaves from the juices.

On a note!

Damaged leaves turn yellow, curl, dark spots appear on them.Development, growth, formation of head is slowed down. Loose seedlings simply die. How to process cabbage from aphids - the most important issue that will have to be resolved.

Folk methods of struggle

To prevent infection by aphids of the future crop, it is necessary:

  • from autumn collect all the pokers from cabbage, cruciferous weeds, burn;
  • in the spring in the beds with cabbage plant an umbrella crop, a bright representative - dill. Plants attract insects that help destroy aphids. The best partner in this business is a ladybug.

To get rid of aphids on cabbage folk remedies, it is necessary to choose an effective recipe, carry out processing according to the rules. The best time for the procedure is early morning, late evening. The weather should be dry, windless. The following are the most popular folk remedies.


The fight against aphids folk methods
The fight against aphids folk methods

Cabbage Aphid is afraid of smell tobacco. To combat it, you must sprinkle cabbage with concentrated tobacco broth. It will take 10 grams of shredded dry tobacco. Pour raw materials with 5 liters of water, insist day. Put on the fire, add the same amount of liquid, boil for 2 hours. Handle heads of watering can, spray.


The simplest means is aphid vinegar. The pungent smell makes the pests leave the beds, flee. The solution is prepared immediately before use. Spray cabbage should be from all sides, paying particular attention to the bottom of the sheet. On a bucket of water you will need 200 ml of table vinegar, or 100 ml of essence. Add 40 g of any soap product.


Instantly removes from the beds adult sludge ammonia. Sprinkle cabbage with this tool 1 time in 2 weeks. Excess nitrogen leads to disruption of vegetable growth, leaf deformation. In 10 l of cool water 50 ml are diluted liquid ammonia, 100 g of soap. It is necessary to water the plant from a watering can with a wide nozzle so that the splashes flow into the lower part of the leaves.

Ash and Spices

Cabbage Aphid is afraid ashes, cinnamon, pepper. When combining these components, an effective remedy for aphids on cabbage is obtained:

  • mix in equal proportions cinnamon, red, black pepper, add 200 g of wood ash;
  • separately diluted in 1 liter of warm water with 200 g of soap;
  • add spices and 9 liters of cool water, mix thoroughly.

The treatment is carried out twice with a frequency of 3 days. Nothing more is needed to destroy aphids. For prevention, repeat the procedure 1 time per month.

Tar soap

Homemade Aphid Recipes
Homemade Aphid Recipes

Aphids on cabbage promotes the reproduction of pathogens. There is rot, mold. Tar soap does not only get rid of aphids, but also eliminates the consequences of its life, contributes to the rapid recovery of the leaves. Especially useful application tar soap on cauliflower. Dilute 100 g of tar soap in 1 liter of warm water. Add 9 liters of cold water. Sprinkle heads, legs out of the spray.

Folk control measures - a safe way to eliminate pests. The list of effective homemade drugs is endless. In addition to the above components use onion peel, potato, tomato tops, wormwood, tansy and much more.

Other folk remedies

Popular and effective are also:

Professional preparations

To save cabbage from the onslaught of pests, you can use biologically active drugs, chemical insecticides. Popular are:


Insecticidal agent of a broad spectrum of activity.Blocks the transmission of nerve impulses, causes paralysis, death. The minimum amount of poison is enough for the onset of death. It begins to act during processing, retains its properties for about 20 days.

On a note!

On the basis of deltamethrin, the drugs Decis Pro, Fas, Atom are produced. Before use, prepare the solution according to the instructions, diluting the concentrate in cool water. Treated plant spray.


You can poison me insecticide spark. Available in several variations, in the names there is a prefix - Golden, Bio, Dual effect. It is produced in the form of a concentrated liquid, powder, pressed tablets.

Toxic chemicals from insect pests
Toxic chemicals from insect pests

Before spraying prepare the solution. Protection of cabbage after processing is valid for 20 days. During this time, adults die, the larvae of all ages. New eggs do not lay the females.


To consolidate the effect, repeat treatment is carried out after 15 days, then for the prophylaxis, once a month, the entire vegetative period. The interval between the last spraying and harvesting should be at least 20 days.


The biological preparation is based on the action of a substance obtained from the chamomile of a particular species. The drug is safe for humans, does not affect the development of cabbage, but lethal to aphids. Pyrethrum is diluted in water, sprayed 1 time in 2 weeks, the entire growing season of the vegetable.


To save cabbage from severe infection with aphids can be Malathion. Organophosphate insecticide of a wide spectrum of action is used on any garden, garden crops from various pests. Destroys adult individuals, larvae of different ages.


When working with a strong toxic drug, rubber gloves, a respirator, and protective clothing should be used. It is necessary to make processing in calm weather. If you violate these rules, poisoning occurs.

The fight against aphids Karbofos is 1 time. Pests die within the first 2 hours. The protective effect lasts for 20 days or more, depending on weather conditions.

Aphid preparations can destroy pests in a few hours. However, do not forget about their toxicity to humans, other living beings. Strict compliance with instructions is required. Before starting the application, weigh the pros and cons.

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Bed bugs

