Aphids on roses - how to handle and how to get rid

In April-May, there is an aphid on roses.The pest damages the growth point, and then moves to the stems and bud. He joins the flower with a thin proboscis and sucks all the juice out of it. The plant gets an ugly look - its leaves are covered with sticky secretions, dry, curl, are affected by fungus. Buds do not bloom, and the bush itself begins to die.

Folk remedies

Gardeners recommend using any folk remedy>. “Grandma's Recipes” are based on natural remedies, which are preferable to poison. Folk remedies for aphids on roses, mostly safe and can not cause harm to the plant, humans and beneficial insects that pollinate flowers or loosen the soil.


It can be difficult to remove aphids because it is bred. black ants. Green aphid is used by them as a “cash cow.” Foragers gather a sweet drop and eat insects when their number begins to increase rapidly.

It is not enough to poison a plant louse (so often called a pest in everyday life). Need to kill ants and anthill. Only then will it be possible to preserve beautiful flowers.

Coca Cola

Soda can clean the metal from rust, so to destroy the aphids for her is not a problem.

Aphid carbonated drinks
Aphid carbonated drinks

Coca Cola is prepared as follows:

  • three spoons of liquid soap are poured into the bottle;
  • shake the solution;
  • waiting for the foam to settle and pour the composition into the spray.

Means the plant sprayed until the sheet becomes wet. Instead of the advertised soda, you can take the usual inexpensive lemonade.


Derive aphids helps kerosene. 2.5 ml of substance are taken for 10 liters of water. In the tinder mixture on a fine grater laundry soap. The solution should be slightly sticky. They are treated with leaves of the bush before flowering, and after a day they pour plenty of water on the flowers to wash off the kerosene.

The substance helps to scare the ants and their “milk cows” from roses.


Ammonia from aphids is used when you need to destroy the pest. Six tablespoons of the product diluted in a liter of water. The tool should be sprayed with roses once a week until the insects disappear.


Vodka from aphids not diluted with water. You can immediately put a spray bottle on the bottle and spray roses from the aphids on the inside of the foliage. Buds and flowers better not to touch.

Aphid elimination at home
Aphid elimination at home

Liquid or grated soap is added to vodka.


Celandine Aphid is safe and effective. Herbs are made from it according to the following recipe:

  • take 400 grams of fresh or dried leaves;
  • pour them with a liter of water;
  • insist on the remedy for a day, and then boil for 30 minutes;
  • cooled broth is filtered.

Infusion of celandine sprinkle the leaves on the roses in the garden.

A nicotinic acid

Nicotinic acid is good for aphids and caterpillars. For five liters of water take 2.5 tablets of the drug. It should be sprayed with a solution of roses, and the pests will disappear in five to ten days.

Soap solution

Well proven soap solution from aphids. Per liter of water at room temperature take two teaspoons of liquid soap and 50 grams of solid.

On a note!

Better to use laundry soap dark color. It has no harmful fragrances and will not harm the plant.

The fight against aphids is carried out every evening. In two weeks the pest will disappear from the flowers and buds of the rose.


Soda applied in the form of a solution. Per liter of water take 30 grams of powder. Young shoots with aphids dipped in the tool for 10-15 minutes.

This simple recipe allows you to save roses and not damage the flowers.

Lemon and orange peel

The fruit is peeled and filled with hot water. At 300 grams of crusts should take one liter of boiling water. Infusion should stand in a warm, dark place for three days.

Leaves on garden roses are sprayed with the prepared solution.


Aphid vinegar is effective, but it can burn young leaves and delicate rosebuds.

To prepare the solution, take 10 liters of water at room temperature and two tablespoons of the product. Substance spray leaves or water them from a garden watering can.

Tar soap

Well helps tar soap from aphids. It repels garden ants and destroys pests that suck juice from the plant.

The solution is prepared according to the following recipe:

  • kilogram ashes pour 5 liters of boiling water;
  • the solution is brought to a boil, removed from the heat and cooled;
  • add 30 grams of tar soap to the product.

Substance sprinkle the stems and foliage of roses.


Iodine from aphids destroys pests, if it is mixed with milk. To prepare the solution should take a spray and a syringe. A liter of water is poured into the vial, 100 milliliters of milk and a half-cup of iodine.

On a note!

Iodine-milk preparation able to protect roses from pests and save the plant from fungal infection.


Garlic Aphid destroys harmful insects and drives away the sharp odor of foragers.

Folk remedies for aphids
Folk remedies for aphids

For the solution, you should take 100 grams of peeled and chopped plant teeth and three liters of water. Infusion is kept in a dark and warm place for three hours, then filtered and adjusted to a volume of six liters.


Aphid serum is applied undiluted. She watered aphid, which is located on the leaves and rosebuds.

Serum can be mixed with iodine, which will improve its effectiveness.

Copper sulfate

Copper sulfate from aphids helps if it is combined with urea. Means process a plant in the spring when air temperature reaches 5 degrees and keeps such 3-4 days.

For the solution take 350 grams of urea, 25 grams of copper sulphate and 5 liters of water.


If to get rid of aphids on roses folk remedies does not work, then you should use store chemistry. You need to buy drugs that have the appropriate certificate, and the shelf life of which has not yet come out.

On a note!

Chemicals should contain instructions for use, which will indicate the dosage for various plants and pests.

Chemical products from aphids can harm the delicate flower, so the treatment must be carried out before the first buds appear.


The drug is available in powder form and has an enteric contact effect. If a rose attacked aphid, then drug Aktara cope with it quickly.

To destroy the pest preparing a solution of five liters of water and one package of powder. The plant is sprayed with a spray bottle until the leaf is wet. Special attention must be paid to the inside of the leaves.

Aktara from aphids refers to the drugs of the third class of danger. It is necessary to work with it in gloves and a respirator.


Karbofos from aphids should be used in dry and windless weather. It is safe for plants, but you need to work with it in rubber gloves and a mask.

To start poisoning aphids, you need to prepare a solution of 75 g of powder and 10 liters of water. On one bush takes about a liter of the drug.

Spark of bio

Created drug means Spark based on natural substances that paralyze insects.It can be applied in greenhouses and on an open ground. It is used if aphid appeared on roses. For the treatment of roses preparing a solution of one liter of water and five milliliters of poison.


Used during the growing season and flowering. Apply it on the street and in the greenhouse. For spraying roses, dilute 4 milliliters in one liter of water.

While working with the drug can not drink, smoke and eat. Pest poisoning should be in gloves and a respirator, when the weather is dry and windless.

Toxic chemicals for plant protection
Toxic chemicals for plant protection

Many flower growers believe that drug Fitoverm The best remedy for pests.


It penetrates the body of aphids through its shell and affects the nervous system. Handle roses from pests with this drug only in positive temperature.

The solution should be made according to the following instructions:

  • one tablet dissolves in a glass of water;
  • the volume of the solution is brought to 10 liters.

Spraying of roses is carried out in dry weather, when there is no wind before flowering.


Aphids are often carried around ants by plants. Therefore, for prevention, it is not enough to examine the rose and remove suspicious leaves and buds.It is necessary to fight with those who distribute the harmful insect.

On a note!

Aphid lookslike a small green bump. Often, representatives of the ant family bustle around it. They breed pests to eat their sweet secretions.

Methods of dealing with ants may be as follows:

  1. Spread poisonous baits and traps near the bushes.
  2. Sprinkle with rosewood soaked in lavender oil.
  3. To process the soil decoy and millet.
  4. Place scotch near the bushes, sticky side up.

You can destroy the anthills themselves. In this case, there are many methods for fighting folk remedies, chemicals, moving the colony to another place.

Aphids on home rose

Pests can also appear on the home rose, which is located in the apartment. On the plant, they fall from the street. A person may notice that a white aphid has appeared on the leaves or buds. Later there will be green, larger individuals.

On a note!

Photos of aphids on roses demonstrate that the plant is attacked by pests of various sizes. These are larvae, young and adult individuals. They differ from each other in appearance.

Aphids on the room rose
Aphids on the room rose

The most effective means of fighting in the event of a pest attack is folk recipes:

  1. If the plant louse eats a rose, the plant should be powdered. tobacco powder.
  2. Sprinkle roses with an infusion of orange peels (100 g of peel per liter of water).
  3. Insist day tablespoon mustard powder in a liter of water. Strain the solution and spray them with a flower.
  4. Aphids on the room rose will disappear if the plant is treated with a soap and garlic remedy. For its preparation take chopped head of garlic, a little soap and a liter of water. Means infused for three hours at room temperature.

If the aphid did not have time to breed, then it is removed from the Chinese rose by hand or washed off with plain water.

You can process the rose at home and poison. The following preparations are suitable for use in apartments and enclosed spaces:

  • Clear sheet;
  • Guapsin;
  • Bankol;
  • Commander

Any drug is used according to the instructions on the package.

Some growers use Dichlorvos from aphids. There are two ways to use it:

  1. A free bag is put on the plant, under which Dichlorvos is sprayed. The flower is blocked access to fresh air for two hours.
  2. Half a bottle is sprayed directly into the water. The resulting tool should pour roses from aphids.

Should prevent the occurrence of pests. Then do not have to think, than to handle roses from aphids.To do this, you need to inspect the flower and remove dry parts from it, and place new indoor plants in a three-week quarantine.

Ways to combat aphids on roses set. But you should first try the folk methods, and then buy chemicals. Yet the flowers and insects that pollinate them do not like poison.

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