How and what to process aphids on plum
- Aphids on plum
- Mechanical control of aphids
- Destroying aphids by folk methods
- Aphids
How to deal with aphids on plums, depends on the height of the tree, the degree of infection, weather conditions, personal preferences. The struggle is led by folk remedies and professional preparations. Aphid on the plum sucks the juice, damages the inflorescences, makes the tree vulnerable to many diseases.
Pests on the plum
Dwells on the tree several types of garden aphids.
- the body size of the insect does not exceed 2 mm;
- coloring black, green, brown, yellow, red;
- in the middle of summer individuals appear wings, which indicates the beginning of the mating season.
The life span of aphids does not exceed 2 weeks. During this time, the female lays about 150 eggs. The larvae develop within a week, immediately after birth, they begin to pest. Insects feed on plant sap, leaving behind damaged, vulnerable areas.
Twisted, deformed leaves appear on the plum with stains, mold and rot. The lack of emergency measures calls into question the yield, health of plums.
On a note!
Wrecking aphids begins with the arrival of heat, even before the full blooming of the leaves. Green aphid continues to live the entire growing season of the plum. In late August, it lays eggs near the kidneys under the bark. In this state, the larvae winter.
Mechanical destruction
Destroy aphids on the plum at any time can be mechanically. To do this, cut off the affected leaves, twigs, new shoots. At the accumulation of insects direct a stream of water under pressure, or sprayed with a spray water with soap.
In late autumn and early spring, the trunk and plum branches are carefully inspected for the presence of eggs and larvae. Around the plant they dig up the earth, pour it over with hot water, sprinkle it with ashes.
Favorable time to start the fight
To monitor the condition of the tree is necessary all year round. The fight against aphids on plum begins in early spring during sap flow. During this period, many pests wake up, the larvae leave the eggs. It will not be difficult to process the plant, the aphid will not have time to lay new eggs.
Use of folk remedies is allowed at any stage of the growing season. Not prohibited during flowering. It is recommended to use safe means during the period of fruiting. Chemicals should be used in early spring before the flowers appear, or in early summer after flowering.
On a note!
You can save the plum with insecticides in 1 day. However, it is always necessary to weigh the pros and cons. Toxic component remains valid for 20 days. If from the last treatment to harvest takes more time, the person risks to replenish your body with toxins.
What to process aphids on the plum, everyone decides for himself.There are only 2 ways - folk remedies, chemicals.
Effective folk recipes
Spray plum from small pests can be a solution based on safe folk ingredients.
- Vinegar. Dissolve 200 ml of table vinegar in 10 l of cold water, add 50 g of soap. To fix the effect, it is necessary to spray the plum after 3 days. As a preventive measure - every month.
- Tar soap. Means from aphids on plum on the basis of birch tar can rid the tree of rot, mildew, fungi, and other pests. In 1 liter of warm water dissolve 100 g of tar soap. Add 9 liters of cool water. It does not hurt to process plums with fruits in the midst of summer, closer to autumn.
- Plum aphid is afraid ashes. One of the applications is to sprinkle a thick layer around the tree, dig up the ground, pour with hot water. This method will help get rid of aphids on the plum, when it is a lot. Ash poisons the sap of a plant, but for a person such poison is absolutely safe, it does not affect the development of fruits either. The second option is to dissolve 200 g of ash in 10 liters of water, add a soap base.To process a tree from a spray. For prevention, repeat every month.
- Remove aphids will help garlic. It is allowed to sprinkle plum at any time during the warm season. A glass of crushed garlic is added to the water, infused for 24 hours, the soap is poured in and sprayed. Arrows of garlic rub bark, tie them to the twigs, scatter around the garden.
You can also use:
- ammonia;
- soda;
- milk and iodine;
- Coca Cola;
- celandine;
- mustard;
- vodka;
- Green soap;
- Birch tar;
- tobacco;
- boric acid.
Folk remedies involve repeated processing. The frequency of the procedures depends on the degree of infestation of the garden.
Biological preparations
The active components of biological products are natural substances - waste products of bacteria, insects, fungi. They operate for 10 days, there is no instant effect. Drugs are absolutely safe for humans, non-toxic to plants.
To process after flowering plum can:
- Akarin;
- drug Fitoverm;
- Entobacterin;
- by means of Tanrek;
- Spark;
- Aktaroy.
Make the solution must be immediately before use. Means is poured into a spray bottle, a watering can, a bottle with a spray.The choice depends on the number of trees, the height of the plant.
Chemistry against pests
Winning aphids with a strong infection of the garden may insecticidal drugs. The active ingredient is a toxic substance with a broad spectrum of activity.
The drug begins to act directly during treatment. Plum pollinated aphid dies within 2 hours. All other pests die in 2 weeks. An insecticide does not lose its properties for 20 days or more, depending on weather conditions. Re-treatment is carried out after 15 days, if live parasites are seen on the tree.
On a note!
Aphids on cherry plum appear a little earlier, initially you should pay attention to this tree. Aphids on prunes are activated later. This is due to the movement of sap in the tree. The sooner this happens, the faster the tree will become infected with pests.
It is necessary to sprinkle plum from aphids in early spring, before flowering, or immediately after it. During work, you must use rubber gloves, respirator, protective suit. Re-process in summer.
The most effective drugs:
- Karbofos;
- Dimethod;
- Shar Pei.
The minus of chemical preparations lies in the fact that they destroy not only aphids, but also beneficial insects, which at the time of the treatment or the action of the poison will end up on the tree. For this reason, do not splash the plum before flowering. Insects die that pollinate flowers, the yield of plums will decrease.
To reduce the number of aphids on the land, to protect the plum from infection, you must parallel get rid of ants. They are the ones that spread pests in all trees. Involve the garden ladybugswhich are the main enemy of aphids. To do this, simply planted in the garden dill. On the site to grow mint, calendula, parsley. These plants deter aphid persistent odor.