Aphids on the Christmas tree and how to deal with it
- Aphids on the Christmas tree and pine
- Folk remedies
- Preparations to combat aphids
The most common pest of Christmas trees and pines is aphid. A small insect sucks out sap, exposes a tree to a disease, poisons it with poisonous secretions, and promotes the distribution of pests to other cultures. How to deal with aphids on pine - the main issue that should be addressed in a timely manner.
Pest species
On a pine, a fur-tree several kinds of aphids are started. All of them form numerous colonies, multiply rapidly. The infected plant weakens, turns yellow, undergoes a disease, and nipples appear on the shoots.
- Gallic yellow aphid, red parasitizes pine, Christmas tree in spring.On the shoots forms growths in the form of pineapple - galls. Larvae develop in them. Over time, the affected branches die off, the aphid moves to the needles. To prevent the mass spread of insects, you should not plant spruce, fir and deciduous next to them. Photo aphids below.
- Aphids Hermes is the most common pest of pine, Christmas trees. Weakens the tree, contributes to diseases. Hermes pine has a body length of not more than 1 mm. The body is dark red in color. Egg laying starts in May. For the whole season aphid Hermes gives 4 generations. Oviparous winged females, able to migrate to the Christmas tree, deciduous trees, any plants. With the defeat of crops needles brightens, shortens.
- Sitkinskaya or spruce, it is a pine brown aphid, leaves behind a poisonous substance-saliva, under the influence of which the needles turn yellow, fall. The tree remains bald, but does not dry out. Christmas tree becomes an unusual color - gray-violet. The process of destruction starts from the trunk, extends to the old branches, the young needles remain intact.
To determine the presence of insects on a pine tree, it is enough to substitute a white sheet of paper, shake the trunk.It is necessary to begin active actions immediately after the detection of insects.
Folk remedies
Aphids on conifers are a real disaster. The lack of action leads to the disease of crops, infection of the entire land plot. To fight insects can be preparations prepared by popular recipes.
- Potassium soap is dissolved in 1 liter of warm water. Rub the trunks with a solution, shoots from all types of pests, including dangerous Hermes.
- Another effective recipe from the parasite is Hermes. 400 g of citrus peel pour 1 liter of boiled water, insist 3 days. Sprayed from a garden spray, if the tree, pine is low, use a bottle with a spray.
- 200 g tobacco soaked in 5 liters of cold water. Leave to insist day. Strain, add 100 g of soap. Pine and Christmas trees are processed several times at intervals of every 3 days.
- Wood is dissolved in water the ashes. Mix thoroughly, add 200 g laundry soap. Spray conifers twice. Additionally, under the tree, pine is poured with a thick layer of ash, poured over with hot water, and they dug up the ground.Ash penetrates the sap of the tree, making them bitter, unattractive for harmful individuals.
You can fight with aphids on the tree garlic, tying trunks belt garlic shoots, mint, planting it near the trees.
Effective remedies are also:
- ammonia;
- soda;
- milk and iodine;
- Coca Cola;
- vinegar;
- celandine;
- mustard;
- vodka;
- Green soap;
- Birch tar;
- boric acid.
You should pay attention to the presence of anthills on the land. In addition to the enormous benefits that these workers bring, they are engaged in sabotage - they spread aphid. Her secret is a delicacy for ants. To get rid of aphids is necessary destroy and ants.
Pine aphid spreads, multiplies very quickly. It is possible to get rid of it for one treatment only by using poisonous preparations. Modern insecticides begin to act already during processing, penetrating into the body of insects by contact. Over time, the entire Hermes colony becomes infected, since the active components of the product accumulate in the needles of the pine and spruce trees.
The protective properties of Hermes aphids last for 20 days, the effectiveness reduces the high temperature, prolonged torrential rains. Culture should be re-sprayed after 14 days. For prevention every month.
Any broad spectrum insecticide is suitable for fighting aphids. Often used:
- means of Aktar;
- Forsyth;
- Tanrek;
- Karbofos;
- Fitoverm;
- Spark;
- Karate;
- Actellic;
- Neoron.
On a note!
Biopharmaceuticals belong to the professional methods of dealing with hermes aphids. They act on the basis of the waste products of bacteria, fungi, small microorganisms. The effect is observed within a week. It is necessary to process throughout the warm season every 2 weeks.
Each individual chooses measures for himself based on several characteristics - the number of insects, the degree of damage, the number of plantations, the height of spruce, pine. From pests should treat all neighboring plants. Aphids on fir is another common occurrence. The garden tree is infected with aphids and pests that inhabit conifers.