How to get rid of aphids on apple trees
How to deal with aphids on apple trees, there are many ways. Gardeners use folk remedies, biological products, chemical insecticides. Each of these methods of struggle has advantages, disadvantages, before choosing the best one, it is necessary to study information about all.
Who have to deal with
Aphid - the most common pest of gardens, gardens. Apple aphid - a small bug with a body length of not more than 7 mm. Color varies, since several species of similar insects of the same species inhabit the tree.
Significant differences in the methods of destruction of different aphid species No, control measures are taken immediately upon detection of a colony of insects of gray, black, light green, green, brown. They settle on the back of the leaf, on the stems, young shoots.
- The most common species is the red-haly aphid on an apple tree. Microscopic insects with a little yellow-green body no more than 3 mm. This also includes gallic aphid.
- Gray aphids are ubiquitous. The body is covered with small scales of dark gray color with ashen coating. There are migratory, non-migrating individuals in the colony. The latter constantly live on an occupied tree, reproduce up to 20 offspring for the entire vegetation period of the apple tree. Migrating - winged individuals, fly over to sorrel, umbrella crops, various vegetables in the garden, continue to parasitize there. By autumn, they move back to the apple tree, laying eggs for wintering.
- The green aphid constantly parasitizes on apple trees, pears, quince, plum, on other plants, shrubs does not migrate. The development cycle, way of life is similar to other species.
On a note!
Aphid on an apple tree goes through a short life cycle, but it manages to give a huge offspring. For 1 time the female lays up to 40 eggs. From May to June, only females are born. To reproduce offspring, individuals do not need fertilization.
Towards September a generation of winged aphids appears. After the mating season, young females scatter in different trees. They lay eggs on apple trees under the bark closer to the kidneys. In early spring, the larvae appear from them, which immediately begin to sabotage.
Signs of aphids
The insect sucks the juice from the leaves, damages the young shoots, leaves behind a sticky sweet substance that attracts ants, flies, wasps, and other insects. After vital activity, aphids leaves turn yellow, curl, die off. The tree becomes vulnerable to diseases, yields are significantly reduced.
On the apple seedlings twigs dry up, stop development, growth. In this state, young shoots are not able to survive.On the leaves of the apple appear dark spots, bloom, mold.
When to fight
Monitor the state of the apple is necessary constantly. Some species of apple aphid can migrate. Ants also help them to move around the garden. It is necessary to start emergency actions immediately after the detection of pests, but it is better to do this in advance.
You can destroy the aphids in early spring, when the leaves are just starting to bloom. However, processing in the spring is carried out only by folk remedies. Aphid poisoning lasts almost 20 days, its presence on the tree is dangerous for insects that should pollinate flowers.
Active from aphids should be fought in June. At this time, their winter eggs will appear adults, have time to fasten fruit. It is possible to process after flowering by any suitable means - folk, biological product, chemical insecticide.
Spraying apples with chemicals is not recommended for 20 days before harvesting. The interval between treatments should be about a month. Otherwise, toxins enter the human body along with apples.
The fight against aphids in the apple during the period of active fruit ripening is carried out with biological preparations and folk remedies.
Biological methods
In nature, everything is interconnected, each insect is a link in a single feeding chain. Many bugs hunt for aphids, which do not harm the garden crops, ladybugs. To attract these insects to the garden, plant dill near the apple tree.
You can get rid of aphids on apple trees wood ash. In early spring, when the snow in the garden has just melted, a thick layer of ash is poured under the tree, they dig up the ground. Top watered with hot water. Ash penetrates into the juice of the apple tree, it becomes bitter, which discourages aphid.
Remove aphids and her eggs may fall. Inspect the trees, break off damaged branches. The same is done throughout the growing season of apple trees. Leaves struck by the larvae, eggs, shoots cut off, burn.
In the garden there are flowerbeds of calendula, peppermint. Plant parsley. The smells of these plants scare away aphids, helping to save the apple tree.
Biological products
If the question arises, how to treat an apple from aphids, you should pay attention to the safe drug.The active components of the product are the waste products of bacteria, fungi, and other microorganisms. A prominent representative of this category of funds is drug Fitoverm.
An effective remedy for aphids on apple trees is a new generation insecticide. It helps to destroy the aphids in a few days, most of the pests die already during processing.
- Effective - aphid medicine. Available in several forms. Before use, prepare a solution. 1 tablet means dissolved in 10 l of cool water. It is necessary to splash an apple-tree from a garden sprinkler, watering cans with a wide nozzle, if the tree is small. The procedure is carried out immediately after flowering. Repeat if necessary after 10 days. Apple tree protection is valid for 20 days.
- Cypermethrin causes paralysis, death. Acts poison already during processing. You can bring aphids in just one treatment. The solution is prepared according to the instructions. Excess concentration is prohibited. If, after spraying apple trees, live specimens were observed, it is worth using a less weak preparation for re-treatment.
- Decis.One of the most common drugs among gardeners from many pests. Destroys parasites on pear and apple trees, other garden trees, shrubs. The effect is noticeable 3 days after spraying the garden. Similarly acts drug Aktara and Tanrek.
Ways of struggle each gardener chooses for himself individually. The most reasonable solution is a combination.
Folk remedies
If the garden attacked aphid, you should not immediately run to the store for an insecticide. Able to handle pests safe drugswhich are prepared independently according to popular recipes. They can handle apple trees during flowering, fruit ripening, in any period of vegetation.
On a young apple aphid is especially dangerous. It is necessary to act immediately. In this case, rescued ammonia. Ammonia Aphid - one of the most common means.
On a note!
The drug is more suitable for low young apple trees, since it is recommended to process from a watering can. This results from the fact that in small sprays ammonia quickly splits, not reaching the leaves.
To prepare the solution, it is necessary to dilute 50 ml of ammonia in 10 liters of cold water, add 40 g of any soap product.
Process tobacco Apple tree can be in any period of the growing season of the plant. A strong smell discourages aphid, pests disappear the very next day. It is necessary to dissolve 200 g of tobacco powder in 10 l of water, boil for 2 hours on low heat. Before use, enter the soap base. It is necessary to process an apple-tree twice with a break in 5 days.
On a note!
To prevent the aphids from attacking the garden, tobacco should be planted between the apple trees. The unpretentious culture grows on any soil, does not demand special leaving.
Laundry soap from the aphid is used in the bars, liquid form. In the first case, the product should be previously grated on a coarse grater. Initially diluted in 1 liter of warm water. Then add the required amount of cool liquid.
200 g are required for 10 l of water laundry soap. The tool envelops the leaves with a protective film, does not allow insects to parasitize, and also sticks to each other, restricting movement.
On a note!
Instead of soap, they also use tar.Means disinfects, restores the plate, prevents the development of disease.
Used mustard from aphids, pepper, cinnamon. The tool is diluted in water, add soap. It is necessary to spray the apple tree several times with a break of 5 days.
For the preparation of the drug is used soda ash. She not only fights with pests, disinfects, helps to restore the leaves, but also nourishes the plant with calcium. Favorably influences formation, development of fruits.
In 1 liter of water dissolve 10 tbsp. spoons of baking soda or 2 tbsp. Spoons calcined. Add 40 g of soap. Soda against aphid is used for prophylaxis every month.
Other means
Among the popular folk remedies many effective, the basis of which may be:
- milk and iodine;
- Coca Cola;
- vinegar;
- garlic;
- celandine;
- ash;
- mustard;
- vodka;
- Green soap;
- Birch tar;
- boric acid.
Folk remedies help fix the result after the use of chemicals, independently cope with pests during infection of moderate severity.