Aphid remedies
Tanrek remedy for aphids and whitefly
Tanrek in the fight against aphids and whitefly - one of the most common drugs among gardeners, gardeners and flower lovers. Effect...
Aphid Mustard
Mustard from aphids is one of the best ways to fight. Systematic spraying of mustard solutions or infusions will help get rid of the pest and ...
How to dilute birch tar spraying from aphids
How to use birch tar against aphids and ants.Experienced gardeners recommend using birch tar for spraying plants, as well as for ...
Processing green soap from aphids
Green soap for plants from aphids is used for processing the garden, vegetable garden, indoor plants. Bred concentrated soap in water, or injected ...
Means Aktara against aphids
The aktar in the fight against aphids is a reliable weapon with a quick result. The solution is prepared immediately before use. The minimum dose of poison is enough ...
Boric acid against aphids
Boric acid is often used against aphids in the garden and orchard, but the effect of the method does not give a good result. The reason is ...
Tobacco against aphids
Tobacco against aphids is one of the popular folk remedies that many gardeners use on their sites. The result is obvious after ...
Vodka vs. Aphid
Vodka vs aphid is an unusual, but effective way to get rid of pests. The result is achieved as quickly as possible, although the method has and ...
Spark aphid preparation
Sparks for aphids - an effective drug with a broad spectrum of action, it helps to get rid of insects on agricultural and ornamental plants ...
Milk with iodine from aphids
All recipes based on milk with iodine iodine. How to apply the tool correctly, when to spray, whether it helps with ...
Ash against aphid
How to use the ashes against aphids and ants in the garden. What infusions and decoctions can be prepared from ash and tobacco dust.
Phytoverm from aphids
Fitoverm from aphids is a biologically active drug of a wide spectrum of action. Causes paralysis, death of insects. Does not harm a person, does not affect ...
Garlic vs aphid
In the fight against aphids, garlic is used as a whole, crushed; arrows are used; a solution is prepared. The frequency of use depends on the chosen method ....
Vinegar vs. Aphid
Vinegar in the fight against aphids shows good results. To prepare the solution must be diluted in water at the right concentration. Leaves sprayed ...
Coca-Cola from aphid
Rules for the use of Coca-Cola from aphids. How soda affects the development of currant bush and whether it fights pests.
Celandine vs aphid
How to use the grass celandine against aphids in the garden, in the country and garden. Methods of preparation of infusion of fresh and dried celandine.
Review of the best aphid medications
A review of the most effective, effective means of aphids helps gardeners and gardeners to make the right choice. Manufacturers give general recommendations, buyers make up ...
Calcium aphid - method of application and effectiveness
Ammonia or ammonia from aphid is used as a solution. Dilute alcohol in cold water. Acts due to a sharp smell, fumes ....
Soda Ash and Baking Soda
Soda against aphids helps get rid of pests in one treatment. Used in conjunction with a soap base, processing plants carried out by spraying.
Tar and household soap from aphids on plants
Tar and household soap from aphids on garden, garden plants - one of the most effective folk remedies. Based on soap ...

Aphid remedies

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