Aphid Mustard
- Mustard in the fight against aphids
- Use mustard
Mustard is a notable assistant not only in the kitchen, but also in the garden. This plant not only enriches the soil, improving its structure, but is also used to protect various crops from harmful insects. One of these is aphid - The most common pest of gardens and orchards. How mustard is used against aphids and how effective it is, this article will tell.
It is no secret to anyone that one of the main causes of aphids on a plant is ants. In the literal sense of the word, they carry these tiny flea beetles on themselves, selecting for them new “uneaten” territories.The thing is that the ants are attracted to the pad - the liquid that the aphid releases in the process of life activity. From which the leaves become slightly shiny and sticky to the touch.
Therefore, to get rid of aphids need, first of all, drive out ants. Answers to questions about how much mustard should be, or how to make mustard to protect the beds and trees from pests can be found in the recipes below.
Dry powder
Good result gives dry mustard from aphids, ants, slugs and other pests. It is enough to sprinkle insect accumulations with mustard powder, and the insects will leave this territory.
Mustard infusion is another simple and affordable. folk remedieswell help in the fight against malicious insects. Prepare it as follows: it is necessary to dilute 100 g of mustard powder in 10 l of water. The solution must be infused for at least 24 hours, after which there add the same amount of liquid and 1/3 of the bar crushed soap.
On a note!
Mustard composition must be sprayed with infested trees. Usually the treatment is carried out 14 days after flowering.
You can get rid of the beds of aphids and solution. In warm water (10 l) add vinegar and mustard powder (1 tbsp. of each ingredient). The solution is thoroughly mixed and used for irrigation of green spaces.
On a note!
When using a dry powder, weather conditions do not matter. The use of solutions or infusions in rainy weather will not give adequate results.
No less effective effect has a mustard solution with the addition of salt (preferably iodized). It is very simple to make: 100 g of each product (salt and mustard powder) is added to 10 liters of water, stirred and used to spray damaged crops.
An emergency aid for the garden from aphids will be a suspension, which is used to irrigate the trees immediately after preparation. Such a solution will not like the pests either in taste or smell. In a bucket of water, you must dissolve 6 tbsp. l dry or liquid (store) mustard. Composition used in a similar way.
Aphids, using the sap of plants as food, weakens them. To protect plantings from pests, you need to attract their biological enemies to your site - ladybugsgold-eyed This can be achieved by planting mustard, tansy, dill, clover and other plants. In addition, planting mustard is an excellent fertilizer for the soil: it not only prevents the leaching of minerals, but also contributes to its enrichment with sulfur, phosphorus and nitrogen. Mustard relieves the soil from fungal infections, interferes with the growth of weed plants, and is a good protection against erosion.
Mustard beds are a favorable precursor for the subsequent planting of crops such as potatoes or tomatoes, which grow when gardeners face many problems. The accumulation of mustard oil in the soil prevents attacks by wireworms and other insects.