Calcium aphid - method of application and effectiveness
- A solution of ammonia from insect pests
- Ammonia in the fight against aphids
- The use of ammonia from aphids
Ammonia from aphids is one of the most effective folk remedies. In the garden, in the garden is used for the treatment of crops from pests, for feeding. Ammonia is an ammonia compound, used as an additional source of nitrogen. It was observed that aphid sensitive to his couples, the use of this substance in the garden gives an excellent result.Can be processed:
- fruit trees (including Apple tree, pear, plum and cherry);
- roses;
- currant;
- cucumbers;
- tomatoes;
- pepper;
- cabbage;
- viburnum;
- dill;
- raspberries;
- many other horticultural crops.
If the smell of the product does not confuse, then you can use it for fighting aphids on houseplants.
Preparation of the solution
Ammonia against aphids is used in diluted form, since an excess of nitrogen leads to the destruction of chlorophyll, the death of leaves.
How to dilute alcohol, so as not to damage the plant? The standard amount of a single agent for processing garden crops and garden crops is 10 liters of the finished product. The ammonia from aphids is diluted in cold water. For 1 liter of liquid, 5 ml of ammonia is required. To prepare 10 liters of effective means you need 50 ml of ammonia.
The aphid solution is thoroughly mixed, add soap base. Soap is necessary to ensure that the active ingredient sticks to the leaves of plants. It is recommended to use a natural product - household, tar soap, or baby.
If the soap is in a bar, it must first be grated, diluted in 1 liter of warm water, then added to the solution with ammonia, so that in total you get 10 l of aids from aphids.
On a note!
Ammonia Destroying Aphids on currants somewhat different from other cultures. Instead of soap, a pinch of laundry detergent is used in the recipe, the frequency of spraying is 1 time in 10 days.
It is necessary to prepare ammonia against aphids immediately before use, since the active component is characterized by rapid volatility. The remains of unused solution is poured at the root as a fertilizer.
The fight against aphids with ammonia is carried out using a watering can. Spray or a bottle with a sprayer in this case will not work. Small droplets are sprayed in the air, ammonia does not reach the surface of the leaves.
The watering can is needed with a wide nozzle so that water droplets cover the whole branch, fall on the lower part of the leaves. It is there that hides aphid. The procedure should be carried out in dry, calm weather in the evening or early in the morning. If it has rained, spraying with liquid ammonia is repeated the next day.
Ammonia from aphids acts as a fertilizer. In most cases, cultures respond to the nitrogen source positively. Growth is accelerated, the condition of leaves, inflorescences improves,fruits are formed and ripen faster. But on some plants to apply a solution of ammonia is not worth it - strawberries, onions, garlic. For example, if aphid appeared on strawberries, from folk remedies it is recommended to use: wood ash, onion peel, tobaccogarlic
Processing plants from aphids carried the entire warm season. Begin in early spring. The frequency of use depends on the degree of infection of the plants. The standard scheme is 1 every 2 weeks. For the prevention of ammonia from aphids use 1 time per month. Of the biologics well proven remedy Fitoverm, Arrow, Inta-sup.
Advantages and disadvantages of the method
Ammonia used from aphids in the country, many gardeners. It helps protect plants from many pests, especially aphids. Folk remedy It has advantages and disadvantages, but this does not prevent it from being one of the most used products in the garden.
- safe, natural substance;
- used as fertilizer;
- begins to act already during processing;
- to completely get rid of aphids requires only 2 procedures with an interval of 14 days;
- minimum cost.
- an excess of nitrogen leads to yellowing, death of leaves, disruption of natural processes in plant tissues;
- the protection is effective as long as the smell of nitrogen is present;
- inconvenient to use on garden trees, since the small spray jet is ineffective;
- the strong smell during the preparation of the solution forces the use of a respirator, a mask;
- inhalation of vapors by a person causes a deterioration in well-being.
To avoid trouble, to achieve good results, it is necessary to work with liquid ammonia in rubber gloves, in a respirator, to spray the plants according to the rules.
Experts do not recommend the use of funds with nitrogen when planting crops on the land for the first year. This leads to the accumulation of salts in the soil, delayed growth of the root system, weakness of plants.
The fight against ammonia spirits causes a storm of emotions. Gardeners are actively discussing the topic on the forums, leave feedback. The effectiveness of the method is refuted and confirmed.
Folk remedy helps to deal with aphids with moderate infection of the site,subject to continuous processing the entire warm season at intervals of 2 weeks. Should be parallel destroy the ants, since it is these insects that spread the aphids throughout the garden, the garden.
Ammonia deters many pests by its smell. But do not forget that it erodes very quickly. Re-processing can be done only after 2 weeks, and this is a long time. Additionally, you should use other folk remedies. We use the ashes with soap. This tandem acts quickly. Ammonia scares, ash destroys the most persistent.
Alina, Moscow
In fresh air, ammonia disappears very quickly. His actions last only a few hours. Couples of liquid ammonia are driven from the bush by adults, the larvae cannot escape quickly, and the eggs remain completely safe. The question of efficiency is in doubt!
Svetlana, Voronezh
Ammonia - one of the most common tools among gardeners for pests. However, for the complete destruction of aphids it is necessary to take additional measures. Ammonia serves as a trigger for the expulsion of pests, the effect must be fixed other shopping means. It is advisable to use ash.