Review of the best aphid medications
- Insect control
- Phytophagous plant
- Means to combat aphids
- Aphid chemicals
Aphid - The most common pest of the garden. For the entire season of the growing season of plants gives way to 20 generations. Females reproduce eggs without needing fertilization, colonies of small insects cause irreparable damage to crops. Insects suck out juices, cause deformation of the leaves, drying of young shoots, dropping of inflorescences. With a strong infection, young saplings die.Funds from aphids produce domestic, foreign companies. It is necessary to use according to the rules. You can handle a variety of trees, shrubs and other plants:
- fruit trees (including Apple tree, pear, plum and cherry);
- roses;
- currant;
- cucumbers;
- tomatoes;
- pepper;
- cabbage;
- viburnum;
- dill;
- raspberries;
- houseplants and other plants.
You can fight pests with several kinds of professional tools.
The most effective means. The active ingredients are toxic substances of the new generation. The poison from aphids accumulates in the tissues of plants, enters the body of insects on contact with the juice.
The result is instant. The tool is already valid during processing. Insecticide blocks nerve impulses, causes paralysis, death. Protection against aphids is valid for another 20 days or more, if the weather is sunny, no rain.
- Insecticides for aphids have a wide spectrum of action, therefore they destroy without disassembling all insects that end up on the treated plant. This is a significant disadvantage.
- It is recommended to use drugs against aphids in early spring, when the buds are not yet dismissed.Otherwise, bees are poisoned, other insects pollinating flowers, the number of ovaries decreases, and the yield is affected.
- Processing should not be carried out during the ripening of the fruit, because the poison does not have time to neutralize until the use of vegetables, fruits, berries for food.
On a note!
Observance of an exact dosage, correct use is a guarantee of a quick result, high, high-quality harvest. For spraying use a garden spray bottle with a spray.
Popular agents are:
Biological products
The best aphids are organic based products. The medicine of the new generation is absolutely safe for people, bees, hornets. The active components are the waste products of bacteria, fungi and other microorganisms.
Treated plants from aphids in any period of the growing season. It is possible to eat a crop in 5 days after intensive processing. Nothing bad will happen if you eat a berry from yesterday's treated shrub, washing it well under running water.
- The drug begins to act immediately, but the result is noticeable after 7-10 days.The poison accumulates in the body of the insect gradually. Death occurs as the concentration of life-threatening dose.
- If it rains after careful treatment, protection is reduced to a minimum. We'll have to repeat the procedure the next day. In dry sunshine, repeated spraying is also required, but 12 days after the first treatment.
- Aphid preparations based on safe ingredients are more expensive than insecticides, it is not always possible to find the desired product.
The most effective remedy for aphids - that quickly helps, does not harm the environment, human health. If aphids are used correctly, there are no negative consequences, only a minor pest suffers.
Drug from aphids of the new generation based on organic compounds. It is used for processing open ground plants, greenhouses, indoor plants. Spraying of plants indoors is allowed.
Drug Fitoverm Available in metered ampoules, vials. Before use, it is necessary to prepare a solution. The concentration depends on the degree of damage to the land. At 600 ml diluted 1 ampoule of the drug with a capacity of 5 ml.
It is necessary to process plants by spraying. The procedure is carried out in sunny windless weather. The action lasts 3 weeks, the result can be seen after 10 days. The active component is aversectin C.
On a note!
Biological preparations for aphids are allowed to combine with other means to fertilize plants, increase disease resistance.
The aphid remedy is a cure for bactericidal diseases. You can buy it at the pharmacy in the form of tablets. It shows good results in the fight against pests on tomatoes and cucumbers.
The active ingredient is metronidazole - a broad-spectrum antifungal agent. Helps to destroy aphids, the consequences of her life. Increases plant resistance to disease. There are tablets from aphids to the first rain, abundant dew.
In 10 l of water dissolve 10 tablets, mix thoroughly. Spray the plants, paying particular attention to the bottom of the leaf. Especially effective at the first sign of infection. Can be used at any stage of the growing season.
Biologically active agent.Available in the form of a concentrated liquid in metered sachets, vials. Suitable for processing open ground plants, greenhouses, indoor plants. The active ingredient is a natural neurotoxin - aversectin C.
On a note!
It is not recommended to use the tool during flowering. Before harvesting there must be at least 5 days. Spraying is carried out in dry weather early in the morning or late in the evening.
The solution is prepared immediately before use. In 1 liter of water dissolve 8 ml of the drug. Re-processing is carried out after 14 days, since biological preparations do not act on eggs. Spray the plants after the appearance of the larvae.
The mass death of insects is observed within 8 days after spraying the crops. Protection of means works 2 weeks.
Biological product from aphids and weeds. Available in metered bags, cans. Active components immediately 2 - fenoxaprop-P, cloquintoset-mexyl. The drug begins to act almost immediately. Absorbed by plant tissue completely within 3 hours.
Effectively remedy for green aphids, black. Pests cause paralysis, death in three days.Properties saves for 4 weeks. Rains can loosen protection.
The bag is designed for the preparation of a solution of 10 liters. Initially dissolved in 1 liter of liquid, thoroughly stirred, then the rest of the water is added. Feedback on the effectiveness of the means is positive.
Drugs of systemic action penetrate through the skin, the esophagus, without giving the insects a chance to survive. This group of funds includes Fufanon. Aphid poison kills pests already during processing. Protective properties remain more than a month.
On a note!
Available in the form of a concentrated liquid. It is necessary to prepare the solution immediately before use, but may be used within 3 days.
Malathion is the active component of the agent. Insecticide of a new generation, which belongs to the class of low-toxic substances. However, if used improperly, exceeding the concentration causes poisoning in people.
It is necessary to work with the preparation in rubber gloves, spraying should be carried out in a respirator. It is forbidden to pour unused solution into the ground on an open surface, it is necessary to dig a hole for this.
Chemistry from aphids acts quickly. The very next day you can enjoy the result. Re-processing to fix the result is not required.
Biological drug on the basis of bitoxibacillin. It is used as an effective remedy against insects, as a top dressing. Available in packaged sachets of 50 g. Before use, it is necessary to dilute this amount in 10 liters of water.
The active ingredient is rapidly absorbed by plant tissues, poisoning insects almost immediately. The effect is noticeable after 3 days, retains the properties of 20 days. Reduces the effectiveness of rain, temperatures above 30 degrees Celsius.
Mandatory re-treatment after 15 days. For prophylaxis, plants should be treated once a month. It shows high results when used on cucumbers, melons, tomatoes.
The new generation of chemicals last for an hour, the properties retain for almost a month. Drug Spark Available in several variations.
- Bio-based toxins. To prepare 1 liter of solution requires 8 ml of the drug.
- The double effect includes 2 strong insecticides - permethrin, cypermethrin.It is recommended to use the remedy in case of strong infection by aphids, only in early spring before bud break. Available in pill form. 10 liters will need only 1 piece.
- The Golden Spark acts on the basis of the modern insecticide - Imidacloprid. Used for processing plants in 150 countries. To prepare the solution, it is necessary to add 5 ml of the preparation to 10 liters of water. Preserves the properties after processing plants for 25 days.
- Spark M for bloodsucking insects. Great for dealing with aphids. The active component is malathion.
Instructions for use involves the preparation of a solution according to the standards, spraying plants in the morning, evening. In parallel with chemicals, gardeners often use folk remedies, proven to be effective.
Methods of combating the use of chemicals assume compliance with safety measures:
- During the treatment, hold the bottle with the sprayer, the sprayer at arm's length, use a respirator.
- Ensure that the wind flows were directed to the back, and not to the face, in order to avoid poison on the human skin, clothes.
- After the procedure, wash your hands thoroughly with soap and throw clothes into the wash.
- The tank, where the poison was diluted, it is good to wash with the addition of soap, soda.
At the first signs of poisoning - headache, weakness, nausea, dizziness, rinse mouth with soda solution, drink activated charcoal. If you feel unwell you should call an ambulance. The use of biologics does not cause poisoning, but the work should be carried out with rubber gloves.