
Vinegar vs. Aphid

Vinegar vs. Aphid
Aphid vinegar application

Vinegar from aphids - the simplest means available to everyone. Tested repeatedly by gardeners and gardeners. Use a solution of vinegar essences, vinegar, apple. Folk remedy saves from aphids in a few days, does not harm the garden, garden crops, acts by a strong smell. Can handle:

Preparation of the drug

The substance cannot be used in its pure form because acetic acid burns the leaves. Be sure to dilute in water. To increase the efficiency, other components are added to the solution.

  1. Kitchen seasoning is dissolved in cool water at the rate of 1 teaspoon per 1 liter of liquid. On the bucket will need 10 hours spoon. Mix well.
  2. Apple cider vinegar against aphids is diluted in a ratio of 1 tbsp. spoon per 1000 ml of liquid.
  3. Acetic essence is concentrated, therefore for preparation of a solution from aphids it will take only 4 tsp to a bucket of liquid.
Vinegar vs. Aphid
Vinegar vs. Aphid

To increase the efficiency of the prepared solution in water is added soap tool. Use laundry soap, any preparation for washing dishes. With a soapy substance, the tool does not allow the aphids to escape, glues insects together.

Aphid application

How to deal with vinegar with aphids everyone chooses for himself. Prepared according to any recipe, the solution is poured into a bottle with a sprayer, a spray bottle with a straw that provides treatment of the leaves from the bottom up.


Aphid is located at the bottom of the leaves. If sprayed in the classical way, the drug flows down the sheet, does not fall into the lower part.

With a strong infection of plants aphids, use a watering can.In this case, the solution is made less concentrated. On a bucket of water will need only 3 tablespoons. spoons means.


The fight against aphids vinegar is the whole warm season, if there is a need. The greatest activity of pests is observed from the end of May to July. Processing plants is carried out with a frequency of 2-3 days. Spray each leaf thoroughly.

On the effect of aphids from gardeners, gardeners leave feedback on the forums, confirming the effectiveness.

Aphid vinegar application
Aphid vinegar application


I got a black aphid on cucumbers. The leaves twisted, dark spots appeared, the plant was threatened with death. Vegetable garden in the country, the beginning of all this I have not seen. When I arrived once again in a week, I was just terrified. Talked to a neighbor, she advised acetic solution. Diluted in water, it took 200 ml to the bucket. Sprayed out of the bottle with great care. Damaged leaves had to be removed. A week later, all my cucumbers came to life. Since then, I spray cucumbers every year for prevention.

Marina, Moscow

Aphids attacked currant. The leaves twisted, turned black, and noticed small, green pests on the reverse side.Treated each bush with vinegar and soapy water. I was well rescued by Fae. Some people prefer to plan laundry soap - a natural product, but I did not have it at that moment at the dacha. A week later, the currant was clean, not a single new twisted leaf.

Svetlana, St. Petersburg

Vinegar against aphids - the easiest, safe, effective tool. It does not require special efforts in processing, does not impair health, does not affect the development of plants, there is in every home.

If the result was not as expected, you can use other folk remedies or purchased at the store one of the popular insecticides.

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