Ash against aphid

Ash does not harm the soil and fertilizes plants. She fall asleep in the wells before planting bulbous, to protect them from disease and pests. Ash from aphids is applied. From it prepare infusions and decoctions, mix it with tobacco dust or soap. Each tool has a positive effect on planting and protects them from harmful insects throughout the summer season. The following plants can be processed:

Ash infusions and decoctions from aphids

Increased nitrogen content in the soil reduces the plant's ability to resist pests and various diseases. Processing ash contaminated landings in this case is extremely important, because it reduces the acidity of the soil.

On a note!

Soap and ash against aphids are simple and effective. folk remedy. The soap solution additionally envelops the body of the parasite and helps dry particles to stick to insects and foliage.

Ash solution from aphid
Ash solution from aphid

From the substance of preparing various infusions and decoctions according to the following recipes:

  1. Three kilograms of ash are sieved and filled with hot water, and after that they are kept under cover for 48 hours. Ready infusion filter through gauze and add three tablespoons of liquid soap.
  2. In 10 liters of liquid, 1.5 kilograms of the substance and 50 grams are diluted soap (liquid or solid). The poison is thoroughly mixed and infused during the day in a dark and warm place. This infusion of wood ash is used to destroy aphids and the Colorado potato beetle.
  3. Three hundred grams of ash crushed, sieved and poured boiling water. Means hold on medium heat for 25 minutes. Then it is filtered and adjusted to a volume of 10 liters.In the broth add a bar of soap, rubbed on a fine grater.
  4. The product is mixed with shag in the ratio of 1: 1 and pour water, close the lid and leave in a dark and warm place for 24 hours. Infusion of ash and tobacco against aphids used for the treatment of trees and bushes.

Spraying of ash is carried out before ten in the morning or after six in the evening. At this time, the sun does not fry and wet leaves are not damaged by its rays. The weather outside must be dry and windless.

On a note!

The leaves can be watered from the watering can or wet them with a wet sponge. To high branches will help to get a broom that is wrapped with a cloth soaked in liquid.


Dusting ashes for prophylaxis
Dusting ashes for prophylaxis

Ash solution is used in the garden and in the garden when it is necessary to kill the pests that have appeared. Dusting is carried out as a prophylaxis. You can use pure ash or mix it with the following substances in a 1: 1 ratio:

  • tobacco dust;
  • makhorka.

Nicotine, which is contained in these products, causes the death of aphids and ants.

Dry space sprinkled between the beds and the soil around the trees, bushes. They also process the leaves after watering.


Aphid breathes through the skin. Cooked "powder" does not give the insect a sufficient amount of oxygen, which causes its death

Dusting prevents the appearance of aphids and fungal diseases. The procedure strengthens fruit crops and accelerates their growth.

Ash from aphids is used by gardeners who want to protect their planting from various pests. From it prepare solutions that spray the damaged leaves and pour anthills for their destruction. Dry matter also helps prevent the occurrence of harmful insects.

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