Benzylbenzoate remedy for lice and nits

Anyway, with pediculosis in my life almost every person came across. In the last century, lice were taken out with the help dust soap, infusion of wormwood and even kerosene and Dichlorvos. Today there is a huge choice of anti-pediculosic medicines of different forms of release. One of them is benzyl benzoate for lice.About varieties of this tool and will be discussed in this article.

Special features

Benzyl benzoate is a time-tested antiparasitic drug known to many since the Soviet times. Previously, he was on the list of essential and essential medicines and was very often used in medical institutions. The benzyl benzoate has an anti-pediculosis and anti-cardiovascular effect, which makes it possible to get rid of skin parasites within 3-6 hours.

The drug is available in two variations: in the form of an emulsion and ointment. The basis of the means includes benzoic acid phenylmethyl ester. The following components are included in the emulsion composition: purified water base, wax, citric and stearic acids, as well as laundry soap. In addition to benzyl benzoate, the ointment contains an aqueous emulsion. The active substance, penetrating into the body of parasites through the chitinous shell, affects the nervous system, resulting in their inevitable death.

Benzyl Benzoate Remedy
Benzyl Benzoate Remedy

Rules for applying the ointment

Benzylbenzoate lice ointment is used externally to pediculosis treatmentcaused by the appearance head lice or pubic lice.

  1. The ointment is applied to the hair in a uniform layer, and also carefully rubbed into the skin. After that, a scarf made of cotton fabric is put on the head.
  2. After a half hour, rinse off with warm water and vinegar.
  3. The hair is washed with shampoo, which is used for daily water procedures.
  4. To remove dead parasites use comb against lice with fine teeth.
  5. Benzyl benzoate with pediculosis caused by pubic lice is rubbed into the skin of the pubis, abdomen, inguinal area, and also from the inside of the thighs.
  6. After 30 minutes, you can take a warm shower with soap.
  7. Due to the fact that the ointment affects only adults, it is necessary to re-treat the hair.

On a note!

The effect on pubic lice may be observed already after a day. In the absence of such a procedure must be repeated.

To get rid of lice in childrenthat have not yet reached the age of five, apply the emulsion. For its preparation, the ointment is dissolved in water in a ratio of 1: 1 and used for its intended purpose 2 times a day.

How to apply emulsion

Benzyl Benzoate Emulsion
Benzyl Benzoate Emulsion

Benzyl Benzoate emulsion is also used to treat head lice. Before starting the procedure, you should carefully read the manual. Instructions for use Benzyl benzoate for lice is available on each package of the product.

  1. According to the description, the bottle with the liquid must be thoroughly shaken. The emulsion with a cotton swab is applied to the hair, then massaged into the skin. The expense of means for carrying out of one procedure makes 25 g.
  2. The head is covered with a scarf and left in this state for 30 minutes.
  3. According to the incident of this time, the head is washed with running water.
  4. Comb the nits out of the hair will help acetic solution, in which the previously used scarf is impregnated, then it is tied on the head for several minutes.
  5. At the end of the treatment process, the head is washed with shampoo and combed out with a special comb.
  6. The result is obvious in a day. If necessary, repeat the procedure.
  7. To get rid of pubic lice, emulsion of benzyl benzoate from lice and nits is treated with hair in the lower part of the body.
  8. Wash off the product using soap after 10 minutes.

To whom the drug is contraindicated

Experts do not recommend the use of lice and nits benzyl benzoate in the following cases:

  • pregnant and lactating women;
  • children under the age of three;
  • people with diseases and skin lesions.
Not recommended for pregnant women and children.
Not recommended for pregnant women and children.


The presence of burning, dryness, itching, or the appearance of an allergic reaction is evidence of side effects. The procedure should be immediately discontinued, since using benzyl benzoate in such cases is unsafe.

You can buy benzyl benzoate for lice and nits at pharmacy kiosks or via the Internet. The price of ointment varies within 30 rubles, the emulsion costs about 130-140 rubles. Reviews of benzyl benzoate for lice, left by many consumers, indicate the effectiveness of the tool.


The son traveled with his class to a sporting event, from where he brought not only many emotions and impressions, but also a gift in the form lice. Rescued us emulsion Benzyl Benzoate. She handled her head to her son, according to the instructions. The effect was obvious after the first treatment. It is not very convenient that you have to choose your own nits.Indeed, otherwise, there may be a new offspring. However, with careful conduct of this procedure, the result will not take long. I recommend the drug is very good and quite inexpensive.

Anna, Volgograd

Benzyl benzoate had to be used more than once, since I have three children. A simple way to use, great effect and low cost. The lack of exposure to parasite eggs is the only drawback of this drug. When used for the first time, this nuance was not paid much attention. And already in 5-7 days the head of the daughter was again covered with lice. Now, as a binding, I will definitely re-process in order to finally get rid of lice. While the tool does not let down.

Evgenia, Anapa

I am ashamed to admit, but at the age of 30 I was faced with pediculosis. Where did the lice come from, still can not understand. I think it happened during a trip in a minibus. There was a very strong crush, and apparently someone standing nearby and became the source of my problems. In the pharmacy, I was offered a variety of lice products, but I was attracted by the cost and feedback on the benzyl benzoate emulsion.Bought, came home, made 2 treatments and forgot about lice, like a bad dream. I advise you, a very effective drug.

Elena, Donetsk

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