Tar soap from lice and nits

Tar soap from head lice began to apply relatively recently, but the history of its creation and use in folk medicine is deeply rooted in hoary antiquity. In Russia, birch tar was used to treat many diseases. In the old documents it is noted that the natural component in the Scandinavian countries was considered a precious balsam, despite its availability.

The composition and properties of soap

Tar soap was prepared by mixing soap chips with birch tar, the resulting mass was rolled into balls and dried. Today it can be purchased at any store or pharmacy. Brown bars with a specific persistent odor were rarely bought at one time, but now the popularity of soap is returning.

Modern antipediculosis drugs possess high efficiency and help for one application get rid of lice and nits. But more people on drugs and synthetic substances show an allergic reaction. And the cost of funds from pediculosis can not be compared with the price of a piece of tar soap. To understand whether tar lice soap helps, you should analyze its composition.



Initially, the composition of tar soap was 10-30% birch tar. The modern cosmetic industry has moved away from technology. To soften the effect on the skin and reduce the severity of the characteristic odor, add flavors, amino alcohol, to normalize the pH, thickeners, stabilizers and other excipients that reduce the amount of the main ingredient.

Birch tar is produced by dry sublimation of birch bark. The rich composition of tar soap is due to its constituent components. Tar contains more than 100 bioactive substances, including:

  • phenols (up to 15%) - toluene, betulin, guaiacol, gulerin, xylenol, tereben, etc .;
  • organic acids (up to 5%);
  • esters of organic acids (up to 10%);
  • tannins.

In addition to tar, the composition of the soap is alkali. Tar soap against lice acts due to its rich composition. The specific smell of tar is due to the presence of aromatic substances. Strong aromas scare away licetherefore, in relation to lice, tar soap has a repellent effect. Creosote, which is part of the tar, has a damaging effect on the nervous system of insects, stops their development and mummifies the eggs. Turpentine has a similar effect on parasites - another folk remedy for lice.

Phenols and tannins cause antibacterial, antifungal, reparative, drying, antipruritic, anti-inflammatory, drying effect. These properties help to cope with the consequences. lice bites - pruritus, hyperemia, dermatosis. Disinfecting effect prevents the introduction of secondary infection through damage to the skin.

Tar soap for lice
Tar soap for lice


Karelian birch tar is exported abroad, as a natural remedy for skin diseases. There it is called “Russian butter” and is valued for its healing properties. On its basis they produce cosmetics and medicines. In the old days, birch tar was used to make fur, which Russia was famous for.

Tannins and salicylic acid damages liceleading to dehydration. Their action is especially pronounced in relation to the larvae, since their body is not covered by such a dense shell as in adults. Organic acids dissolve the adhesive substance, which nits are attached to the hair. Tar soap forms a thin film, due to tar tar, violating the function of breathing in lice, clogging spiracles on the abdomen.

The anti-pediculous properties of tar soap vary depending on the manufacturer, as the percentage of birch tar in a soap of various cosmetic and pharmaceutical companies is different.

How to apply a natural remedy

Natural remedies, unlike synthetic drugs, have a slow effect. In order to remove lice with tar soap, you will have to apply it for a long time and regularly until you get rid of parasites.

The main use of tar soap for lice and nits is as follows:

  1. Dampen the head with water and lather with tar detergent. First, you need to clean your hair from grease, dust, dirt, so wash off the water with water without maintaining it.
  2. Slightly squeeze the hair with your hands and lather a second time, carefully beating the foam and massaging it easily to evenly apply to the hair roots and skin.
  3. Cover the head with polyethylene and warm with a towel.
    Plastic bag
    Plastic bag
  4. Leave the foam for 40-60 minutes.
  5. After time has elapsed, rinse hair thoroughly.
  6. Dry your hair with a towel and remove the dead parasites with a special lice comb.
  7. The procedure is repeated daily during the week.

To quickly get rid of lice tar tar, you can use it together with pediculicide agent. The action algorithm is as follows:

  1. Apply anti-pediculosis agent on dry hair, distribute it in hair and stand in accordance with the attached instruction.
  2. Wash hair and lather with soap, beating fluffy foam.
  3. Leave for 20-30 minutes and wash under running water.
  4. Towel dried strands comb a special comb.
  5. If necessary, repeat the procedure.

Before using soap to treat pediculosis in children, it is necessary to conduct a skin test. The baby’s tender skin can react to the irritant effect of tar by an allergic reaction. To prevent this from happening, you should apply a little suds on the inside of your forearm and wait 15 minutes. If the reaction is not, then the tool can be used to removing lice in children.

Reviews of tar soap from lice and nits are different. Many complain that it takes a long time to get rid of parasites. To improve the efficiency of the method, it is possible to combine several folk remedies for lice.

Lice Recipes

Detergent produced in the form of a solid bar and in liquid form. Tar soap for hair lice can be applied and liquid. Here are some effective recipes based on liquid soap:

  1. In a liquid soap add 2-3 drops of essential oil of ylang-ylang, peppermint, cloves, lavender. Use as recommended above.Such a tool will help to somewhat soften the unpleasant smell, and essential oils make the repellent effect more pronounced.
  2. Add natural unrefined vegetable oil to the liquid soap, which will make the film that blocks the louse's spiracles, more dense, and will also facilitate brushing. This recipe can be applied when pediculosis treatment people with dry hair. The combination of components will help to soften the scalp and protect the hair from the action of alkali.
  3. After tar soap held 40-60 minutes, washed off, and dried hair, treatment can be supplemented with hair treatment tameric water. The product is sold in pharmacies. This is an alcohol extract of the roots of hellebore Lobel, which has a neurotoxic effect on lice. Chemerichnu infusion is applied with a cosmetic disc on the scalp. Soak for 30 minutes under the cap, wash your hair with shampoo for dry hair and thoroughly comb the dead lice and nits.
Tea Tree and Clove Oil
Tea Tree and Clove Oil


People who regularly use tar soap are protected from scabies, depriving fungal diseases. Pharmacy birch tar is purified by fractional distillation, freeing of carcinogenic impurities. Therefore, it is safe to use a pharmacy.

Those who want to cook tar soap according to an old recipe, you can offer this recipe:

  • baby soap - 300 g;
  • birch tar - 1 tablespoon;
  • water - 1 tablespoon.

Baby soap and birch tar
Baby soap and birch tar

Soap to rub and put in a water bath. Add a spoonful of water to the shavings and. stirring, dissolve. Add tar and mix until smooth. Cool to 30-40 ° C and pour into molds. For full curing will take from 4 to 7 days. This soap more gently acts on the hair and scalp, as it contains less alkali. Homemade soap for pediculosis is more effective because it contains a higher percentage of tar than in the shop.

The fight against lice with tar soap will be effective and safe if you follow the rules of use.

Rules for the use of tar soap

Tar from lice and nits is a natural remedy that, when externally applied, has no contraindications. But removing lice with tar soap requires certain conditions to be met:

  • Do not use the tool in the presence of an allergic reaction to tar.
  • With thin and dry skin, brittle dry hair, prolonged use of tar soap can cause reddening, irritation of the skin and spoil the hair.It is recommended to add castor or burdock oil to the soap suds, wash your hair with shampoo for dry hair, and after the procedure apply the appropriate balm.
  • Tar soap cannot be used orally. Ingestion of tar soap will cause abdominal pain and heartburn.
  • Avoid contact with soap suds in the eyes - it causes irritation of the mucous membrane.


Birch tar in Russia was used as a strong disinfectant. He was dripped on the stove when we washed in the bath. During the reception of childbirth, the midwives sprinkled furnace stones with birch tar to disinfect the air in the room.

When treating pediculosis in young children or pregnant women, you should first consult with your doctor.


Tar soap soap lice in my childhood. Not changed this tool now. When my son after the summer holiday at the granny in the village came from pediculosis, immediately remembered the dark bars with a characteristic odor. I bought it at the pharmacy for a nominal amount and bought a special comb. Enough once "soaping" and combing. But for the full effect of washing hair 3 more times. Son even liked the smell.He did not experience any discomfort. So once again convinced - a proven tool is the best.

Veronica, Kiev.

I have two kids - the same age, who go to kindergarten. Where lice come from - I do not know, but already 2 times the children came with nits in their hair. Fortunately, there is a proven remedy - tar soap. Only it is worth seeing these white bubbles - I immediately wash my hair with this soap, and then carefully comb the dead lice and nits. It is worth a week to carry out such procedures and the heads are already clean, and most importantly, no chemistry!

Galina, Simferopol.

On the advice of her mother, she used tar soap when my son Kostik came from school with lice and nits in the head. I did everything according to the instructions - soaped, held out, combed out. The effect is not expected. Bought and processed By now. Lice immediately disappeared. When my mother complained that tar soap did not help, it turned out that it needed to be used longer, and for 2 times it might not completely get rid of lice. Now I will know, because the effective Nydou has significantly punched a gap in finances.

Catherine, Ternopil.

A daughter in long hair had head lice - in contact with children from a large and not very happy family. I really didn't want to trim my hair. Undertook to treat their own means.Combined tar soap and cemeric water. The effect was quick and full. She kept her hair and spent a minimum of money and effort.

Zinaida, Sarny.

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