Dichlorvos from lice and nits
- Dichlorvos
- Dichlorvos
- Means of protection
- Combing lice and nits
- Absorbents
Among the modern means of blood-sucking insects living next to humans, Dichlorvos occupies a prominent place. Many more from childhood know the gray aerosol spray, through which easily coped with unpleasant parasites. In place of an aggressive drug came new products that do not harm human health, but with the same name, received recognition of more than one generation of users.Dichlorvos for lice is as effective as fleas, bedbugs and cockroaches.
Overview of popular tools
Under the familiar name “Dichlorvos”, today there are drugs that have nothing to do with a drug popular in the Soviet era. The preparation, regardless of the attachment and the manufacturer, is classified as hazard class 3-4. That is, these tools are not dangerous for warm-blooded people and humans, but when they try to remove lice with Dichlorvos, then it is worthwhile to carefully consider all the pros and cons of such a decision.
Dichlorvos contains various insecticides, among which permethrin is the most harmless. The preparation is intended for the treatment of premises, therefore insecticides in its composition are in a more concentrated form than in pharmaceutical anti-pediculosis drugs. The manufacturer honestly does not indicate that the drug is used against lice. But as an unconventional tool, it continues to be used.
What is part of the new Dichlorvos and how they will act from lice:
- Dichlorvos-Neo is an odorless product based on the synthetic insecticide cypermethrin and the piperonyl butoxide synergist. It acts instantly thanks to an organophosphate insecticide.Piperonyl butoxide enhances the properties of the insecticide.
- Eco Dichlorvos - the preparation contains a complex of synthetic insecticides and pyrethrin. As a repellent and odorant used aromatic additive with the smell of lavender.
- Dichlorvos Universal - a potent agent with an unpleasant odor. Wide spectrum of action
- Varan dichlorvos - a drug with a lemon smell. The composition is similar to the previous means.
- Dichlorvos Terminator - synthetic pyrethroid isomers: cypermethrin and tetramethrin have a paralyzing effect on the neuromuscular system of insects.
Similar aerosols are produced by foreign companies. Perfume from Turkish manufacturers Dew Tox and Buntox without smell.
The basis of all drugs called "Dichlorvos" - a complex of synthetic insecticides and synergists that ensure the penetration of poison into the tissues of insects. Therefore, in the instructions, the manufacturer warns that the tool should not fall on the surface of human skin, otherwise there is a risk of poisoning.
When working with the tool, you must take precautions - protect the respiratory system with a respirator, eyes with safety glasses,and the skin with clothing and rubber gloves.
Despite all the warnings, people are interested in whether it is possible to remove lice Dichlorvos. If it is about body lice, then the remedy can etch adult insects and larvae. The aerosol cannot get rid of nits, since insecticides do not penetrate through the thick shell of the egg and the layer of "glue", which nits are attached to the threads of fabric and hair on the human body. The use of such an aggressive drug against head lice - a way to poison and insects, and the patient.
How to use Dichlorvos from lice
Dichlorvos against lice must be sprayed onto the tissue, and where the parasites accumulate, the seams, the folds of the tissue. Put the processed item into a tight bag and carefully seal the hole with tape, hold for 15-20 minutes. Then it must be shaken to crumble the dead linen lice, ventilate and wash in hot water with any detergent appropriate to the type of fabric. Iron the dried item with a hot iron to destroy the remaining parasites.
Get rid of dichlorvos from lice on clothes - really. Strong insecticides cope even with such "not killed" insects, like cockroaches.Lice do not have resistance to chemical components, so any of the above drugs will cope with body lice.
Head Lice Dichlorvos
Applying Dichlorvos for head lice makes not only unhealthy adventurism or extreme confidence in time-tested brands. The average price for a bottle of funds is 60-100 rubles. While for the cheapest prophylaxis shampoo required to give more than 400 rubles. Therefore, treatment of pediculosis Dichlorvos is also practiced for reasons of economy.
Our inventive compatriots have figured out how to poison lice with Dichlorvos to get rid of parasites and not harm their own health.
The algorithm for quickly curing pediculosis at home is as follows:
- Dry hair combed, divided into strands.
- Lubricate the scalp with any vegetable oil - this will create a protective film from the penetration of insecticides into the systemic circulation and protect the skin from burns.
- Make a roller out of a strip of fabric and tie it along the hairline in order to protect the face and neck skin from Dichlorvos as much as possible.
- On the sick pediculosis wear a respirator and goggles; cover the body with a sheet.
- Spray the aerosol on the inner surface of a plastic bag and cover the patient's head with it.
- To fix the package with a handkerchief, trying not to capture the skin of the forehead and neck.
- How much to keep Dichlorvos, prompt individual sensations. Ideally, the tool should be kept for 10-20 minutes, but if the burning becomes unbearable, then the package must be removed.
- Rinse hair thoroughly with soap and soda solution, and then with a soft shampoo 2-3 times;
- Rinse vinegar solution and dry with a towel.
- Frequent comb comb lice and nits. Brushing over a light cloth or paper to notice when the lice will stop falling out of the hair.
Such a method lice control Do not use the child, people with a tendency to allergic reactions and respiratory diseases.
When processing should use personal protective equipment. Carry out the procedure in a well-ventilated area or outside the home. In case of inefficiency of processing, the procedure should not be repeated. It is better to remove the parasites using pharmacy drugs or using folk remedies for lice. Aggressive insecticides can cause serious consequences.
Consequences of removing lice Dichlorvos
Insecticide poisoning as part of Dichlorvos are manifested in the form of the following symptoms:
- headache;
- dizziness;
- nausea;
- vomiting;
- loss of consciousness;
- convulsions.
Possible skin reactions - rash, blisters, itching, burning.
At the first signs of poisoning, you must give the patient an absorbent - activated carbon, Smektu, Enterosgel. If symptoms do not disappear within 3-4 hours, then you should seek medical attention.
You can poison the lice with Dichlorvos, but there is a real risk of poisoning yourself. Dichlorvos reviews from lice and nits are mostly negative. Those who used such a risky tool most often regretted the choice of a drug for lice.
There is no limit to human ingenuity. Only often it happens with a minus sign. Lice in my time could easily be picked up at school, a summer camp, from neighboring children. So I brought in my luxurious curls a whole brood of these parasites. Mom cried - really did not want to cut off my long hair, and decided get rid of lice the most faithful at that time means - Dichlorvos. She generously sprinkled my head, tied a handkerchief and sent me to a corner in the kitchen near the stove. After a while she took off her handkerchief, and with it all my hair. Pets were shocked by my bald red spots and head rash. My hair has grown back and even began to curl, but I will never forget that horror.
Zinaida Mikhailovna, Zelenodolsk
My mother-in-law decided to bring fleas from our cat Barsika. Girlfriends advised to save money and use Dichlorvos, which we recently poisoned insects in the house. The wise woman made everything, as the companions told me - she sprinkled Dichlorvos into a bag and put Barsik inside. Only the head remained hanging around. When we came home from work, the cat lay on the bedding and breathed heavily. Wool poured from him. A few days otpaivali his rice broth - he refused to eat. They thought that they would die. But gradually Barsik oklemalsya. I do not think that for a person such a “method” would be safer. It is better to use drugs for its intended purpose, rather than "reinventing the wheel."
Galina, Upper Mamon
What just did not try for pediculosis treatment! Neither the national nor the pharmaceutical means of the effect did not give.But Dichlorvos helped remove lice the first time. The package was put on the head, the edges were tightly glued to the skin with tape. Dichlofos was sprayed through the hole in the bag and held for 20 minutes. The sensations were terrible. As I remember - goose bumps! But they washed their heads, combed their lice, and to this day have forgotten what pediculosis is. Maybe the method is barbaric, but effective.
Konstantin, Stone Field