Comb lice

Comb lice refers to the mechanical methods of dealing with head lice. It is an advanced comb or comb. The effectiveness of the action depends on the quality of the device, the efforts of the person. Used as a primary, additional remedies for pediculosis.

Comb description

Special comb for combing lice and nits has the same shape, but differs in the quality of materials, manufacturing technology. The teeth are made of durable plastic, stainless steel.All tips are rounded, which prevents injury to the skin and hair.

The entire length of the teeth are serifs. They allow you to remove from the hair even the smallest, persistent nits. The comb of rigid construction prevents the “spreading” of the teeth in different directions when pressed.

Tooth comb
Tooth comb

There is an electronic lice comb. The advanced model transmits an electric pulse across the teeth. The parasite, being on the device, receives an electric shock, instantly falls. This prevents re-entry. lice on hair when combing.


In ancient times, to get rid of lice, the fight against parasites was carried out with the help of a comb with fine teeth. To improve the efficiency of the mechanical means, a thread was threaded between the teeth, fixed on both sides of the comb.

Expediency of purchase

Comb lice comb - a special comb designed to thoroughly comb hair. Despite the huge variety of means of head lice, the device remains in demand until now.

The reason is the inability of chemicals to penetrate the shell of nits.The louse continues to evolve inside, safely withstanding the chemical attack. All that can special pharmacy tools - to destroy the adhesive substance, through which the lice eggs attached to the hair. This greatly facilitates combing nits.

A comb for lice hair is a major attribute in pediculosis treatment. If a person is serious, you can breed insects without shampoo, spray, ointment and other pharmaceutical preparations, using only a comb. When using chemicals without a special comb, too, can not do.

Varieties of ridges - the main difference

Recently, products of several brands have gained immense popularity:

  • Antiv - comb round shape with long teeth. Metal serifs well cling to parasites, allow you to capture large strands of hair. It is possible to comb out insects after a preliminary chemical treatment in half an hour. On short hair, or medium length and thickness, you can get rid of lice without using shampoo or other special means.
    Combs from lice
    Combs from lice
  • LiceGuard - comb lice and nits for the whole family. One pack contains several combs with different lengths of teeth.Each of them is designed for different types of hair. The child is more suitable with small short teeth.
  • Electronic lice and nits comb RobiComb - a novelty among similar products. The comb has a wide plastic base, small short metal teeth. There are plastic projections on both sides so that the teeth do not touch the scalp. During use, a current is generated between the teeth. Insect, falling on the comb, do not have the opportunity to be back on the hair. Effective scallop allows you to remove parasites in 1 procedure. You can comb only dry hair.

On a note!

There is no significant difference between products from different manufacturers, as evidenced by reviews on the forums on the Internet. Comb lice and nits acts the same. The decisive role in the purchase is the price.

How much is a comb

Products are actively advertised on the Internet, there is an opportunity to order at a promotional price. Discount is offered when buying several pieces. In the pharmacy, you can purchase a comb with shampoo or separately. How much is the comb in the pharmacy:

  • AntiV - 1000 rub .;
  • LiceGuard - 850 rubles;
  • Electric comb for lice RobiComb - 1990 rub.special offer.

Price comb from lice and nits may vary depending on the region. The average cost of a quality comb from nits, lice - 1000 rubles.

Instructions for use

Using the device is very simple. To remove lice from a child, you can start combing immediately after the detection of parasites.

Combing lice and nits
Combing lice and nits
  • During the procedure, you must be in a well-lit room. You can use an additional fluorescent lamp, a magnifying glass, so that you can see lice and nits better.
  • Spread white sheet or paper. On them lay out the parasites.
  • Need to comb from top to bottom, distributing hair into strands. Go through a few times, then move on to the next curl.

On average, 30 minutes is enough for effective combing. Repeat the action every day for a week. You can get rid of lice immediately, nits can go unnoticed. For reinsurance use the device throughout the week.

If the hair was previously treated with a special pharmacy tool, the head should be slightly dried. When using the electronic comb - dry well.Comb each strand several times.


Daughter brought lice from kindergarten. I noticed that she began to scratch her head often, and this is a clear lice symptomwhich, alas, was confirmed. Hair is medium length, but not thick. I am an opponent of all shampoos, because they contain insecticides, albeit in small quantities. The skin of children is too sensitive, often there is an allergy. Folk remedies also not credible. I decided to fight with a comb. I bought AntiV. Nothing special in it, but combing parasites well. Planted a girl, pre-processed hair acetic solution. Chesala about an hour, then my daughter began to spin, could not stand it. Found a few adults, not very many nits. Repeated every day, but for 20 minutes. Looking through the hair through a magnifying glass. So got rid without chemistry, did not have to change my hair.

Veronica, Moscow

Daughters was 13 years old when she began to complain about lice bites. Disposed of using hair dye based hydrogen peroxide. Nits combed her with a LiceGuard comb. Did not want to overpay for a regular comb. Completely arranged a set at a more affordable price.First used with short teeth. Then, for prophylaxis with long. I remember my mother as a child lice infused with dust soap, head scratching the usual comb with fine teeth.

Svetlana, Nikolaev

I bought a RobiComb with an electric shock. Deduced parasites themselves. Brought from a business trip. I do not know how much current acts, but combing the device well. Pre-used shampoo Veda. Managed to get rid of parasites for 1 procedure. Medium length hair.

Inna, Voronezh

A comb for lice and nits is a simple, uncomplicated tool, without which no procedure for removing lice and nits can do. Modern specialized combs - products from quality materials, with a well-thought out frequency, tooth structure. To achieve such a quick result from the usual comb is impossible.

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Bed bugs

