Hygia shampoo for lice and nits on the head

Folk methods that allow get rid of lice, are a thing of the past, they were replaced by permethrin-based drugs. Hygia shampoo for lice and nits is recognized as one of the most popular products, which destroys insects after the first use. Due to its low toxicity, it can be used not only for adults but also for children.

What is included in the shampoo

Hygia for lice is sold in pharmacies.In the package is a plastic bottle with the drug, with a volume of 120 ml and a special comb. Liquid gel, yellow, with the smell of lemon. The cost varies from 200 to 350 rubles.

The composition of the shampoo includes:

  1. The main component of permethrin, 100 ml contains only 1 g. Refers to synthetic pyrethroids. It is characterized by a contact action that blocks the transmission of nerve impulses, as a result of which lice paralyzing, which leads to his death. Destroys only adults. Does not harm human health and animals. Shampoo molecules are destroyed after contact with air, so the risk of accumulation and absorption of permethrin in the body is minimal.
    Hygia Shampoo
    Hygia Shampoo
  2. Glacial acetic acid breaks down the sticky substance on which nits stick on the hair. What makes them easy to remove with a special comb.
  3. Also in the composition of Hygiene is disodium ethylenediaminetetraacetate, which provides a foaming and washing effect, does not irritate the sensitive scalp.

How to use shampoo Hygia

The key to rapid and effective destruction of lice is the correct use of a pediculicidal agent.

Instructions for use shampoo Hygia:

  1. Moisten hair lightly with warm water.
  2. Squeeze out of the bottle 15-20 grams of the drug, depending on the length and thickness of the hair.
  3. It is good to lather, rub in a few minutes into the hair follicles, evenly distribute over the entire length of the hair.
  4. Leave the agent for 20 minutes.
  5. Rinse hair thoroughly using regular shampoo.
  6. Comb out dead lice and nits.


Lice and nits should be combed gently over the paper, which is then folded and burned.

After a week, the treatment is repeated, but not more than two times in a row.

The main contraindications to the use of the drug

Before applying Hygia shampoo for head lice, you need to do a simple test to prevent the extensive manifestation of an allergic reaction. To do this, a small amount of the product is applied to the elbow bend. After 20-25 minutes, it is washed off and the skin reaction is monitored for several hours. If there is no irritation, redness, rash - you can use a louse shampoo.

Hygia-1 shampoo
Hygia Shampoo

The main contraindications to the use of Hygiene:

  • individual intolerance;
  • children up to 5 years;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • inflammation and skin disease, the presence of abrasions, cuts, purulent infection.


Hygia shampoo should not be used as a prophylactic against lice and nits.

Precautions during use

Although permethrin is a safe substance, but when working with it you need to observe safety measures:

  • when repeated use is recommended to wear gloves;
  • so that the drug does not get into the eyes, before applying shampoo around the head, below the growth of hair, knotted a towel or diaper rolled up in the form of a rope;
  • if swallowed, induce vomiting and drink any sorbent;
  • in case of contact with eyes, rinse thoroughly with water;
  • wash hands with soap after use;
  • It is forbidden to drink or eat food during the procedure.

After applying the shampoo, you may experience a slight itching and burning sensation. This is due to the large number of skin lesions that are left over from lice bites. But if the burning sensation increases, it cannot be tolerated, the remedy must be washed off, as this indicates an allergic reaction to the drug.

Adverse reactions

If you follow the instructions attached to Hygia shampoo, adverse reactions do not occur.But sometimes the reaction of the body is difficult to predict, so in children and adults prone to allergic reactions, most often appear:

  • headaches;
  • dizziness;
  • nausea;
  • weakness;
  • rash, redness, itching.

In such cases, it is recommended to take antihistamine medicine and drink warm, sweet tea.

On a note!

After using Higia, hair becomes dry and loses shine. Over time, the hair structure will recover. To help them, it is better to use cosmetic masks or oils.

Hair restoration after treatment
Hair restoration after treatment

Hygia against lice and nits has established itself as an effective remedy for pediculosis. The frequency of adverse reactions is so minimal that doctors prescribe it to children over five years old. Most importantly, follow the instructions and take precautions while using the shampoo.


She spent two months in the camp, and when she arrived home she complained that her head had begun to itch. Having carefully examined the hair, noticed lice and nits. Long chose effective remedy for lice in the pharmacy, eventually bought Hygia. Clearly followed the instructions using shampoo. Foams well, does not flow down after application, did not like the smell.They washed away many dead parasites, but in order to comb out the nits, we had to try. Used for this comb against lice. Repeat the procedure after a week. My daughter helped, lice disappeared after the first procedure.

Nastya, Saratov

At work often have to go on a business trip. The next train ride is over pediculosis. AT folk remedies I do not believe, so I began to monitor pharmaceutical preparations. After reviewing reviews of hygiene from lice, I decided to buy it. The price in the pharmacy is 230 rubles. He washed his head with him, the smell is pleasant. Brushing nits was really easy, even vinegar did not have to use. I got rid of them for two times.

Camila, Irkutsk

I walked to my daughter just a week in the garden and brought lice home. Has bought Hygia, after use went allergy, but remove lice from a child succeeded.

Margarita, Peter

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