How to remove kerosene lice and nits
- Kerosene for lice
- Lice and nits
- Preparation of lice products
WITH pediculosis - appearance lice, people have fought since ancient times. People of different age categories and social status can be exposed to this disease, because lice are transmitted very easy. Just one contact is enough and parasites can quickly swap over to a new victim. Today in the pharmacy network you can find many modern protivopedikuleznyh drugs. However, some people prefer to use kerosene for lice - a folk remedy, which was used by our ancestors.
What is this means
Kerosene is a mixture of combustible hydrocarbons, which is produced in the process of refining. The tool has the appearance of a liquid transparent consistency of a yellowish hue, which has a sharp specific odor.
In the first half of the last century, kerosene was used for lighting houses and cooking. In modern times, the tool has practically lost these functions and is used only as a component for rocket fuel, as well as in production.
The procedure for removing lice with kerosene is familiar to many. His people used for more than one decade only because the remedy was much cheaper than branded drugs. Yes, and to find in the pharmacy an effective and yet safe drug was very difficult. Therefore, very often carried out the treatment of pediculosis with kerosene. He is able to help in the fight, as with head liceso with pubic licecalled ploschitsyami.
However, not everyone knows that this folk remedy for lice very aggressive, as it is a product of oil refining. And it is important not just to wash your hair with kerosene. Such a procedure will not bring proper results. In order not to harm your health, you need to know how to use kerosene against lice and nits correctly.
Mechanism of action
Most modern anti-pediculosis drugs affect the nervous system of parasites, which leads to their paralysis, and subsequently to death. Kerosene acts against lice asphyxiatingly, resulting in instantaneous intoxication of their organisms. Penetrating through the chitinous envelope into the insect's spiracles, kerosene overlaps them, limiting the supply of oxygen masses.
Do not like lice and the specific smell of petroleum product, which may stay on the head or clothing for several days after pest control. Also kerosene kills nits, dissolving their protective shell. Due to which the eggs are easier to remove when combing. However, only pure kerosene can achieve this effect.
Despite the high result, which gives this tool when pediculosis treatment, it nevertheless became less popular due to the presence of side effects:
- So, if you do not know how much kerosene to keep on your head, you can become the owner of major health problems. After all, the substance affects the skin of a person with no less intensity, the consequence of this can be chemical burns, deterioration and even loss of hair.
- Oily liquid is difficult to wash off from the head, with the result that hair becomes dull, brittle and badly combed.
- The product can be dangerous for people with allergies and respiratory diseases. Especially harmful toxic effects of kerosene for the child's body. Many reviews of kerosene from lice and nits indicate this. Therefore, this nuance should be considered, especially if it is planned remove lice in children.
I grabbed parasites when I was working in a pioneer camp. For the first time felt what itch cause lice bites. And in order to quickly get rid of the problem, a colleague advised me to use kerosene. I brought out the parasites, but a nightmare happened to my hair - they combed badly,lost shine and acquired the look of the stacks. Restored her luxurious hair for at least a month. I do not recommend using this tool for lice control, as it can kill your hair besides insects.
Daria, Saransk
Rules of application
Those who decide to remove kerosene lice, you must follow the rules for the use of this tool.
- To process the head with kerosene, it is preferable to use lighting or technical kerosene, but aviation or autotractor is not suitable for these purposes. This nuance is explained by the presence of extraneous additives in the last variations of the tool.
- Treatment will be safer if you dilute kerosene to kill lice with olive (sunflower) oil and shampoo in a ratio of 2: 2: 1.
You can also use another recipe for removing lice: dilute kerosene with honey, hot water and shampoo in a ratio of 1: 3: 4: 1. For convenience, it is better to use a teaspoon. - The resulting mixture is applied with a cotton swab over the entire length of dry hair, paying particular attention to the root zone.
- The whole hair part of the head, as well as the eyebrows, neck, sideburns, mustache and beard in men, are subject to treatment.
- Having distributed evenly the liquid composition over the entire surface of the hair, the head is covered with a plastic cap or bag, and then with a towel. It will be possible to achieve an effective result if the kerosene mixture stays on the head for two hours - for adults, no more than an hour - for children.
- After the specified period of time, the hair should be washed with running water using shampoo. Also for these purposes you can use vinegar solution or citric acid.
- Then a special comb with fine teeth combed nits and dead insects.
- Louse off kerosene lice again after 3 days from the time of treatment, using a mixture of vegetable oil (50 ml) and kerosene (1 tsp). The prepared solution is applied to the head in a similar way and kept for 0.5-1 hour (depending on how strong the burning sensation is). Then washed with vinegar and shampoo.
- In case of excessive infection with lice, a third treatment may be necessary. The solution is prepared and applied according to the scheme described above.
On a note!
In earlier times, to clean the lice, the first treatment of the head was usually carried out with pure kerosene, and the use of a kerosene-oil mixture was used as a fixing effect.However, do not forget about the possible risk that a concentrated substance can cause.
Do not use kerosene to kill lice in children. The neighbor grandmother assured us that in this way her mother would take out the parasites to all her daughters. However, the application of kerosene to the scalp of the child caused not only choking the baby from the specific smell of the product, but also a severe burn. You shouldn't save money on children!
Anna, Odessa
Security measures
Deciding to get rid of kerosene lice, it is important to observe precautions, as this tool is combustible and toxic. Therefore it is important:
- Do not keep the substance on the head for more than 2 hours, but people with sensitive skin should not be treated with kerosene at all. To verify this reaction of the skin can be in advance, causing a toxic agent on the elbow bend. On the treated area should not be redness or rash. Otherwise, the use of kerosene is better to refuse.
- Do not carry out such procedures near sources of flame, since even a small spark may cause ignition.
- To poison the lice with kerosene should be especially careful to prevent the ingress of toxic substances on the skin and mucous membranes. If this does happen, it is necessary to quickly flush the product with plenty of water.
- Wear heavy gloves during processing.
- The consequence of kerosene treatments can be the weakening and bleaching of hair. To restore the condition of the hair after the kerosene disinsection is possible with the help of special fortified masks.
Kerosene is not the only method to get rid of lice at home. The choice of pharmaceutical preparations that can also qualitatively destroy parasites is very diverse and affordable.