How to get rid of lice and nits with hairspray

Despite the improvement in living standards, pediculosis - This is the scourge of modern society. This disease affects both children and adults and requires immediate action. The most safe and painless method of struggle is to remove insects manually. However, this time-consuming process sometimes does not always give positive results. Today, there are many chemical and folk remedieswith antiparasitic properties. To cope with this problem is quite capable and lacquer The beauty of lice and nits.

Why lacquer charm

Hairspray not only helps to give and keep styling volume, but is also an excellent tool. lice control. The principle of its operation is similar to the mechanism of action of many drugstores, for example, spray nyudy. The uniqueness of this drug lies in its composition, which includes Dimethicone - silicone, which has found wide application in cosmetology and medicine. This substance prevents the penetration of oxygen in spirachtsy licethat causes them to choke.

A similar process occurs with nits: a liquid silicone mixture envelops their surface, blocking the inlet, which prevents larvae from hatching from eggs. The same silicone mixture is included in the hairspray lice Charm, but its cost is several times less.

Lac Charm
Lac Charm

Benefits means

This way pediculosis treatment has many advantages:

  • effectiveness - the use of fixing solution ensures complete destruction of lice and nits;
  • safety - the absence of toxic substances in the lacquer;
  • low cost compared to pharmacy pediculicides (the price of lacquer Charm is within 180 rubles);
  • simple application.

Principle of use

Getting rid of lice with hairspray is a snap:

  1. It is necessary to wash your hair with shampoo.
  2. After the hair has dried, apply a fixative on it. It is necessary that it covers the entire length of the hair. Special attention should also be paid to the root zone. Consumption means depends on the length and thickness of the hair, usually use 1-2 cans.
  3. The procedure is best carried out in a well-ventilated area or in fresh air. To prevent the varnish from getting into the face, it is covered with a damp cloth.
  4. To avoid the ingestion of harmful vapors, you should periodically hold your breath.
  5. Then the head is covered with a towel, over which a plastic cap or bag is put on.

    Plastic bag
    Plastic bag
  6. After 8 hours, the hair is washed with running water using shampoo.
  7. Dead lice and eggs are discarded with special combthat need comb nits with every single strand.
  8. To fix the result of hairspray against lice and nits re-apply after 7-10 days.



Lucky is not a specialized tool to combat lice and nits.

Despite the fact that the varnish Charm is not a toxic substance and does not have a detrimental effect like keroseneIts use is not recommended for children under 3 years of age, as well as for people suffering from allergies. The following test will help ensure that there is one. It is necessary to apply a small amount of varnish on the inside of the wrist. The tool can be used if the skin is not irritation and redness.

Contraindicated use of such lice products for women during pregnancy. Because inhalation of harmful fumes can disrupt the development of the embryo. Lac Charm makes it possible to complete the destruction of parasites in just one procedure. However, reviews about the effect of varnish on lice and nits are quite diverse.


The fact that this method can get rid of licelearned from the internet. I decided to try. However, she was disappointed - a large amount of lacquer is very difficult to wash off, and her hair was just in a dreadful state. I do not recommend this method.It is better to buy a normal product, but you do not need to save on health.

Yana, Anapa

She poured a bottle of lacquer on her head, but she still couldn’t remove all the lice. In addition, to bring the hair into a healthy look was not just due to the fact that the lacquer was poorly washed off. I do not consider it the best means. I think it's much safer to use spray from the pharmacy.

Karina, Odessa

Hairspray - just a lovely drug to fight lice. He helped get rid of parasites in just one procedure. The processing of my short hair took less than a bottle of funds. I had to sweat a few times while washing the fixing solution and combing out the insects. However, it was still possible to achieve the desired result - not only the lice disappeared, but also the nits.

Maria, Lipetsk

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