Nuda remedy for lice and nits

Head lice - parasitic insects, the fight against which is very exhausting. Effective antiviral remedy - the only way out in this situation. However, it is not always easy to pick it up: sometimes the cost does not suit, the possibility of an allergic reaction, the low efficacy of the drug is also possible.Today, many dermatologists recommend a remedy for Nyudah lice. This is an antiparasitic drug of a new generation, which is produced in the form of a spray and shampoo. The uniqueness of the means of this line lies in the fact that they do not contain aggressive components in their composition, which made them popular among the general population.


Nydu's lice spray is a pediculicidal agent that is an oily solution. Its basis is Dimethicone - a substance that is detrimental to all types of lice: head, pubic and wardrobe, as well as their eggs (nits). As an additional component, the spray contains triglycerides, wax and fragrances.

Means Nuda
Means Nuda

Dimethicone is a liquid silicone that is not a toxic substance. It is often used in cosmetology for the production of balms, conditioners, sunscreen and shaving foams. Silicone has healing properties: softens the scalp and gives hair shine and silkiness. Applying a remedy for lice and nits Nuda for long or curly hair, they do not have to shear. All the same active ingredient prevents them from becoming tangled.Dimethicone is also used in medicine for the treatment of diseases of the intestinal tract.

The principle of action of the drug is based on the properties of silicone, which is used in several variations. Each of them has a certain degree of viscosity. On lice and nits it acts in a physical way - an oily suspension, enveloping the body of the parasite, clogs its spiracle. As a result, oxygen does not enter the respiratory tract, which leads to the suffocation of an insect. Similarly, Nuda also affects nits, plugging the holes for the larvae to exit.


Means Nuda from lice has become very popular because it has a lot of advantages:

  • Efficiency - the tool kills adults in just 1 minute. The high result was noted by many consumers, as evidenced by the numerous reviews of the Nyuda spray. In most cases, it is possible to get rid of parasites after the first treatment. However, to exclude the possibility of survival of some eggs is still impossible. This nuance depends on the quality combing nits. Therefore, to achieve the maximum effect, it is recommended to conduct re-processing.
  • Safety - spray is not toxic, as it does not contain chemically active substances.
  • Convenient release form and a simple way to use.
  • The special comb is included in the kit of Nuda vs lice products, which creates additional convenience to the consumer.
Means Nyuda-1
Means Nuda

But there are also negative points to the Nydu spray:

  • high consumption - for a long hair you may need a whole bottle of product;
  • the oily substance is not always washed off the hair for the first time and has a peculiar smell;
  • itching or burning is possible, but it depends on the individual characteristics of the skin;
  • One of the main drawbacks of the spray is how much it costs Nuda, here you should also consider the location of the region; price Nudes from lice within 600 rubles.

However, despite all these shortcomings, many people leave positive reviews of Nude lice.


When in kindergarten discovered child lice, the educator recommended the Nedut protivopedikulezny aerosol. According to her, among all lice sprayHe was the most effective. I, without hesitation, acquired the remedy and processed the head of the child for them, and at the same time my own.The result struck after the first treatment. To make sure that there are no parasites, I regularly inspect and comb it. Therefore, we did not need a second procedure. Nyuda is a very powerful tool, and besides, it does not harm human health. Recommend.

Angelina, Novomoskovsk

Terms of use

To fully get rid of lice, you must comply with the manufacturer’s recommendations in the manual. Instructions for use Nuda lice attached to each bottle.

  1. According to the description, the tool is applied to well-combed dry hair, dividing them into strands. Start better with the root zone. The bottle should be held upright during spraying.
  2. The drug is distributed over the entire length of the hair using a plastic comb.
  3. Sedation composition should be on the hair no more than 45 minutes. After which it is washed off with running water.
  4. You can get rid of dead lice and nits with Pediculum Comb.
    You also need to comb each individual strand. It is better to conduct this process over a bath or over a white piece of matter in order to observe the result of the process.

    Combing lice and nits
    Combing lice and nits
  5. Finish the procedure with shampooing with a daily care shampoo. Some drops added to it tea tree essential oil will serve as a repellent repellent, as well as help get rid of the specific smell.
  6. After drying, the hair is once again carefully examined and combed out with a comb to make sure that there are no parasites.
  7. In the case of poorly combing there is a high probability of survival of some nits. To prevent them from reoccurring breeding lice re-treatment with Nuda spray is necessary.

On a note!

To prevent pediculicides from getting into the eyes and mouth, you can use a special visor or a bandage. Especially their use is recommended when removing lice in children. If the solution still got on the mucous membranes, it is urgently necessary to wash it off with water.

Who should not apply the spray

Despite the fact that the aerosol remedy for lice Nuda is safe, it still has some side effects and contraindications.


Nidu's spray is contraindicated for children under three years of well as pregnant and lactating women. The drug is not recommended for people with allergies.

Not recommended for pregnant women and children.
Not recommended for pregnant women and children.

The test for the presence of an allergic reaction to the components that make up the spray can be carried out as follows. It is enough to apply a small amount of the substance to the inside of the elbow. If after half an hour there is no redness and irritation on the skin, then applying the spray will not harm the human body.

You can buy Nyuda spray against lice in a pharmacy or order it online.


Shampoo Nyuda for lice is another remedy for pediculosis in this series. It gained its popularity due to its safe composition, which is based on the same dimethicone. The shampoo works on lice like a spray. Before you use it, you must carefully read the instructions.

Means impregnate hair on all length, and leave in such state for 45-50 minutes. After that, the strands are combed with an anti-pedicular comb, which from time to time must be cleaned from dead lice and nits with a wet tampon.Next, the hair is washed with water using the usual detergent. In order to prevent treatment, repeat after a week. The cost of shampoo Nyuda from 500 rubles.


Not bypassed us and the problem pediculosis. When choosing an antiparasitic agent, I decided to stop at Nyuda shampoo. I was very attracted by its safe composition. And did not regret it at all. Pediculicidal shampoo proved to be surprisingly effective. Yes, and the expense of his very economical. Very comfortable and high quality. Recommend.

Oksana, Krasnoyarsk

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