Means Paranit repellent against lice and nits
- Spray Paranit
- Combing lice and nits
- Shampoo Paranit
- Paranit Sensitiv
Pediculosis - a rather unpleasant problem, from the occurrence of which not a single person is insured. Where lice come from - There are many options. Therefore, the primary task in such a situation is the selection effective anti-pediculosis medicationthat would not harm human health. Paranit repellent protection against lice is one of the products of the line of products that the Belgian company Omega-Pharma offers today to the consumer.
Spray Paranit against lice contributes to the effective destruction of parasites due to its constituent dimethicone. Penetrating through the chitinous coat into the insect spiracles, this silicone compound acts as a choke on them. For a person, this acting agent is absolutely safe, and therefore is used in cosmetology and even in medicine. The basis of the spray Paranite also includes isopar - mineral oil, which serves as a solvent.
Spray Paranit from lice and nits has many advantages:
- safety - the absence of toxic substances;
- spray efficiency - it affects not only adults licebut also on their eggs (nits);
- does not cause irritation of the skin;
- economical consumption - one cartridge is enough to carry out 2-4 procedures (depending on the length and thickness of the hair);
- affordable cost - the price varies between 500-600 rubles.
Lice spray contraindicated for use in children under 3 years old, pregnant and lactating women, as well as people suffering from skin diseases.
Rules of application
Spray treatment must be carried out as described (instructions for use are available on each package).
- Repellent bottle is thoroughly shaken.
- Spray spray a uniform layer at a distance of 20 cm from the surface of the head along the entire length of the hair. For maximum effect, each strand is sprayed separately.
- Carefully treat the occipital zone and areas behind the ears.
- After 15-30 minutes, the drug is washed off with warm water using a shampoo.
- Insects and their eggs are combed out with a special comb, which also comes with spray. Periodically using a damp cloth, it is cleaned from dead lice and nits.
- If live lice or nits are found, spray treatment is repeated after 7-10 days.
Upon arrival from sporting events found child lice. And as it turned out later, not only my son brought such a gift. A friend recommended me to choose something from a series of funds Paranit. Stopped on Paranit repellent. The treatment was carried out according to the instructions, after which the lice were combed several times with a comb. Just in case, they did a second procedure. The result pleased - get rid of lice succeeded.
Catherine, Smolensk
Paranit shampoo is another drug of this line of products.It does not contain in its composition insecticidal substances hazardous to human health. In addition to the complex of natural vegetable oils of coconut, anise and ylang-ylang, clearol (mineral oil) and fragrance are included in the detergent composition. All these components are safe for humans. For lice, clearol is fatal. It is he who blocks the respiratory system of parasites, leading their bodies to dehydration. Due to what can be achieved complete destruction of adults.
Shampoo Parasite against lice and nits suitable for pediculosis treatment in children from 1 year, pregnant and lactating women. Available in bottles of 200 ml. The price range of funds is in the range of 700-750 rubles.
Mode of application
Method of application Paranit shampoo is quite simple:
- Sedation remedy is applied to well-combed dry hair. It is distributed over the entire surface of the head with light massage movements to achieve full hair impregnation.
- After 10-15 minutes, the shampoo is foamed and left on the head for the same period of time. Then thoroughly wash the hair with running water.
- For cleansing hair from lice and nits apply a comb with fine teeth.
- Processing can be repeated if necessary.
Often Paranit shampoo apply to children. Since I have four of them and all attend children's groups, it is clear that sometimes lice become our uninvited guests. Shampoo in such cases, we wash everything, including my husband and I. 2-3 such procedures and there is no problem. I recommend, of all pediculicidal shampoos - this is one of the best.
Olga, Arkhangelsk
Paranit Sensitiv against lice
Active ingredient lotion spray Paranit Sensitive the same dimethicone comes out from the lice. It also contains other compounds that enhance the effectiveness of the active ingredients. The tool affects both lice and their eggs, which allows to get rid of parasites after the first treatment.
On a note!
Safety - the main advantage of this tool, so it is recommended for use for pregnant and lactating women, as well as babies up to 1 year.
The solution is applied in the same way as the repellent aerosol mentioned above, and washed off after an accident of 8 hours using a shampoo. Therefore, it is very convenient to process before bedtime.The procedure can be repeated if necessary in a week.
The cost of a bottle of Paranit Sensitive 150 ml is about 900-1000 rubles.
Repellent Paranite
Spray repellent against lice serves only to scare off parasites. The repellent Paranit guarantees protection against lice throughout the day, therefore it is recommended for use as a preventive measure during massive head lice infections. A repellent against lice and nits is applied to the hair and allowed to dry without using a hair dryer. The head is washed the next day, after which the procedure is repeated.
Price Paranit repellent from lice about 800 rubles. You can buy all the tools in this series both in the pharmacy chain and through the Internet.
Those who have already been able to evaluate the effectiveness of this drug, leave positive feedback about Paranit repellent against lice.
Repellent Paranit - beautiful protective agent against lice. When problems with pediculosis begin at school, I simply spray the child with it, and myself, just in case. I believe that it is better not to be lazy and insure than to display lice in children. Repellent Paranit - super, never failed!
Alice, Grozny