Means Pair Plus for lice and nits

Lice, as a social phenomenon, were very common in the early twentieth century. This was due to the living conditions of the time: war, revolution, hunger, stress. Now life is more comfortable than it was before, but the spread of lice among children and adolescents is gaining momentum. For the fight against parasites produced a lot of tools, one of which is a pair of lice plus.

Description of parasites

Head lice belong to the category of small ectoparasites that feed on blood. Therefore, the oral cavity in these blood-sucking is adapted to piercing the skin of the victim with the help of two piercing needles - stylets. Saliva secreted by louse bite, interferes with blood clotting, but causes skin irritation and itching. The esophagus during blood suction increases in size and works as a pump.

Attached to the hair of the host are sickle-shaped claws, which are located on three pairs of legs. The eye has no lice, so they use the sense of smell. The smell is caught with the help of short antennae.

Lice and nits
Lice and nits

Louse lives about thirty eight days. The female during this time is able to lay hundreds of eggs, which it attaches to the hair with the help of a sticky mass produced in the body of the parasite. Bloodsucker larvae develop within 4-16 days at air temperatures from 23 to 40 ° C. If the thermometer reads above or below these figures, the female does not lay the larvae. At high temperatures above 44 ° C lice die.


Lice tolerate dangerous infections, with the result that a person can get sick with sypnyh and recurrent form of typhoid.With these blood-sucking can be found anywhere in the world, where there is crowding of people and lack of hygiene. When the first symptoms of pediculosis, you must immediately begin to deal with this phenomenon.

Means of struggle

In the beginning of the century fight against lice and nits led by kerosene and dust soap. Means not too effective, gave only a temporary effect. The child could be brought to the sanitary epidemiological station, and there specially trained people were engaged in processing his head. Now this practice is absent. What do modern moms do and how to solve this problem? After all baby lice - This is a real tragedy and strong stress for the whole family. Today, a huge number of different insecticides in the form of sprays, shampoo, ointments, creams and aerosols, successfully coping with this task. One of them is the Pair Plus tool.

The composition of the drug

Paraplus lice developed by Omega Pharma in France and is produced by Aerofarm in the form of a spray. The spectrum of action of the drug is very wide. Effective in combating head lice, underwear lice and pubic ploshchitsy.

Aerosol Vapor Plus
Aerosol Vapor Plus

Means Pair Plus is an oil solution that includes a combination of three active ingredients. It does not have a strong odor, it is easily washed off the hair.

Spray against lice and nits Pair Plus - a means of proven action, because it contains 3 powerful insecticide. They have different effects on parasites, but in the general combination their effect is enhanced, which ensures the high efficiency of the product:

  • Malathion is commonly known as Malathion, has an ovicidal effect, i.e. able to destroy not only adult lice, but also nits, which are very resistant to the action of chemicals;
  • piperonyl butoxide has a contact action, which makes it effective even if the substance just falls on the body of an insect;
  • Permethrin is one of the most famous insecticides that infect the nervous system of parasites.

Operating principle

Means Pair Plus for lice and nits acts in all three directions:

  • blocks the nerve impulses of insects, resulting in paralysis;
  • destroys the protective enzymes of parasites, getting into the digestive tract, enhances the disturbance of motor activity when it hits the chitin shells of the body;
  • kills lice nits.

Despite the high efficiency of the means of Para Plus on lice and nits, it remains quite safe for humans. Exceptions can make people who are prone to allergies or have individual intolerance to the individual components of the tool.

Mode of application

Instructions for use Pair plus lice gives clear instructions on how to use an insecticide, not only to kill the head parasites, but also the pubic. It can also be used to combat lice.

  • For the treatment of pediculosis, Couple Plus is applied on the entire length of hair, and for pubic pediculosis - on pubic and groin hair. No need to wet the hair before applying this tool.
  • The processing time is 10 minutes, after which it must be washed off with existing shampoo or soap.
  • Consumption of the drug depends on the length and thickness of the hair. When applied to the head, it is necessary to extend the hair strands so that the substance interacts more effectively with the skin.
  • After treatment, the hair should be combed with a hard, thick comb to remove dead lice and comb nits. If infection with parasites is high, then the procedure must be repeated after 14 days, so that the remaining live nits and newly emerged larvae are completely destroyed.

    Combing lice and nits
    Combing lice and nits
  • Pubic lice are destroyed, as are the head ones, but this should be done carefully so that the spray does not get on the mucous membrane of the genitals, as it can cause severe irritation.
  • In case of contact with the drug Para Plus in the eyes, they should be immediately rinsed with water in large quantities. According to the description of the means given in the instructions, the treatment with the spray is preferably carried out in a room that can be well ventilated. Do not use the drug near open flame.

What measures should be taken

Pair Plus is a safe tool for humans, but since they contain strong insecticides, it is necessary to follow the instructions given by the manufacturer:

  • Do not use for children up to 2.5 years;
  • do not use for bronchial asthma;
  • check for allergic reactions and tolerability of the components of the drug before using it. To do this, apply the tool on the bend of the elbow joint and wait for 15-20 minutes. If a rash or blistering does not appear on the skin after this period of time, the remedy can be used.

Where can one buy

You can buy this drug that can help get rid of the problem permanently at any pharmacy.How much a Pair Plus costs from lice depends on the price policy of the seller. On average, its acquisition will cost 400 rubles. The cost is quite democratic, if we consider it in terms of the effectiveness of the action. After all, not every drug sold on the market today provides virtually one hundred percent result.

Price Pair plus lice can vary in one direction or another, depending on the point of sale of the drug. But to risk health because of a few rubles does not make sense. The tool allows you to quite comfortably pediculosis treatment and save the child from repeating this still unpleasant procedure. This fact is confirmed by numerous reviews of the means Pair Plus lice. Some of them are listed below.


The child came from school and said that his classmate found lice. We immediately inspected the baby’s head. Live imagos were not found, but they saw nits. They were few, but they were. I had to urgently take action. Friends recommended to buy French Spray Pair Plus. Treated means once. Carefully combed nits. After that, they disappeared and no longer appeared. Very pleased.Now we always keep this drug at home just in case. Though anyway surprising where do lice come from in our time, the 21st century after all.

Maria, Tomsk

I want to talk about a remedy for head lice Pair Plus. Bought for processing son's head. He goes in for sports. Somewhere in the locker room and picked up pediculosis. Available as a spray, so it is easy to use. Processed only once and managed get rid of lice.

Tamara, Bryansk

Rested in the village last summer. And suddenly one day they noticed that the younger son was scratching all the time. Having examined his head, we saw lice. I had to urgently go to the city for some remedy against lice. The pharmacy recommended Couple Plus. We bought and processed the heads of the youngest, and at the same time the eldest son, although he did not find anything, but we did it for prevention. The lice are gone, and now we take this drug with us all the time if we go somewhere for a long rest.

Elena, Tobolsk

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