Pediculosis shampoos for children and adults

Among peculicide drugs Especially in demand shampoo for lice and nits.The advantages of the means have weight. It is convenient to apply, the procedure does not take much time and in the case of a minor infestation, it is possible to remove the parasites at a time. Do not get lost in a wide range of protivopedikuleznyh drugs will help the following review of detergents and consumer reviews.

How to apply shampoo for lice

When choosing antiparasitic shampoos, one should pay attention not only to the composition, but also to age restrictions. Most of the funds contain permethrin - an insecticide that inhibits the nervous system of the parasite, which contributes to its paralysis and subsequent death. Although the substance does not enter the bloodstream of a person, children under 5 years of age are not recommended for pregnant and lactating women to use shampoos based on permethrin.

Before embarking pediculosis treatmentshould carefully study the instructions and conduct a test. To do this, a small amount of shampoo is applied to the elbow bend, wrist. If after 3-4 hours there is no irritation, redness, burning, deterioration of health - you can use the treatment.

On a note!

There is one more nuance on which it is worth to focus attention, choosing a shampoo against lice. Only a small fraction of the drugs has an ovicidal effect - it destroys nits. The prevailing part of the funds affects only adults. lice and larvae, they are not able to destroy the dense shell of the egg. Therefore, you need to be prepared for the need to re-process.

Apply lice shampoo
Apply lice shampoo

The procedure for removing lice with shampoo consists of several steps:

  1. Apply the product to dry or wet hair.
  2. Cover the head with a plastic scarf, hat.
  3. Sustain the drug for 10-40 minutes, depending on the manufacturer's recommendations.
  4. Wash off shampoo with plenty of warm water.
  5. If there are no components in the product that destroy the adhesive substance, with which the nits are firmly attached to the hair, then rinse the hair vinegar solution.
  6. Using a special comb or comb with fine pitch, comb out dead parasites and lice, periodically removing adhered individuals from the teeth.

Shampoo against lice for children under 5 years

Baby Lice Shampoos
Baby Lice Shampoos

Not every shampoo sold in the pharmacy is suitable for the treatment of pediculosis in babies. Washing list means for removing lice in pregnant women and children are very limited.This is due to the fact that not all pharmaceutical companies can afford to conduct laboratory, clinical studies confirming the safety of the drug. Some because of lack of funds, others due to the lack of volunteers.

Shampoo lice and nits for children produced by several companies. How much is the drug and the age limit are shown in the table:

TitleAgePrice in rubles
Knockfrom 2 years670
Pedilinfrom 2 years300
Nixfrom 6 months700
Paranitfrom 3 years400-1100 depending on the volume of the bottle
Sumitrinfrom 2 years250
Nit freefrom 1 year1100
Herefrom 3 years500-600

Paranit - safe shampoo

Effective antiparasitic drug for the treatment of head lice. It is a thick bright liquid. The composition includes perfume perfume, foaming agents and the active component - mineral oil Clearol. When applying the shampoo to the hair, the active substance tightly envelops the hair shaft, thereby preventing air penetration, which causes insects to suffocate.

According to the manufacturers, drug Paranit It has a killing effect on lice at all stages of development.Shampoo is evenly distributed on dry hair and aged 10 minutes. Then washed off and comb, included in the kit, comb out the dead insects, larvae. After 7 days, re-treatment is recommended. Also available lotion Paranit Sensitiv.

On a note!

Contraindications to the use of Paranita are skin diseases, the presence of wounds on the skin, pregnancy and lactation.

Sumitrin - a cheap remedy

Pediculosis shampoo for children over 2 years old. The active ingredient is phenotrin from the pyrethroid group. The procedure is performed with gloves. Apply the product to slightly moistened hair and leave it for 10 minutes. Immediately after the end of the specified time, the head is slightly moistened and the drug is actively rubbed, after which it is washed off and by means of comb lice remove dead individuals.

Possible side effects: itching, rash. It can be used as a preventive measure once a decade and for disinsection of things, premises. Analog Sumitrina - shampoo Anti-bit.

Nit Fri - a natural drug

Shampoo based essential oils, one of which is peppermint oil, which has repellent properties.You can buy in bottles of various sizes. Does not irritate the scalp, does not provoke dryness, daily use is allowed. The effectiveness of the application depends largely on how carefully the head lice is combed out. Manufacturers recommend to additionally purchase a special comb of their production, which provides a total combing of all nits.

On a note!

Among the disadvantages of Neath Free, the high price of shampoo is noted, as well as the oily structure, which makes the product foaming poorly.

Knicks - a remedy for head lice

Nix Cream Shampoo German-made, which can be used for the treatment of pediculosis in children under 6 months of age. Differs in characteristic sharp smell, contains permethrin. One bottle is enough for 2 short-length hair treatments. Attached plastic comb. To get rid of lice, the drug is applied to wet hair, ranging from the roots to the tips, the exposure is maintained for 10 minutes.

According to reviews, the tool has a number of disadvantages:

  • ten minutes is not enough to kill the lice, so you have to comb out half-dead individuals;
  • in most cases, the Knicks helps get rid of parasites after two procedures;
  • the comb, which is included in the kit, does not cope well with its tasks and does not remove nits;
  • vial shape does not allow to remove the tool completely.

Nok - Universal Shampoo

Drug against head lice, pubic licefor the treatment of scabies. It is also effective against fleas, ticks, acts on imago, nits, larvae. Can be used for lice prevention. The active ingredient is insecticide permethrin.

The treatment is carried out in a well ventilated area. Shampoo is applied with massage movements on wet strands. Cover the head with a cap, after 40 minutes, wash off and wash your head with any familiar detergent. As a preventive measure, a small amount of shampoo is applied to the hair, after which they are combed and dried. The repellent effect on lice persists for 14 days.

Pedilin - baby remedy for lice and nits

A good and inexpensive shampoo based on malathion. The drug is characterized by a specific odor. On the hair is kept for no more than 10 minutes, after which rinsing with acetic solution is recommended.In their reviews, consumers agree that to completely get rid of lice requires several procedures.

Nuda is an effective shampoo for the treatment of head lice

The composition includes Dimethicone, which, like a silicone film, envelops the hair, thereby disrupting the air exchange of the lice, which causes their death. The drug is applied to the entire length of the hair, lightly rubbed into the scalp. Aged for 45 minutes, then thoroughly washed and carried out. combing nits.

On a note!

Means Nuda does not have a detrimental effect on nits, so after 7-10 days it is necessary to repeat the procedure.

Adult Lice Shampoo

Pediculum shampoos for adults
Pediculum shampoos for adults

Any of the above means can also be used as a louse shampoo for adults, teenagers, children of school age. However, upon reaching the 5-year mark, the list of pediculicidal agents is more extensive:

  • Veda - domestic budgetary preparation, the price of which does not exceed 200 rubles. The instructions indicated that the tool is aged for 10 minutes. However, most who bought this shampoo saythat for such a period of time the death of lice does not occur and it is necessary to leave the drug on the hair for 30-40 minutes.
  • Hygia - gel-like shampoo with light notes of citrus aroma. In addition to permethrin, acetic acid is included in the composition; therefore, it is not necessary to prepare an additional acetic solution for rinsing. It is recommended at the end of the procedures to apply on the curls of regenerating masks, as the drug provokes a loss of shine and dry hair.
  • Tar shampoo - a natural remedy for removing lice in children and adults. The main disadvantages are the characteristic smell of birch tar and a strong drying effect, which is why shampoo is often recommended for owners of greasy hair. There are undoubted advantages in the tar product: unlike other pediculicidal preparations, it can be used in the presence of wounds, inflammations on the scalp. The tar has healing, soothing properties. Shampoo is used in combination with a solution of vinegar. It destroys the adhesive substance, which nits are attached to the hair and thereby simplifies the process of combing. In the absence of shampoo, you can use tar soap.

It is difficult to say which shampoo for lice and nits is better. Each has its pros and cons. One differ in sharp aroma, others in the high price. The only thing that unites all the preparations is the need to comb. The effectiveness of the event largely depends on the last stage of the procedure. Reviews of shampoos confirm this fact. Also, consumers agree that if the instructions are followed, no side effects are observed.


Not got around the problem pediculosis party and our family. On a routine inspection in school, my son found lice. For the first time faced with parasites, initially did not know what you can poison the lice in children. The pharmacy advised shampoo Nok. Withstood the remedy, as indicated in the instructions for 10 minutes. Lice seemed to be inhibited. I later read the reviews and learned that I had to endure for at least 30 minutes. Finally, it was possible to get rid of insects only after the second treatment.

Claudia, Moscow

Bred daughter lice Paranita. I liked the comb, which was included in the set - metal and with frequent teeth. After the procedure, the hair had a subtle characteristic odor.After the first treatment, they managed to cope with pediculosis, but just in case, after a week they washed their hair with shampoo again, especially since it remained anyway.

Catherine, Bobruisk

When they were on vacation in the village, the son got infected with lice somewhere. Neighbors vying began to offer different folk ways. They did not stint on the councils and advised infusions of meadow herbs, kerosene masks and even Dichlorvos. We stopped at the most benign - tar shampoo. The procedure was performed every day. It is good that the son has a short haircut, and they would be tired of combing the parasites. After 5 days, no lice or nits were found. What upset is that the hair has become very dry.

Natalia, Primorsk

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