The best sprays from lice and nits

Lice spray is the most modern and popular effective treatment for pediculosis. In pharmacies there are many drugs of this form of release, in order to understand and choose an effective one, it is necessary to consider their composition, pros and cons.

What is a spray

Lice and nits spray is an oil-based or water-based anti-pediculosis medication designed to combat parasites by treating the scalp and hair.The effective components of the spray:

  • Dimethicone biphasic or clearol oil - a silicone substance that causes asphyxiation in parasites;
  • insecticidal substances: permethrin or pyrethrin, which affect the nervous system licecausing paralysis;
  • essential oils: lavender, anise, ylang-ylang, etc.

All these substances act on different types of parasites: pubic licecalled ploshchitsymi, hair and underwear lice and nits.

Types of lice
Types of lice

The most popular and potent lice and nitsIn the opinion of consumers, it is precisely sprays and emulsions. However, the latter, most often, contain toxic chemical insecticides, so they can only be used as directed by the doctor. Sprays are sold without a prescription and can be applied independently.

Advantages and disadvantages of sprays

Standard sprays are used for dry hair by spraying the substance on them, and then keeping a certain time on the hair, how many minutes - is indicated in the instructions. Their advantages are as follows:

  • the process of use and application is very simple;
  • The components are relatively safe for humans;
  • when used, it is difficult to make an overdose, have few contraindications.

Disadvantages of spraying:

  • using them is difficult to treat the skin on the head;
  • Most sprays require re-treatment due to a slight impact on nits.

The most effective sprays: Pediculen Ultra, Paranit, Pair Plus, Full Marks, Avalanche.

On a note!

When buying funds from pediculosis, you should carefully study the instructions and contraindications. Many drugs are not used for treatment of pediculosis in pregnant women, young children, or adults with certain medical conditions.

What to choose: spray or shampoo

The choice of spray brand is made according to the following criteria: price, effectiveness of action, ease of use, the presence of contraindications and possible side effects, type pediculosis.

When you need to make a choice when buying and decide what is best to spray or shampoo, then you should know some of the nuances:

  • when using shampoo, the treatment procedure takes longer than with a spray, because of the need to wash your hair or moisturize your hair first;
  • Almost all pediculicidal shampoos It is recommended to use 2-3 times to completely remove the parasites, and among a large number of sprays there are products that kill lice and nits with a single use.
  • The active components of the sprays are generally non-toxic, and they are not part of the shampoos.

Summarizing, we can emphasize that the main advantages of sprays are: ease of processing, effectiveness of action and safety.

Precautionary measures

During the treatment of hair with sprays and aerosols, caution should be exercised:

  • the procedure is carried out in a sufficiently ventilated area;
  • Before starting the treatment, the patient should be tested for possible allergic reactions, for which the test is done on the skin at the elbow for 30 minutes, after which the agent is rinsed off and see if there is any redness or other unpleasant sensations;
  • remove contact lenses, if any, make a protective bandage from a fabric band tied around the head;
  • the person conducting the treatment must wear a gauze mask and rubber gloves;
  • If the chemical accidentally gets into the eyes or nose, you should quickly rinse them with cold water, with a strong burning sensation consult a doctor.

Pedikulen Ultra

Pedikulen Ultra
Pedikulen Ultra

Pediculen Ultra is the most effective spray for children about lice and nits among similar drugs, because it works even with the most severe parasites. Its advantage is the high efficiency of treatment for one treatment - the spray kills lice and nits.

Active substance: anise oil, however, due to additional chemical additives, the drug has high toxicity and, as a result, contraindications:

  • can not be used by people with trichological diseases;
  • not applicable to children under 5 years of age, pregnant and lactating women.

Terms of use: spray spray all hair, gently rubbing into the skin. After 30 minutes, rinse with warm water and wash your hair with shampoo. After that, be sure to comb out wet hair with a special comb, which is included in the kit, to remove dead lice and nits. Most often to get rid of lice, one processing is enough.

Pediculin Ultra in the pharmacy chain is sold complete with a comb and magnifier for 430-500 rubles.

Pair Plus

Aerosol Vapor Plus
Aerosol Vapor Plus

The drug is made in France, containing the following active substances that can effectively deal with lice and nits:

  • Malathion is an insecticidal substance;
  • permethrin - insecticide of acaricidal action;
  • piperonyl butoxide.

Disadvantages Couple Plus:

  • agent has high toxicity;
  • there are side effects in the form of burning and itching of the skin;
  • the comb is not included in the package;
  • contraindicated in patients with asthma and children up to 2.5 years.


Most sprays and anti-lice products are not recommended for use during pregnancy and lactation.

How to use: spray abundantly spray on the hair along the entire length and scalp, hold for 10 minutes, then rinse with a shampoo. After the procedure should be carefully comb nits comb with frequent teeth. In case of severe louse damage, it is better to repeat the treatment after 7-10 days.

Bottle Pair Plus 90 ml is priced at 350-400 rubles.


According to the advice in the pharmacy bought Spray Pair Plusthought that the most effective. But from the first time all the parasites were not destroyed by the daughter: after a week, newly hatched babies again appeared in my head. Apparently, he does not act on nits. It was possible to get rid of all insects only after repeated processing. Still had to acquire and comb against lice.

Elena, Kostroma


Spray Paranit
Spray Paranit

Pediculosis spray Paranite is recommended to be used in lice control adults and children from 3 years. The drug does not contain aggressive ingredients, but only dimethicone and mineral oil, which are safe.

Means Paranit contraindicated in pregnant women and during lactation, as well as in patients with skin diseases.

Disadvantages of Paranita:

  • spray has no effect on nits, so repeated processing after a week is required;
  • due to the oily consistency, it is rather difficult to wash it off from the hair.

When processing the spray is sprayed on the hair and head, leaving for 15 minutes and washed off with water. Then the hair should be combed out. Repeat the procedure after 7-10 days.

The price of spray in the pharmacy network is 600 rubles.


Has always been a supporter of treatment of folk remedies, however, when the grandchildren brought lice from school, on the advice of friends bought Paranit. As it turned out, it works better than vinegar: lice and nits died after the first treatment.

Nikita, Voronezh

Spray Nyuda

Means Nuda
Means Nuda

Spray against lice Nidu contains a non-aggressive substance Dimethicone 92%, is a popular anti-pediculosis remedy for adults and children from 3 years.

Advantages of spray:

  • non-toxic;
  • effective against lice and nits.

Minuses funds Nuda:

  • in practice, the tool does not remove all insects and nits at once, so repeated processing is required, and sometimes two;
  • It does not apply to the treatment of small children and pregnant women.

When used, moisturize the hair to a wet state, rubbing into the scalp and hair. The action lasts at least 45 minutes, then it is necessary to remove insects and eggs with a comb, and after combing the head, wash with shampoo. The procedure should be repeated 1-2 times until complete destruction of the lice. The cost of a kit consisting of a spray with a volume of 50 ml and a comb is 350 rubles.


When discovered child lice, wanted to get rid of them with folk remedies. But after carefully studying all the recipes, I decided that they were unsafe. Therefore, I decided to buy Nuda spray as the least toxic. However, I had to carry out the procedure 3 times, until all the lice were taken out and the nits were combed out several times. But the result was good, the insects are defeated.

Lyudmila, Moscow

LiceGuard Spray

LiceGuard Spray
LiceGuard Spray

The spray differs from others in that it is not intended to get rid of lice, but is used only for lice prevention or to avoid reinfection with lice. The effect of its use lasts a day.

Advantages of LiceGuard spray:

  • designed for daily use to scare lice;
  • it is applied on hair easily, possesses a pleasant smell of flowers;
  • non-toxic and therefore can be used for infants;
  • can be combined with other anti-pediculosis drugs.

Cons of the drug:

Spray is sprayed on dry hair, then you should brush your hair with the included comb. No need to flush. Very rarely, but there are allergic manifestations of the remedy: redness or itching, in such a situation it is better not to use them anymore.


A ban on the use of LiceGuard spray for pregnant women is not, but it is better to consult a specialist.

The cost of the drug is about 600 rubles, including a 147 ml vial and a comb. With daily use of the bottle should be enough for 2 months.

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