How to remove vinegar lice and nits

From pediculosis Both children and adults are affected. And although no one is immune from this disease, it is perceived as something shameful. Many are ashamed of this problem and do not dare to turn for help to a specialist who will appoint an effective pediculosis treatment. Therefore, folk methods of getting rid of parasites are very popular. One of these is vinegar for lice and nits.Opinions about its effectiveness are divided. Some consider its use as a waste of time, others consider it a panacea.

How vinegar acts on lice and nits

The action of vinegar against lice is based on the properties of the product. It has a pronounced specific odor. Having breathed its aromas, insects fall into a state similar to trance. Kitchen seasoning does not kill the lice, but makes them sluggish, inactive, which allows you to effortlessly comb them out.

On the nits folk remedy also has an impact. A solution of vinegar dissolves the adhesive substance that attaches the eggs to the hair. After the procedure, they are easy to remove. Treatment of pediculosis with vinegar requires several treatments, you should not count on a quick result. Mechanical combing with severe contamination will not get rid of all lice and nitssettled in the hair. From the eggs in 7-10 days, new individuals appear, so a repeated procedure cannot be avoided.

Lice vinegar
Lice vinegar

On a note!

Vinegar at home remove not only lice, but also eliminate itching, dandruff. Due to its rich composition, it has a beneficial effect on the condition of the hair, strengthens their structure, adds shine.

Despite the fact that the method does not allow you to quickly corrode small bloodsuckers, it has several advantages:

  • low cost;
  • the tool is in almost every home;
  • efficiency is not inferior to such "hits" as kerosene and cemerica waterbut safer to use;
  • the possibility of removing parasitic individuals at home.

How to use

Before you get rid of lice with vinegar, you should prepare a solution. The basis is taken table, apple, wine 9%. You can use and acetic essence, but in this case it must be diluted to 9% of the state.

On a note!

The classic recipe for diluting vinegar with water suggests a 1: 2 ratio, or one tablespoon per 100 ml of water at room temperature. It is important to strictly observe the proportions. It is categorically forbidden to increase the concentration of seasoning in the solution in order to avoid possible burns, damage to the hair.

Step-by-step instructions on how to remove lice and nits with vinegar:

  1. Apply the mixture to dry hair, trying to avoid contact with the skin. To partially offset the sharp smell, you can add a few drops. tea tree oil.
  2. The treatment of the head is carried out by means of a towel moistened with a solution or a sponge. This application is especially suitable for long hair.
  3. Treated hair should be wet from root to tip.
  4. To create a greenhouse effect, put a plastic cap on the head or a banal plastic bag.

    Plastic bag
    Plastic bag
  5. Maintain exposure from 30 to 60 minutes. How much vinegar to keep on the head depends on the degree of infection and individual sensations.
  6. Using a comb with frequent teeth comb lice and nits. It is better to carry out manipulations over the bathroom or sheet, so that after the procedure is completed, it is easy to dispose of the combed parasites. From thoroughness combing depends on the outcome of the event.
  7. Wash off the vinegar under running water. Rinsing hair is carried out several times. Upon completion, wash your hair with familiar shampoo. You can use a therapeutic detergent to smooth out the aggressive effects of vinegar.

The procedure is repeated no earlier than in 3-4 days.

Cooking recipes

In addition to the classic recipe, there are several variations of the preparation of the vinegar solution, which can be used to get rid of lice and nits.

Oil mask

One glass of any vegetable oil mixed with the same amount of 9% vinegar. Apply the mixture to the strands along the entire length of the hair. Cover the head with a plastic cap and leave for 7-8 hours. The procedure can be performed at bedtime. The next stage is washing the head with the usual detergent and the subsequent combing of the parasites. At the end, wash your hair with shampoo to completely remove the oil from the hair. In the end, you can rinse your head with a solution of water with the addition of aromatic oils.

Apple Cider Vinegar Solution

Apple vinegar
Apple vinegar

Apple cider vinegar has a less pronounced odor and has a mass of beneficial properties. It is very easy to treat pediculosis: connect one glass of warm water with 130 ml of apple cider vinegar, add a few drops of eucalyptus oil, tea tree or geranium. Sweep evenly distribute on hair and leave for 8-9 hours. Comb out insects lice combthen wash your hair thoroughly with detergent.

Egg mask

100 mg of any vinegar combined with 1 spoon of dry mustard and one raw egg. Mix the mixture until smooth and apply to hair. Wear a plastic cap.After 3 hours, comb out the lice and nits and wash the hair with shampoo.

Egg mask
Egg mask

Even when using pharmacy protivopedikuleznyh drugscapable of destroying adult lice, it is recommended rinsing the hair with vinegar solution.


Reviews on the use of vinegar a variety. Some people do not like the smell of the product and the fact that lice do not die. Others consider this method to be an excellent alternative to chemicals.

The tradition of poisoning lice with vinegar was inherited by me - so did my grandmother, mother, and now I also treat pediculosis in my three children in this way. If you bought shampoo for lice in the pharmacywould have ruined already. And so this tool is always at hand and costs a penny. The only drawback is that after the procedure you have to rinse your hair for a long time to get rid of the smell.

Catherine, Armavir

I prefer to poison any living creatures in the house with folk remedies. They are much safer than chemical products. When faced with lice problem, I started looking for folk recipes from parasites. Vinegar for lice seemed to me the most effective.After treatment, the hair was easily combed, and insects spilled out of the head. Some of them tried to crawl on the sheets over which they were combed. Do not forget about treating the apartment from liceOtherwise, re-infection can not be avoided.

Olga, Belozersk

What is lice? I found out when my daughter started constantly scratching her head. This behavior alerted me and armed with a magnifying glass, carefully examined the hair. The result of the inspection was not pleased - white capsules, small moving individuals on the scalp. There was a problem like remove lice from a child. Her hair is long, curly and therefore did not want to cut them. I distrust folk methods and bought her a special one. lice spray. In a review of the tool read that rinsing hair with vinegar enhances the effect and facilitates the combing of nits. The tandem of pharmaceuticals with folk gave a good result and my daughter got rid of lice in one procedure.

Maria, Guryevsk

I tried to remove lice from my son with vinegar. The result did not like. The tool is able to poison only a person, but on the insect it has no effect at all.After the son patiently inhaled the aroma of vinegar for an hour, 5 individuals were lying on the sheet as a result of the combing. Maybe as an adjuvant, bite and effective, and as the main completely useless. I had to buy pediculosis ointment - only after that the son safely forgot about lice bites.

Vasilisa, Otradnoe

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